Tango Appassionata

[Thursday, June 19, 2003]

So finally the day came... the damn yearbook!.. that came out SHIT. Well... not complete shit but bad in some ways that just keeps irritating me like hell...

I was late that day, so Mo2 phoned to rush me. Meeh, when I got there, nobody seemed to really pay attention. I hmmed some more and started helping with book counting with Mo2. The MailFag decided to go upon his own approach on organizing this, so we let him. I don't feel like ranting cuz I gotta go study so... *thinks fast* Counted, yadda then it was 12 something by then. We wanted dim sum for lunch but there was some sorta communication problem that just screwed the whole idea over. Spotted a hell lot of errors when I got home...

Tuesday, sat and watched the little minions do their thing while we signed books and glared at the grades come in. Then the complaining stage started... first, Mailfag noticed a photo duplication and said "Haha, WE didn't spot it when were proofing."... meh wanted to kick him in the nads for associating us with him in the same word. Then Helaine was upset her last name was spelt wrong and her write up wasn't there (Artona's fault dammit). But of course we were blamed. Next, CeCe got HER name spelt wrong (oh why oh why ;_;)... and then Joyce's baby picture wasn't her (erh)... then Matt's name was spelt wrong (gosh)... Moving on, after all that signing it was 2:30. I had tutor at 4, so we rushed to bbworld and ordered our drinks. The group wanted to play photo hunt (so did I ;__;) but I had to sign a few more books. Left without the photo hunt group, dropped me off and had mcdix. BBtea was good at least.

Today, got up for Eng. I was glad the original composition was a topic that was easy to manipulate. Due to lack of time, we had MORE MCDIX. Returned for Japanese. So much regret in this exam I swear... I'LL FOREVER REMEMBER THE WORD MAJIME FOR IT MEANS SERIOUS dammit... that was my first guess then I decided to change my mind AFTERWARDS. After it was finally over, went for a short stop for some math questions @ my tutor then rushed home.

Now, I need to study some more math cuz I LOVE math to bits.

Trying to hold down the urge for any anime, games and photoshop... *winces*


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