Tango Appassionata

[Friday, April 25, 2003]

One of 'em catch up blog posts...

Back to last Thursday: Voices. It was a crazy good singing contest! It was funny now there was english dialog and then cantonese translation that was done so badly. When we first got there, we saw Phyllis yelling at all the commotion happening outside the auditorium. We saw other people but didn't want to talk to them. Eleanor and I were commenting and squealing about all the JAPANESE GUYS there that sat 3 rows behind us. Anyways, there were 10 contestants: two of them we know being Carmen and Andy. They didn't get into the finals though.. :< We lived through sitting through the whole thing, with other performances of other people inbetween (not to mention some sucky band that tried to play Laruku's Dive to Blue >_<;;) Meh, after that we were all hungry so we went to Richmond's Venus Cafe for food. It was funny how what we ordered were the same stuff.. (2 had spaghetti, 2 had rice, 2 had ice tea, 2 had milk tea... :D.. oh yeah there were 4 people :D) On the ride back, Eleanor was teaching Amy and I mandarin while we taught her cantonese. "Hun UH!" XD

Then came the treacherous long weekend. Saturday: worked on Japanese dialog all afternoon and watched Iron Chef :E. Sunday: went to film at Amy's place from 7 to 3am XD -- So fun and dumb. Monday: woke up really late and was called to dye my hair an hour early. Wasted whole afternoon there highlighting my hair orange. Mom was straightening her hair... I love that straightening machine. :D~ This other girl that looked super familiar (by the name of Irene?!) came in an hour after us who has VOLUMES of distorted hair... but anyways, she came to straighten them as well. Her mom was annoying. After all that sitting around, I went over to Amy's place to finish up the digital editing. Lucky we started at 9 and ended at 12.

Returning to school... the week sucked. Tests and quizes everywhere. More coming up next week. Mom and Dad both spazzing at me about anything they could all week. We had a somewhat "pizza party" Wednesday in Ostroff's class. She ordered two vegetarians and one crap other thing. Go figure, she's vegetarian and ordered more of that instead. Not to mention the pizzas just sucked all to together. Corn and crap on everything. Only the cheese was decent for goodness sake.

#3 from Voices visited today! XD Andy didn't have school today it seems, so he came with some others. Everytime we saw #3 (Chanon) we'd "Ahhh hiiii~~". We're probably his new fans. :E Andy also came to see Ho today. Ahahaha... tis funny. :p

Bro's currently being lazy. He's not willing to go out and buy us dinner. Hungry. >_<;


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