Tango Appassionata

[Sunday, January 8, 2012]

2012 Greetings

Happy New Year!

2012 is upon us and what was better than getting sick mere days before the new year, rather than getting sick BECAUSE of the new year. So somehow, from somewhere, I caught a serious stomach flu the last Thursday of December, leaving me bedridden the Friday, to only recover enough to celebrate a mild new years eve Saturday playing extremely old Wii party games and enjoy some good drinks.

Due to the timing of things, I finally managed to check in with a walk-in doctor the day after new years. I walked away with some advice and a mission to get it thoroughly checked at a lab to see if it's a bacteria that will require some more serious attention. Fortunately I already took a day off that week to chauffeur my mom to and from her visit to the hospital for a minor surgery appointment. I've yet to get a response from the doctor about my report but no news is good news. I still don't feel like I've recovered completely as _too_ much food still upsets my stomach and leaves me with a rather unpleasant feeling... and it's not exactly the usual ugh-I-ate-too-damn-much feeling.

Sickness aside, it IS the new year and I'm still working where I'm working. I haven't had much luck in the job hunting department and from how things are going now, the workload at work has been lessening quite an amount as of late. It IS also still early into the month so time will ultimately tell how the rest of this job's contract will pan out.

So 2012. My main new years resolution is to settle down on a GOOD long term job. Preferably something that sets me up for a clearer route for the many years to come (assuming 2012 doesn't end as a certain calendar says it will). There aren't too many major plans this year other than the usual traverses to the usual places.

Thinking back on 2011... it wasn't a particularly exciting year on this side of the world or even personally. Natural disasters hit a number of places around the world and devastated my life-changing chance to go to Japan. Things were pretty low-key until I was laid off at my previous job and it was only then life started to get interesting again. Then the year ended abruptly when a flu storm tackled me unexpectedly and now the mundane work life has returned... (but for how much longer?)

Nonetheless, I be looking forward to what 2012 has to offer... (other than D3, ME3, AX, PAX, etcetc.)


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