Tango Appassionata



Thanks for stopping by. o/
Here's some blahblahblah about me:


Real Name: C.C.

Aliases: Sayoko (current, not sure why I'd still need to use it), moiskyrie (psn/gamertag/steamid), WingHeart (defunct #digimon SOP on DALnet), Windy (admin of a now defunct clowmistress.com and currently somewhat alive ccsboard.com), Subaru (admin of the defunct The World BBS), Mahoro (used this prior to Sayoko), Cirrus (online game name for various - UT, Quake, WAR, FFXI, etc), Rerirerance (FFXI)... there are others, I can go even further back if you like.

D.O.B.: April 5th

Location: Vancouver, Canada

Domains: kidd.nu | blackwings.net

Contact: contact dump

Interests: gaming (specifically RPGs, some MMOs, some FPS, building sims), anime (kinda seriously backlogged), manga (current and a money sinker), anime figures (money sinker), music (video game music, classical/instrumental, doujin, some alternative/rock), web designing, snowboarding, bubble tea

Dislikes: spiders, bugs, horror :(

The blog was once known as Forevermore which began sometime in 2001 and was hosted on my own domain, kidd.nu. My server eventually evolved to the point where I no longer kept FTP and more recently Blogger had given up on FTP support completely, so I opted to continue being hosted here. I also decided to start "fresh" when I suddenly stopped blogging for quite sometime back in 2007 and then also imported some of my more interesting posts from my LJ (wingheart).

So, why do I blog?
I like to keep a history and be able to look back on it. It's also a great place to just dump my brain when needed and share a piece of my life to whoever that may pass by and perhaps may find something interesting as well. I definitely don't live a boring life, although I can't say that it's all that interesting all the time either. One thing's for sure though, I love typing and blogging is the best activity to keep my writing skills in check. Can't say that my writing skills are that fabulous but it gets me by. :3
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