Tango Appassionata

[Wednesday, May 28, 2003]

Yay, finally new layout's up. Kinda.. bloody scary. Wahah, me like. Took me a while to fix the kinks but this layout was fun. Yaay.

Oh yeah, Saturday we went on some retreat to Buntzen Lake. On the way, my parents kept spazzing at me for giving out wrong directions when they just weren't even listening. So I gave up and furiously gave it to them to deal with. Fuck I was upset and angry at the same time. When we got there, only the old people were there, unpacking stuff so I sat on a bench for about half n hour or more. Soon enough, other people started coming and then it started to get crowded with OLD PEOPLE. I finally spotted Rose and squirmed over for dear life. We had some retarded lunch/snack made up of assorted breads, a chicken leg and junk food. Surprisingly filling nevertheless. After some discussion, conversation, lecture, etc we moved on with leisure time. The less older people went and played various games like soccer and badminton... we went and played beach volleyball which was fun. It was located by a beautiful scenery of a nearby mountain with pretty misty clouds.. considering our high elevation. Then it started to get moisty and humid. The sand started to stick to the volleyball, and sand would fly in our faces, attacking our eyes and mouth. We'd soon be choaking and spitting in pain. After a while, it began to rain hard so we ran for shelter. The oldies were still doing their thing, while others began leaving... After drying ourselves, and bored out of our minds, Patrick wanted to see the beach so I decided to join him. We borrowed some senior's umbrella and made our way to the beach and found loud geese with a baby ducking, which was cute. o_o After the stroll, we started hiking (yes, unequiped) up the trail and asked some guy that passed by how long it would take and said a half n hour to the bridge. Considering it was almost time to leave, we didn't know if we shoulda kept going but we did anyways. We started running and then saw a fork -- one going to the parking lot, the other continuing up the trail. Of course, we took the parking lot route and made our way back. As it continued to pour, my parents finally decided to leave and thus we did. Arriving home soaking wet.. I don't remember what happened after that.

Oh mini rant. Jeffrey's a stupid dick. The most pathetic guy ever. End of story.


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