Tango Appassionata

[Monday, June 6, 2011]

Change of Plans


It's halfway through the year and I'm where I wouldn't of hoped myself to be at. My JET interview wasn't perfect but the positivity level was high enough for me to believe that I had a pretty damn good chance of getting in. Then the unexpected of all unexpected happened -- a whopping earthquake shook the country and created a shitload of other problems bigger than the earthquake itself which then lead to frightened parents and uncertainty. After receiving word of my [partial] acceptance (waitlisted), there was no need for excitement since I well already knew I'd probably have to reject it. Having actually rejected the position left me with my current issue: finding a new job. I got this current job keeping in mind that it was temporary since the pay was no way up to par and the working conditions are extremely less than ideal. I figured the relative convenience for travel and it's relatedness to my skillset worked at the time. Not to mention it was a well known company in the area but I didn't know what kind of company it really was until I started working in it... no surprise there, really. Now that I'm here to stay (in Canada), I've begun thinking about myself, my career, and my future in the long term.

No, nothing philosophical here.

I don't think I've had this level of stress since my JET application (yeah, that sonuvabitch was stressful). I recently plowed through 3 interviews for a prospective global corporation but didn't make the final cut due to the less experience compared to the other candidate. It was unfortunate but it /was/ my first multi-tier interview, so it was a pretty good experience. Other than that, it has been extremely quiet on the battlefront since I've been picking my battles carefully.

On another front, I'm currently looking to invest in a place out of town. In-town (aka. Vancouver) has become unreasonably unaffordable and at this rate, the cities surrounding Vancouver will end up the same. Burnaby (see: Sovereign) is a good example of ridiculousness (it even sold out on the first day) and its prime location justifies its desirability, which in turn, jacks up the prices as well. Then there's Richmond which has become out of the question ever since earthquakes have become an ongoing global concern this year. Doesn't help that we also have to fight with foreign investors (aka. China people) who have way too much pocket change.

Although the job hunting hasn't been very fruitful, I've been well occupied and entertained by life's other diversions. Regrettably, Fable 3 has been doing quite the opposite and I'm just looking to get it over and done with. The inner [selective] completionist in me is making that rather difficult though. I definitely wasn't thinking straight when I decided to play Fable 3 when I was in the mood for a JRPG. Fable 3's disappointment aside, life's still being sprinkled with small moments of joys. The near completion of my brother's new place is one. The family will be taking a look over it tomorrow. And more recently I think I won something... kinda big. More on it when I actually get it.

Okay, now back to the hunt.


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