Tango Appassionata

[Saturday, April 20, 2013]

Twenty Dirty - The Q1 Post

Belated Akeome~

Already four months into the year and there are no signs of it slowing down anytime soon.

The end of 2012 was rather pleasantly eventful: a best friend, Mo^2, got married; a rare visitor, Miluda, who's now moved to Japan, came to visit us Vancouver homies and had us an amazing karaoke night out; a returning Brit visitor, by the name of Kaz, decided to spend his Christmas break here; the handful of birthdays; and did I mention a lot of sleep? Christmas Day was spent at my brother's this year, as the usual place, my Aunt's, was undergoing renovations. I also decided to be adventurous on Boxing Day and took a look around the malls to join in on the unnecessary crowding, which doesn't seem to have changed. Finally, New Years Eve was at Saboo's where we had junk food and enjoyed our chocolate red wine we got form the states the day before. The lack of cable and inability to locate a livestream/radio station for the NYE countdown left the night a bit disappointing but we still had our own personal fireworks display, thanks to our pyro neighbours.

Then the first day of the year began with me tripping and sending my foot flying towards my brand new sewing machine box I was just about to pick up and move away. Fortunately the toe itself wasn't broken but the nail lifted. I absolutely had zero interest in knowing whether I lost it for good or not, so I kept it under wraps and away from any sort of physical contact for the whole month. It's still pretty bruised up and ugly now and it does occasionally hurt still, but I seem to be able to wear most of my shoes that don't involve crushing the toes together (no pretty heels for me). I'm just glad I still have a complete toe nail.

So new years means new years resolutions. I can't say I did well with my previous year's resolution of working harder on my backlogs, but it will indeed carry on forward to this year, especially. A new game pile seemed to have started to develop, despite the fact that I don't even own a 3DS yet. There's also an amazing lineup of JRPGs heading this way this year, so I'm going to have to brace for impact. As if it isn't bad enough already, I've already made one major splurge earlier this year for the eargasm release of:

Krut Hymneth <3
The amazing "Krut Hymneth" Complete CD collection of the Ar Tonelico concerts

It's been a weird Q1, to say the least, but there's lots more to look forward to this year. I've also missed putting time aside to blog. Something I'll work towards doing more again this year. Not to mention, not only has Flickr broken most of my images but most of everything else seems outdated. Expect an overhaul to come!


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