Tango Appassionata

[Friday, May 9, 2003]

Okay, so we went to Whistler yesterday for a field study. Field study as in not skiing like the majority keeps thinking but a GEOGRAPHY field study where you study... um.. rocks.. water... formation of stuff... in other words, nature and how its made. Woke up bright and early, a bit before 6 got out of the house at 7 and had breakfast with Jac. Got to the school early so we sat in the car and ate. People started coming so we got off and headed towards the buses. Got in, headed off and had our first stop at Porteau Cove. It was fricking windy and cold but the scenery was nice. But it was still cold. Mrs Cambell was there.. ew. Got on the bus again and then stopped at Shannon Falls . It was also really pretty. Lots of annoying mosquitoes along the way. The guys were constantly trying to climb anything dangerous. Then we arrived at some crazy huge rock thing, Stawamus Chief, that was made by frost shattering (I think).. it was totally flat on one side and whoa. o_o... the rocks nearby were freaking big and smooth. o__o Then we stopped at this insignificant spot that I forgot the name and its purpose. Nice white-topped snowy mountains there... Finally we got to Whistler, we had Starbucks for lunch o_o and bought ourselves a really cheap TY at the toy store (just cuz we like to waste money harhar)... We get going again, arriving at another more spectacular waterfall, Brandywire, that's actually a huge waterfall that has major undercutting and three very distinct layers of lava (i still remember my notes) Then we didn't get to drop by the places that they said we would but we passed by them really quickly and expected us to look without them telling us... o_o Last stop, we hit the mining museum, but didn't exactly get to go in. Talking about metallic stuffies falling into river that was close by yadda yadda... Then the bus driver, desperately trying to get home or something drove like mad... leaving me sick for the rest of the day. ~_~

Thus I didn't go to the fashion show after all.

I LOVE THIS PLACE! I can't believe I didn't know this place existed until now... whee!

And yes my post started purposely like that the last time... I was in the middle of thinking...


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