Tango Appassionata

[Wednesday, February 19, 2003]

This has been quite the hectic week. Planned to work on Bio Proj. on Sunday, didn't happen. Stayed at home instead and studied Geo. Boo. Geo test turned out so-so. Then had a Math test Tuesday. Then came a Japanese test today. Goodness the matching was harder than the written, wtf! Paragraph writing was fun... only. Still got that project to do in addition to my Japanese project too due next Tuesday which we haven't started on... supposedly a group project. Working with a guy I don't wanna work with cuz I hate his guts. We are to create a 5 minute commercial on something environmental related. Something fun I suppose.... though there hasn't been much planning on it. Something related to water it seems...

Three events coming up this weekend too... Just so happens all are birthdays too. Der's on Friday, Eliza's on Saturday and Tony's on Sunday. Funny... Der's party is going to be held at Mike's house... we'll probably be playing MJ all day. Eliza's is suppose to start after 10pm... some surprise party. As for Tony's... yum cha (dim sum) and sing k. What a great variety. I like that. Now, I wonder if my parents will like that. Heh heh heh.

A lil rare pluggage to you and you for linking and I didn't even know... :x Banzai!


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