Tango Appassionata

[Wednesday, May 21, 2003]

It has been the most stressing day in the past... month. I was constantly cussing after the horrible day, ending up with quite the headache as well... Starts off -- a normal day... until I get to the car and realize I didn't pick up my Geo binder. I get to school late, got through the first two classes; no sweat. Lunch comes around, I review my notes for the Geo test I moved to third block so I could help out on the grade 7 tours. Then we get kicked out of the cafe so they could do some grade 10 test. So I decided to review by my locker instead. Almost before the bell rings, some dick goes and spills his orangey red gatorade bottle right beside/behind me. The liquid was spreading quickly so I jumped up to realize my **--NEW--** jacket was WET. I ran to the washroom to dry it (thank goodness it was a jean jacket, but still?!?! it'll still get sticky and smelly etcetc)... When I went back out, the kid was already GONE. That guy NOR his friend didn't say anything and just left... AGRH FUK, so my whole locker area was all sticky. So the Geo test came around... it was sorta hard... damn. Didn't have enough time to finish the written nor check over answers. Then I got to the auditorium to meet up for the tours. Then I thought, yay this'll cool me off for the day... BUT I WAS DAMN WRONG. Screw it all... -_- We were unlucky to get a group ALL consisting of bratty/talkative/cocky/naive/arrogant kids. There were these 3 caucasian boys that HAD to wave (with the Queen-like-not-much-movement wave) at the people in the cafe. One kid had a skateboard which he kept BANGING on EVERYTHING. And another of the three tried to talk to everybody and ANYBODY that walked by. Then there were these 4-5 taiwanese girls that couldn't stop TALKING. They kept asking Simon questions like "Do you have a girlfriend?" etcetc and at the end, asked for his e-mail. Then there was this kid (maybe really retarded, I don't know) which lagged behind us by a hallway or more, constantly fell, spoke nonsense/random/jibberish by the name of KENNY (funny how you get to know the name of the most troublesome one)... But I suppose the funniest thing that happened would have to be, "Simon, what grade are you in?" "How could you?" "You're as tall as I am!" "Haha you're so short." conversation that occured while we walked. I chose not to deal with the group and decided to be the tail, dragging whoever that wasn't following with the pack. Finally it was all over... or so I thought, again. After school, we decided on working on our new plans for our Bio project. We started rough again because the first idea (making a CD) was too much work and time consuming, so we decided on a story instead. But this particular idiot (who seems to claim himself as some sorta anime otaku) who kept complaining that "these ideas won't work!", "so, then huh how do you explain THIS!" "Ahh I'll kill you if I'm missing a new Digimon episode today" "I want to go home." while he sat complaining, he didn't help with the ideas at all. Then he gets easily amused by something that isn't amusing. Then he gets really confusing and suddenly starts humming some Escaflowne song, then starts talking about how the new season of Beyblade all became small kids, then sings some other random song, then suddenly blurts out "Ahh damn Evangelion movie", then says he wanted chips, then goes and reverts his attention to a textbook on another table and decides to go over, then he sits there again and randomly talking about the chapter we're doing for Bio and then repeatedly said he'd type up the notes again and again... then he goes back to complaining... and then alternates. Finally he decides to go, when we weren't even done. Petty and I decided to stay and finish it. Even yet, we didn't understand the Ovarian and Menstrual Cycle at all it seems... thus we didn't get it completely done.

Now I got an essay to deal with.

Which Naruto Character are You?
quiz by orangeday.net


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