Tango Appassionata

[Saturday, April 5, 2003]

Otanjoubi Omedetou :p

All you can eat sushi for lunch yesterday. Good stuff. :D

Probably a week before, we started to tell people about our "outting" yesterday which consisted of karaoke and hotpot (yaaay). At first, it seemed like a lot of people were willing to go (like always...). Then the day came (friday/yesterday), Tony said he couldn't come, Jenny claimed her other friends had plans, Amy said she didn't know anyone that was going, Jo doesn't like K, Andrew had taekwando lessons, Eleanor had a dentist appointment, Ingrid found out she's grounded, Jon Li's just stupid, Tim said he had church, and blahh to the other insignificant others. And the truth of the majority was actually a lot of bull, that is, bs. I saw Tony, Tim and Simon loitering in the halls afterschool. We overheard them talking about hockey and bbq. When Jenny was walking off with her friends she said (quite loudly) "I wonder what I should do when I get home... maybe play video games."... CHikusho yaro me. o_o;

Ha, and that's only the beginning of it all. I didn't know what to do (wandering back and forth the hallways) so I sat in front of the office and called for Mo2. She came, then Asapin returned then we met up with Alan Li. He was hyper (as always) and excitedly agreed to come. So now we ended up with 4 people, Asapin and Alan went to go get their bags so we followed Asapin to his locker. We packed and sat there figuring out what to do, considering we didn't feel like K anymore with 4 people. We brainstormed stupid ideas like mini golf and movies... and finally came up with bowling (which was an hour later). We bumped into Jeremy and agreed to drive him home so we got going. I also called Alan again, wondering where he disappeared off to, to only find that he was at HOME. -_-;; Anyways, so we dropped Jeremy off and headed over to Silvercity Riverport (which a teacher claimed to be the cheapest place). We got there, looked at the prices and died. Then Mo2 finds out she doesn't have enough for our beloved hotpot dinner. We took a seat at the bowling alley (and became loiterers). We started falling asleep when we thought of the may possible ways to deal with this shortage of money. Sat there for a good half n hour or more I think. Then we thought of the idea to go stalk Andrew at his lessons, since there was nothing better to do anyways. We got to the place and peered in like weirdos to find that he wasn't there, so then we thought he just gave us some more bs (like he would do everytime we tried to go out with him). We grred and went across to Parker. We saw one of those machines where you push coins off the platform to earn them. Asapin was addicted to them so he went and wasted 5 or something bucks on it and didn't earn anything. I tried myself with a 2, and got jack. We disappointedly left, peering back every so often to see who would win. Asapin saw the cellphone he wanted and wanted to get in then and there but didn't want to waste $800 on it :p. We passed by the craziest j-stuff store and spotted an exclusive concert merchandise phone string that caught our attention ($29!!). We hesitated and left, promising to return again. We got to the CD store and spotted Sailor Stars (why? :p) and then we suddenly felt like dying just to get it. They didn't accept debit so we made our way to the bank to get cash. We got the crazy DVD set and sat down at the food court. We gave up on the hotpot and decided to spend the money of the phone string! Asapin got the last black one and I got the white and then ate that crazy red bean ice desert. We had more time to waste so we went to my house, had cup noodles and watched Sailor Stars. :D:D:D:D:DDDD Nehererererererererernia's (can never spell her name? :D) part is soo boring but we had lots of laughs while we watched (things that didn't make sense and stupid comments)... It was around 11 or so when Mo2 got picked up by Boom. Soon after Asapin left too... I was so tired I went straight to bed.

I woke up early today feeling... giddy. :D

Oh, and Jo sucks.


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