Tango Appassionata

[Sunday, May 4, 2003]


IB art exhibition on Wednesday w/ Amy&Jo. We got there to find that Denise and her like ate all the food and the punch sucked. :p Saw Nina, didn't say anything to her. The younger grade IBers were watching some wierd animated cartoon with scary ugly looking creatures with muscular legs. Also it was free ice cream day for Baskin Robins. When Amy and I got there, the line-up reached the other side of the parking lot, so we decided to not get any at all.

The day after, we went out for bubble tea for Eleanor's birthday. Since their IB exams were coming up, I guess they couldn't do anything big. We decided to drop by Dragon Ball for a change, to find really ugly guys, scary parking lot signs like a Dr. Peacock sign (as she has stated already :p) and explict magazines. We sat, drank and talked and Fish had to take a dump but it got stuck? After we finished up our drinks, we decided to end the day. I was the first to be drop off, and the majority had to use the washroom so they all did it at my place. XP SOMEBODY was cracking up TOO much about golf sets in the shower.

Friday, I declined another MJ opportunity. I wonder if they had lots of fun. I really had no good reason for not going... Got home and decided to clean out the computer, literally. It was gross -- heaps of dust. After all that cleaning, the fan was still loud and annoying. I attempted to remove the fan, but it seems like you had to detach something I was unable to access. So now it's still keeping up its loudness...

As for today, had fried chicken for lunch. Watched a bit of Anaheim vs. Dallas hockey game and then did some crazy domain updates. 80-90% done The World BBS *again* (I'm going to freak and give up completely if something happens again), somehow didn't feel as good as the previous one that died the day after it was done... then Folder 5 fanlisting's finally done. Decided to scrap the layout last minute and started from scratch again and came up with what it is now. Then the mecha layout that I kept off for 3 weeks finally invades kiddnu. Lastly, hibiku (Paopu's replacement) is revived, this time without requests because the requesters are all stupid and trying to take advantage of my kindness. So FIST the same few people trying to request the same damn thing using different user names/e-mails.


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