Tango Appassionata

[Sunday, March 30, 2003]

Meh, the bad thing about not posting consistantly is that you'll forget what happened...

School returns. Bio test on Nervous System: good stuff. Had to draw a manga about my spring break for Japanese... fun, didn't put any time into it though due to test. Got our results back for our environmental video; haha 48/50! We were surprised there was a "humourous factor" on the marking sheet. I'm "forced" to work with the annoying twerp again for the project with Peggy n Michiko this time for our Iron Chef video.

Became sick for a day. Acquired a headache second block and felt like I was about to die. I was irritated in annual by mr. mailfag again and twerp. Blamed me for not having a storyboard for the damn annual cd and was MY fault the twerp couldn't start on it. So with great hesitation I drew one then and there. Mr.P started blabbing on about Turbo Pascal in last block... ugh I hate pascal. I fell asleep that class for about and woke up: my headache was gone (well with the help of some medicine though probably).

The day after we had an assembly on my spare. So I ugh-ed and came early to find that it started at 9:30 not around 8:40 as expected. The annual peeps wanted me to help with the "annual cd announcement/update" but I was like psh, no thanks. Since it wasn't my project and I'm only the mere (important) director of the cd... I'd definately wouldn't want to stand up there in front of everyone with mailfag and twerp too. But Big Will was cool enough to agree to be the 'moral support'. EW and also in the assembly, we found out that mailfag will shave himself bald for the balding for dollars funraising. EW! EW~! HE'S UGLY ENOUGH ALREADY, NOW WITHOUT HAIR?

Mo2 saw the Yuna and Lenne singing clothing wallpaper and fell in love with Lenne o_o! Mo2 eewed at her name though, cuz it was indeed not a good name. Lenne... Lenne... -_-;;; But she likes her outfit so she might just go and cosplay as her instead now (considering she hasn't even decided solidly on one character yet...) She's suggesting that I'd be Yuna and we'd pose like the wallpaper (hahaha -- dumb but funny idea)... moving on.. o_o;

On Friday, Mo2 wanted to cut her hair at this new place on Victoria. When we went (w/ May), it was fully booked so she booked herself for Saturday morning. As planned after the cutting, we went to Richmond and window shopped. May went to pick up her t-shirts for her marketing project and I finally found some worthy pens to buy, in replacement for the ones that are currently dying; gosh I'm a cheapass when it comes to buying things like stationary but not when it comes to my comic books and magazines @_@~

Finally yesterday, Mo2 woke me up to follow her to the barber. While I waited I read this magazine that couldn't stop talking about Boy'z... geh, they're ugly and they haven't even started to sing yet... so why exactly are they popular, besides the fact that they're supposedly the male "twins". Afterwards, I didn't feel like wasting money so we went to Mo2's place. She cooked for me :D~... I noticed we couldn't stop eating the entire time I was at her house. First it was apple juice, then canned vegetable soup, then honey crackers, then gummy chewy things, then milk, then weird chinese gummies and then lastly chips. *shrugs* Well, we called Shi2 to see what there was to do... due to my cheapness none of us went out. I helped Mo2 with her bRO (pretty much all day) and her missing sprites. First we uninstalled it, then reinstalled it. Put patches but screwed up so we uninstalled and installed again. Froze a few times. (started to get frustrating at this point)... Carefully put particular patches. Didn't work. And then I had to work my magic to make it work (which was just putting the missing patches. Oddly it'd would only patch up to December 18th so I was suspicious). But anyways, yes I finally fixed it. Super proud. ^_^


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