Tango Appassionata

[Sunday, February 26, 2012]

Silver Lining

It felt like it was only new years the other day but, hey look, February's already finishing up.

I had a very special visit from Y2James who stopped by Vancouver on his grand North American trip back in January. Unfortunately all his days here were on weekdays but I did manage to ask for a day off without creating too much of a ruckus at work. Many foods were eaten and soon enough the few days had already gone by, and he was already on his way back to the future (on the other side of the world).

The second visitor came later that month, Rift, visited from Seattle to hang out for a weekend. He also brought up the board games order I made the other week with him, so friends and I ended up investing many, many hours into playing them. Also, for first time in many years, I went up the mountain (Cypress) for some powder! It was a nice refresher but wasn't really long enough to really feel warmed up yet. By the end of the few hours, I/we were already pooped so it was a pretty good indicator of our limit that day.

Chinese new year was pretty early this year. I got to see some relatives I hadn't seen in a long time, and even for the first time, my cousin's wife (no celebration marriage - seems popular nowadays). Kinect time (especially watching them play Dance Central) with the aunties was also pretty amusing.

In comparison to January, February has been quiet. The job hunt has continued to be unsettling, getting offers for less than ideal placements. The results (or lack thereof?) of my searches have lead me to seriously consider going back to school for something more specific to help with this headache. As it's already February (March in less than a week), I'd have a good year to think about where and what exactly I'd aim for. The brief research I've done so far has revealed some pretty frightening tuition costs attached to those programs though, so I probably won't be finalizing on any decisions anytime soon.

In the meantime, games. There's this unexpectedly giant list of awesome games coming out this year. Where did it come from? :/


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