Tango Appassionata

[Sunday, March 9, 2003]

Two weeks worth of stuff to say... I've forgotten most of it but where should I start.

Last LAST week... I was helper in Japanese class so I had to do the interview. I totally screwed up, answering with one word answers. Yearbook photos happened on the same day after school. Our class this year was extra big, causing us to take forever to line-up for the photo. And like every year, not everyone shows up... it was still packed either way. Moni got to sit in the same area as she did last year as for I, I had to take the COUCH with these OTHER UGRY PEOPLE I DIDN'T LIKE. Worst of all, this particular girl in the class (fat+ugly) "placed" herself on the arm of the couch to pose all... (the best word would be slutty). And she couldn't stop talking loudly when the photo guy was placing us. Now to add onto the ugliness, our advisor was asked to sprawl across the front of the picture with a rose in his mouth. Super nasty stuff imagine: fat, ugly guy w/ rose in his mouth lying sprawled in front of you.... eghrehgh..

There was a bio midterm on that same week. Sucked. Then there was the Wellness Show Orientation too w/ Mo2. We were dragged around with a big group of people trying to hear this really quiet lady speak. We gave up at the end though... That coming Sunday was the actual Wellness Show. We went. It was blah. The first half, we did surveys. Then I was sent upstairs for some boring back-uping where I just sat around in front of meeting rooms for a half n hour or so. That shift was over. Next shift was Information Desk. The shift before us didn't leave us any information so we were clued out on what to do. Unluckily, the supervisor was some geek that kept bothering us. So instead, we got the customers to go and bother him. We dragged Shi2 to come, and she did. Before it was over, we were given a bag of free goodies and the chance to go and sample everything at the show, or at least, what was left of it. Before we left, we noticed a shift labeled "Ottawa" having a party so we felt stupid and screamed meaningless questions and demands at them. Some answered us, some tried to ignore us. After all that, we enjoyed A&W food. Nummy.

Last Wednesday... I labeled it as "a retarded day" (I even wrote that in my Agenda :p). I had a spare first thing, so I got to sleep in. Got to school and found out I was chosen for the Student Forums. There went my Geo class. We filled out a survey and had a discussion. Tony, and Andu C. were there screwing around. Lunch--I had to finish up the in-class Geo assignment I missed. In Japanese, we had some Chinese guy as our substitute (due to IB Interviews) that didn't know Japanese (and in the past known to not be able to teach Math or any Sciences). He constantly got mad at everyone but due to his lack of English, it was sort of hard for him to find the right words to scold us with. Er so after in Bio we had another substitute. We were told to make a Crossword with our Nerve System definitions. To me the day didn't seem like a school day at all...

The day after, I took the LPI exam at school. The topics were all horrible. The only one I thought was best was "If you were to leave Canada and live in another country, what would be your reasons for doing so?"... and so I had to make up as many reasons as possible... The rest of the exam was quite straightforward though. But considering the essay is most important, meh, it doesn't matter.

Finally Friday... I didn't know we had a Geo test on coastlines! When I got to school (hoping it'd be a carefree day considering it was Friday) I was told of a TEST. So I probably flunked it, cuz it was hard. -_-;; After school, I went to sing K w/ Asapin, Elie and Jo. Weird little group it was but interesting. We dropped by for some bbtea before we went and bumped into a bunch of school friends. We went for all you can sing and waited forever for our fries delivery.

As for today er yesterday (Saturday)... I wasted my whole day on RO. WHY? I SERIOUSLY DON'T KNOW!! All Shi2's fault for making me join this other server. We got around to make a party consisting of 4 people at the moment, which is kinda cool... Now that my weekend's gone, what am I to do. -___- I might be tempted to go about the same thing as I did yesterday later today too....


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