Tango Appassionata

[Tuesday, January 21, 2003]

It's been a while since I ranted about annual deadlines n stuff...

Lets see... we finally did get the 3 signatures handed in (yokatta ne ~_~) but just barely made it. We stayed around at least until 7-9 every night to finish up as much as we can for the whole week. ThreeTenThousand was about to stay (he was useful kehkeh) and sometimes Jeff would hang around... either to fool around or actually help out. Mo2 (the co) worked well only when her FRIGGIN BOYFRIEND WASN'T HANGING AROUND. SHE WOULDN'T STOP SCREWING OFF (erm.. sounds bad) WHEN HE WAS AROUND!!!!!! *breathes*

At least that's over. We were supposed to go out fer some all-you-can-eat hotpot on Friday but it didn't happen because of the lack of people (again ;_;)... So instead we played MJ all day at the FruityFish's place w/ the MJcrew. Quite a few horrible games though.. heeh. Afterwards I went and bought myself some McDix (comparing it to hotpot? *cries*) and when I got home Grady comes and whines to go with Andru C. Well by then I was eating so that was over with. For some reason the two guys were really REALLY eagar to go so they said to go the day after which was Saturday.

On the same day, Shi2 wanted to go out to Metro and Mo2 wanted to go to Richmond. We all woke up late that day and went to Metro and bumped into Nina, Saboo and (ick) Jess. We visited Sakura Media; it was horrible seeing bootlegged cds there, the only thing viewable were the other things like plushies, keychains and artbooks. There were some cute calenders but they were overpriced just like the other friggin products in the friggin store. Shi2 bought herself a Spanish old old magazine because (??) and we met Jade and Emily (o_o;;)... We made our way to the hobby store and I bought myself AN AZUMANGA DAIOH PILLOW GAHHGAHWHGAHGWAH... it was the cutest thing! O_O!!! Shi2 then wasted more money on an Eva03 keychainy thingy. Heeheh. We wandered some more, wanted munchies so we planned to go to Save-On but saw Saboo and gang at A&W! We departed from Shi2 and met Grady at Oak and 41st. We xoomed our way to Richmond and went desperately in search for Andrew. We continued to attempt and contact him for the rest of the night but wasn't successful... he is to die. The restaurant we wanted to eat at was really full so we went to try another. This other place was cheaper after 9:30, and since we had and hour and a half to spare, we went to DiDaDi for the remaining time. We returned to the hotpot place and was treated horribly (just cuz we were a bunch of annoying teens?...??) by the MANAGER especially, she was a total biatch. There was this really nice lady who kept giving us greens though, even though we didn't exactly request it either so we gave her a nickname: Ms. Choy! :p~ Oh so we ate, finished and gave no tips. The ladies stared at us when we left.. gwahaha... We wanted to take stickie pix but we were out of money then so we decided not to. Mo2 departed from us and went to Boom so me and Grady went to Brian's place to see his car (bad excuse to do something at night :p)... Booyaaaaah.

AAAND just yesterday, I finally got to play SSBM! Well more like I finally bothered to go into my bro's room and stare at the junk he had on the floor. When I first saw the GameCube I couldn't stop saying "Ahhh it's so cute!" the whole time. I squealed even more when I saw the disc size~! My bro insisted to play so I joined in... woo it took me a while to get used to the new controller but it was fun. I got spazzed at by my mom though.. yeesh. "I'LL KILL YOU IF YOU SCREW UP YOUR @#% TEST TOMORROW AND I'LL BAN YOU FROM THIS SYSTEM!" to iu sou desu.. -_-

Now I think I'll go review for my upcoming test... and finish up these pathetic notes.


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