Tango Appassionata

[Saturday, January 4, 2003]

Ughh I feel sick.. I just came home a while ago...

Woke up sorta late this morning and went to Oakridge to wait for Grady. He was going to be late in picking me up already, like he said. I boredly sat around at the mall, staring at the TV in front of EB that kept repeating the same few games again and again for about a half n hour. Then he came, we picked Trini up and then we called around to bug other people to come with us. But nobody came... or could/wanted to come anyways. So we went to Parker Place for some late lunch, it was around 2 by then and was running late for karaoke. They HAD to eat curry so they sat around eating their curry fishball rice thing. It was even later by then and we needed some Green Tea to sneak in so we had to go next door to buy a 2L bottle to chug. It wasn't even the brand we wanted but we got Oolong Tea instead (still same good stuff). When we got to DiDaDi, it was FULL. We were cussing and was pissed off for not reserving earlier. We went to Crystal K instead; across the street. We got a dinky room. The stay was absolutely horrible. They had no Japanese songs, their machine was wonky (the buttons didn't really "respond", even pressing it a few dozen times), the music loaded up really slowly, they deleted some of our songs, they even played songs we didn't even request, the machine responded really slowly too... It was so horrible we wanted to leave (2 hours into the All You Can Sing)... We asked if we could leave earlier but then they said we'd have to pay the all you can sing price. We cursed even more and returned to our room to withstand the other 3 hours. After that was all over, we found out (too late) that it was $15 bucks not $10!! So agh dammit, we gave them no tips.

There was 2 hours to spare before we went to the All You Can Eat. We picked up Ingrid at Yaohan and shopped for junk food and watched Grady play crazy DDR. Next we went to Lansdown to refind Grady's Castlevania II GBA game. The stupid electronics guy ripped off the censor tag for the game he wanted to trade in and handed it to him... he probably wasn't thinking. Grady wanted to just walk out of the store with it, so before we decided to or not, we wandered around the store playing with random toys. Finally Grady decided to be a good guy and went to the desk to exchange. AYCE Hotpot was $20, so Trini and I complained. We finally decided on sushi but they were dying to go to Richmond Sushi instead of Sui Sha Ya. Richmond Sushi was of course decided over SSY. We waited forever when we got there but finally got a seat. We TRIED to order like crazy but for some reason we couldn't and got full really easily. The last stop of the day was Lovegety Station: we took two stickie pics (quite nice mind you). 'Cept the machine fuked up on the second sticker so we had to wait for it to get fixed again. And OUR new theme song is: "HumGaLING"! Wahaha~


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