Tango Appassionata

[Sunday, October 30, 2011]

Wob Wob Wob.

The end of the year approaches and I'm still not where I expected myself to be. Taking what I can get, I started a temp contract job at my university classmate's workplace as a publishing technician. As fancy as that sounds, my job involves editing, preparing, converting, parsing, formatting content and material mainly for print (with some forms of electronic). Definitely not something I had in mind at all, considering I am not one to particularly enjoy the print side of things, but hey, my skill set fits and I've had no luck with other places thus far. Speaking of which, I did come close to a number of opportunities but timing and the lack of experience (in years and/or months) has put me in a disadvantage. Although this job is relatively brain dead work, there's more to be desired in the work environment. Other than the music playing through my headphones, it's pretty dead quiet in the office. In my area, other than my classmate, everyone is rather old (= with kids) so casual conversation is little to none.  Those around our age are on the other side of the floor and they seem too cool to mingle with. The keyword "games" is blocked at work and that makes me super sadface during my breaks. Computer activity is also monitored it seems and, although I have nothing to hide, it's still feels rather uncomfortable surfing/checking mail. Rants out and done with, hopefully I'll land something more promising in the near future.

The Mothership Tour 2011 - Vancouver
Portal 2 inspired, perhaps?

The eight hours of menial work a day aside, some friends and I went to a... rave-thing? the other weekend. It wasn't quite a rave, nor was it a concert - it was a giant mosh-pit. Well, Skrillex made a stop at our city and added an extra day to his tour here. We originally got tickets for the first show but changed to the second showing to see another artist as well. Pretty amazing show (especially his set designer - insane!) but not so amazing crowd. The second show was all ages (what.) so the mob was unpleasant, to say the least. Still don't know how to dance to dubstep. Let's leave it at that. Speaking of dubstep, it's been sneaking into my Touhoes as of late. Why.

Literally a week before work though, I got whisked away on a cruise headed to Las Vegas (to fill an empty spot). It wasn't as enjoyable as it could've been if I didn't know that I started work the week I returned and that another interview was waiting for me. It wasn't all bad since food was aplenty (maybe too much). Shopping wasn't as exciting, been unemployed for the two months prior so money wasn't exactly exploding out of my wallet. Didn't help that my travel companions (aunts n uncles) weren't of the opinionated bunch.

Then there's this unnecessary drama which isn't so much affecting me as much as it is affecting my aunt and uncle. My uncle was diagnosed with leukemia recently and it's now when some of my distant relatives' true colours begin to show. Really makes you wonder what's going on in their heads. Only wished I can do more for them and their situation.

Hope this weather doesn't get any colder. I fear for snow.


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