Tango Appassionata

[Friday, May 23, 2003]

I fucked up my TI-83+ calc permanently it seems. I wanted this particlar app from Mo2's TI for a while now, and finally Matt H. had a cord. I quickly plugged it and attempted to download it, instead, causing it to freeze. Guys being their retarded selves goes and takes out the battery for mine, thus causing all my proggies to disappear and such and such. Then I wasted the whole IT class in attempt to accumulate another collection of games, proggies etc from other peoples' calc. I went through archiving and ram problems and finally just went and resetted the whole damn thing -- to find that it won't even graph properly anymore. My graphics calculator has just lost its sole purpose.

On a lighter side of that day, I finally received my sexy new burner. Right when I got home, I quickly swapped the new one with the old, and mad burned o_O... Hard to get used to its... fastness. Oh, I also started and finished up my geo term paper from maybe 9pm-4am. It turned out quite short, still within limits though... but I was hoping for at least 1200 words.

Another interesting highlight. I jab one of those pointy parts of an umbrella into my thumb... resulting to a little dinky, but painful bruise. Then we had the carnival with crappy weather (grey covered the skies and it trickled rain) at first and then it suddenly gets bloody hot 18 degrees or something... so everyone had to bloody strip. There weren't any good stands or attractions except the talent show, imo. The first guy that sang was probably the bravest... his singing was crap, he was alone up there, he was the first to go, everyone was laughing but he got right through it. So he was cool. After was a r&b girl duet, then a very loud alternative band. The main girl's singing wasn't good at all, but the music was great. After came Tony's group singing Tactics. Geheheh, their new temp vocalist didn't know Japanese so he had to bring up a piece of paper with lyrics, which was literally read right off the paper. Then there were a few more after them and then ended with hula dancing. XD After the carnival, I developed a painful headache and when I got home, tried to sleep but couldn't. Then I started feeling sick... ~_~ After taken two extra strength tylenol, they gradually disappeared...



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