Tango Appassionata

[Thursday, June 19, 2003]


So finally the day came... the damn yearbook!.. that came out SHIT. Well... not complete shit but bad in some ways that just keeps irritating me like hell...

I was late that day, so Mo2 phoned to rush me. Meeh, when I got there, nobody seemed to really pay attention. I hmmed some more and started helping with book counting with Mo2. The MailFag decided to go upon his own approach on organizing this, so we let him. I don't feel like ranting cuz I gotta go study so... *thinks fast* Counted, yadda then it was 12 something by then. We wanted dim sum for lunch but there was some sorta communication problem that just screwed the whole idea over. Spotted a hell lot of errors when I got home...

Tuesday, sat and watched the little minions do their thing while we signed books and glared at the grades come in. Then the complaining stage started... first, Mailfag noticed a photo duplication and said "Haha, WE didn't spot it when were proofing."... meh wanted to kick him in the nads for associating us with him in the same word. Then Helaine was upset her last name was spelt wrong and her write up wasn't there (Artona's fault dammit). But of course we were blamed. Next, CeCe got HER name spelt wrong (oh why oh why ;_;)... and then Joyce's baby picture wasn't her (erh)... then Matt's name was spelt wrong (gosh)... Moving on, after all that signing it was 2:30. I had tutor at 4, so we rushed to bbworld and ordered our drinks. The group wanted to play photo hunt (so did I ;__;) but I had to sign a few more books. Left without the photo hunt group, dropped me off and had mcdix. BBtea was good at least.

Today, got up for Eng. I was glad the original composition was a topic that was easy to manipulate. Due to lack of time, we had MORE MCDIX. Returned for Japanese. So much regret in this exam I swear... I'LL FOREVER REMEMBER THE WORD MAJIME FOR IT MEANS SERIOUS dammit... that was my first guess then I decided to change my mind AFTERWARDS. After it was finally over, went for a short stop for some math questions @ my tutor then rushed home.

Now, I need to study some more math cuz I LOVE math to bits.

Trying to hold down the urge for any anime, games and photoshop... *winces*

[Monday, June 16, 2003]


Oh, hi. :D

Wanted to rant this past week but I didn't get around to do it... hmm, don't remember any details.

Last Last Wednesday, 'grad brekkie'. A cinnamon bun and a hashbrown. Keh, crap breakfast. Not to mention our freshman year letters were pathetic. :D Then there was the dissection on fetal piggy. Thought it was a girl so we called it Emma, then we were mistaken and gave it another name. The way it looked surprised me... poor looking thing; pale-ish and smelly. I got to do the cutting~ :}

Then Thursday, watched Animatrix in Info Tech. Didn't get to finish it, leaving the two last episodes. Then the most horrible thing that could possibly happen before a dinner/dance... [caution] fucking period has to come!

Friday, more than half (majority) didn't show up for classes. Only went to Bio and Geo just for some provincial practise and review. Afterwards, had a Shanghai lunch then went home and wanted to blog but didn't have the time. Showered, fixed hair (I let it down), packed up sleepover gear, painted toe nails (second layer), then finger nails (two layers -- screwed up a few times :<), and the MAKEUP. 5:00 came, Rita came with her BF and Helaine. Got there @ Four Seasons Hotel, found retarded parking that required us to walk crazy flights of stairs, and had to stand the blazing heat. My make-up was melting when I was putting it on, even. Arrived at 5:30 and sat around, watching other people take pictures. More people came, and finally around 6:30 the ballroom was finally open so we went up and lined up for coat check and entrance. Its then I received my corsage but my date was all meh all night. Then we and the crowded room of people stood around, talking and taking pictures in the foyer. Finally the doors open and we go in, feeling and savouring the breeze of the air con. Sat around, more pictures, more talking, more yeah... then it begins with speeches one after another. Corsage already dying by then... then shit buffet food. People said to be greedy and hog more, which I think the majority did (including myself). All of a sudden, the napkin/towl that was on the table is stained with tomato sauce. Then I notice that my DRESS is STAINED with it as well. URG, since I had to check up on my menstral cycle day 1~5 so I whisted away to the restroom. Tried to clean it out but it oil stained and luckily unnoticable from far away until you look up very very closely. I was in the restroom with Irene for as long as it took our plates of food to become cold. Returned to our tables, the food was even worse than before (cold that is) so I poked at it a few more and left it. Instead, I had some dessert, which still wasn't great either. 'Too much cheesecake,' says Fish. More pictures, wandering around from all the tables taking pictures pictures pictures.

[stopped here for a few days, time to refresh my memory...]

Luckily avoided some freaky guy that wanted to dance with me by saying 'my feet hurt', and it worked. The few slow songs after that, I danced with my date, Tony. When the fast dances were going on, we saw... teachers.. dancing. Sooo awkward.

Afterwards, tired like hell, we took even more pictures everywhere and then moved on. We decided on bubble tea (why? :D) so we dropped by Granville Bubble World and then went to Fish's place. The hongers were already there waiting to get permission to enter. Strange, instead of playing MJ they had weird happy fun in the guest room (6 of them :D), and who knows what in the world they were doing. The rest of us were tired, but still lived through one round of MJ. It was around 3am I think when they decided to leave. Amy decided to get it on and drink XD.. Didn't expect her to actually. And when she did, she's alcohol intolerable. She sorta shared two ciders with Fish and got really high, whiny, loud and bitchy. She wanted more, while the rest of us just casually dranked and talked. Finally she was physically escaping through our grasps, reaching for more. We had to hide it, but she got upset and angry and started to cry. Fish brought her into a room to calm her down but she whined and screamed some more. Franky wanted to start some movie so he played some Chinese movie in the movie room; 4:30 by then. Fish decided to go to sleep with Amy, Jo with Rich in some other room and Franky and myself stuck watching some crap chinese movie full of boring cliches and strong Shanghainese (or the related) accented annoying perky girl protagonist. I tried to stay awake but I died half way through, and woke up just in time to watch the ending. It was around 6:30 before it ended.

Slightly before 10, I was awaken by Fish's LOUD STICKY FOOTSTEPS (the floor being wooden)... so I couldn't sleep anymore. We walked around the floor, talked and blahed. Then the others started waking up and soon enough Jo and Rich had to go. We wanted to go have Dim Sum but it seems like JO AND ELEANOR never got around to come that night anyways. While we decided either to go out for food or not, the guys were playing gameboy. Amy and I had nothing to do, so we played Pokemon Stadium mini games, then we got bored and moved on to Guilty Gear. The guys then moved onto Bomberman and then we wanted to play. There were only 2 controllers so we called up Lee, went over to pick them up and brought them back, snatching Mario Party 3 while we were at it. Fish's mom bought home McDix so we had that for lunch and then we played Bomberman64 4 player rumble. XD Got bored of course, so Fish and I played the Bomberman64 RPG portion of it. He was Pommy! We got stuck a few dozen times so we gave up. We then decided to try out Mario Party 3 and played a 35 turn board -- Franky as Daisy winning at the end. It was surprisingly 7:30p by then, so we went home. End. :D I think I slept some more when I got home...

REHEARSAL THAT FOLLOWING MONDAY. Waste of the afternoon. We didn't exactly get to practice walking across at all. We picked up our gear and was supposedly going home until Amy suggests BUBBLE TEA! Thus we journey to Oakridge bbtea, wearing our sexy red whateveryoucallitwithyourgown around our necks, and drank bbtea. We started ripping junk paper and then decided to put them together again. We had some picture fun and then got home around 4-5?

Tuesday, ceremony. Makeup afterschool (mom insisted o_o), then bought some curly fries. Fish picked me up at 5:30 because he wouldn't listen that there was traffic! We barely made it there by 6 something, finding parking then arrived feeling anxious and nervous. Wandered, visited the washroom a few times and paniced some more. We started lining up in our homerooms and then marched in. Every homeroom was called; twas a freaky big stage. Some funny one-liners, some depressing and NOT funny like "See you all at Langara". Keh. Pictures afterwards, BIG SWARM OF PEOPLE >_> Hard to move <_<... Dad was in his usual pissy mood, ruining everyone elses mood. To make it worse, he gets a ticket for parking a few minutes past his limit. Went to I-Cafe after for food then finally got home tired as hell...

Finished Animatrix the following IT class (Wed). Decided not to go to Eng, hanged out in councelling suite doing late jishuu. FRIDAY: ENG PROV PRACTICE 9-12 or SO I THOUGHT. Found out it was actually at 9:40 when I got there, spotting Der, Winnie and Eric. Talked and sat around with them until time was up. We got that done... somewhat easy 'cept the last writing part (always).. broad subject but a boring subject. Had the grad bbq afterwards. Forgot to bring ticket but it was still good. Stood around some intolerable bunch of annoying hongers for a bit until Amy and other people showed up. We played with Rita's dying pink 64 in 1 gameboy game. It was finally our turn, got food... loaded up on chiiips. Got really windy. Flying food and garbage. Went for seconds. Took forever. Smoke got in my eyes. XD Stephen hung around us boredly, commenting on whatever he could. Then we had to decide on what to do when 2:30 came around. First we went to our locker -- had to clean it out. Slowly cleaning and pondered about things to do. Started a game of big 2 while we were thinking. Then decided on Fish's place. Dropped Simon home on the way. We set up the n64 downstairs and started some more mario party (yay). Then Sally, Tony and Tony got here all of a sudden and wanted MJ. Took our valuable game players away, but we still had fun without them with 3 people. I ALMOST won because of all the bonus stars at the end but meeh. We finally dominated 'Ridiculous Relay'! Other fun ones like 'Hide and Sneak' 'Mario Puzzle Party' 'Coconut Conk' and that crazy WAVE ONE that I kicked everyone's ass in! Harharharhar... the MJ people left and Amy had to go early. Jo, Fish and I sat around talking about Mr. Wong (strange) and then about other random things. We found out Fish had a condo across from Oakridge. Unwilling to go home, we decided to visit. We only hung around the pool room and had two rounds of pool, Fish winning the first, me winning the second. That was amusing and fun... ^___^

Warharhar, interview on Saturday for PNE. Surprisingly everyone there wore such casual clothing (jeans and what not). It was somewhat irritating to see that though... when I was handing in my resume, I noticed Der's name tag and looked around for him but he didn't show up. The group interview itself was so blah. Of course, the one that sticks out the most stuck out a lot. And then this shit math skill testing sheet at the end... bah. Got a stamp for all day free rides but I had nobody to go with so I decided not to. Bro picked me up, got home, tried to call up Sty but nobody picked up. It started to get late, so the playland idea in general was not possible. Had leftover dinner for dinner -- good stuff. Then around 10:30p, Boom was able to get his car so we, Boom Mo2 myself, went to the Richmond nightmarket. The area was generally bad, considering the horrible parking places and the unfamiliar area. We were lucky to find a spot but it started showering a little. We made our way in and started looking at all the wonderful junk. We bought a lot of junk, imo. We passed by the Japanese style koi catching pond. Lots of people crowding around, wondering how it worked. The girl asked me to try a buck for a net, so I was the first to go. It was easier than expected, so I caught a whole bowl full. We were able to keep 3, thus I did. Mo2 did the same and we moved on. Lots of stationary buying fun and then before it started to close we got hungry. We ended up by the food stands, bought ourselves some crap mango bubble tea, then some korean dish then some crap but better than nothing takoyaki then another crap mango bubble tea from another stand and then cinnanon covered DONUTS! Shiawaseeee~ XD That was good and over with.

Finally today, J.P.'s leaving our church and I wasn't able to attend his farewell party either. Neither did I contribute anything to their scrapbook so I felt sort of bad. I promised him I'd keep in touch with e-mail though. We had group pictures, Jacky camcordered everything on that sunday service. Then my parents pissed me off, got in a crapped up shit mood, we had dim sum with me and my PMS attitude. Then a fish died when I got home. Another died when I watching it from my computer table. Gotta go catch some more next time XD~

[Tuesday, June 3, 2003]


Been having server problems since yesterday night. No known problems except the sneaking suspicion its the NU dns server problems. Frick, trying to change registrars right now. *bows and apologizes constantly to hostees, Rin, Jo*... the queerest thing tho, some of the sites work (like this one) and the main page (sometimes), my error404 seems to ALWAYS work, mp3 rotator doesn't work... etc etc. So strange and unexplainable. Hope it gets resolved sometime soon... ~_~

Handed in term paper for annual. Indirectly dissed the mailfag and ranted in it. Much fun. In the process of creating letter and declaring a challenge against his retarded and unspecified marking schemes. I hope it gets so serious, we arrive at the top of the chain -- the school board. I have muchos confidence.

Man I'm loving msn6. <3

[Sunday, June 1, 2003]


Yay my layout looks warped on every other browser 'cept IE 6+. Meow! XD

Heads up: Thurs link crew meeting. Free pizza, 3 boxes left over... Campbell and GirlyGayMan ran off with them! Went to bowling afterwards, sat in Campbell's car (eew). She drives a green honda acura, ahah. Free bowling. Got 3 strikes at first then started dying. Watched some of the hockey game. Damn NJ. :(

Quickly: Friday was hell. Didn't finish reading Joy Luck, BSed through test. Math... so many fucking errors its not even funny. Regretted much right after. Saturday; home is nice. bRO restart. Sunday; Dim Sum, socks shopping, and really cute hello kitty t-shirt. Japanese and Bio's turn tomorrow. More to come this week: inclassessay, kanji cards (50+ ;_;), eng scrapbook, MORE MATH SHIT... all.. before... FRIDAY... fridayfridayfriday...
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