Tango Appassionata

[Sunday, December 25, 2011]

Diversions and Breaks

As I'm diligently working away at this giant candy cane (as thick as my thumb all the way through), Merry Christmas! This year's Christmas is yet another wet and cloudy one.

It has been a stressful last two months (since my last post) but I'm extremely glad the winter holidays have finally arrived. I've been grateful for all the pleasant diversions from the monotonous work life.

Hamburger Combo.

We had a Halloween event at work where my team "carved" a hamburger and ate samosas in the cold.

[insert embarrassing canvas of a certain rabbit's head :V]

Checked out Raw Canvas and painted stuff. I clearly had no idea what to paint but not having painted in such a long time, it was really fun. Oh yeah, I painted a certain rabbit's head.

Poutine Festival Remains

There was a Poutine Festival which failed to life up to its name. Held in a room in a community centre, the 'all you an eat' poutine was unable to deliver its promise as an AYCE. People waited ages for food that had to be fought over. Entertainment consisted of a guy who didn't sing really well and bad 80's rainbow/flashing lighting effects.

My company had their Christmas party at the Fairmont Hotel where we indulged in buffet food. Our department had our own little party in one of the hotel rooms we rented for the night where we mainly had wine and... chips.

As much as I wouldn't like to think that I'm overstressed (although my mom has been telling me how tired I look), I unexpectedly fainted earlier in the week. The location wasn't ideal as I hit the side of a counter table going down. Fortunately I don't think there was any brain damage though. My doctor wasn't able to figure anything out and I've also been unable to get myself checked up at a test lab due to the timing of the holidays. I think this break will do me some good though.

Life aside, Skyrim: I'm surprised I'm not at all obsessing over the game as much as I would imagine myself to be.

As it'll only be a short-lived break week, here's hoping I'll be able to squeeze in as much productivity as possible. (Productivity = Sleeping)


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