Tango Appassionata

[Wednesday, June 27, 2001]

Drizzle Drizzle Drizzle


(the very first official blog post is here.)

What bummed out weather today. Rain. That's funny, the last time I checked, I swear it was summer.

I had the most messed up dream yesterday. I only remember the ending part very well. Once in a while, there are programs on channels like TLC that talk about "Speed Chases". It was related to those. There were these two old grandmas walking the highway. An asian woman walking about a mile in front of a white woman. Then, from behind came two speeding buses, driving like mad. They were driving off lane, leaving alot of dust, swaying awkwardly and all. The bus in front was about to hit the asian woman until the white woman comes from behind and pushes her away. Oh what a save! XD The picture's all dusty now, until it clears up, the two grandmas are in front of the buses again (o_O), crawling away as fast as they can. The first bus comes from behind the white woman and was about to hit her but the asian woman pushes her away, but instead, the two get sucked into a tornado. The grandmas get tossed into the air (for some odd reason, they got their backs to each other and their arms together). Then the narrator is heard talking about how they were flying seeing only the asian woman screaming as they fall. The picture changes when there's a bunch of kids coming out from a bus and a car below.....Then I see myself grabbing a jug of water from the refridgerator, pouring it in to my cup then drinking. XD

The disturbing scene comes next.. the two grandmas fall, head first... the white woman hits the cement hard x_x, as the asian somehow bounces off the fall and stands up straight (ok o_o). It was rather bloody >_<... A father of some kid was hugging his child until the bloody body lunges at him. -_-;

I woke up with an urge of drinking water.

Then, I cleaned up half of my room. Ahh, feels good to have such a half clean room. But I couldn't finish up the job because my room got clouded with dust. If I stayed any longer, it would have left me with a sneezing fest which I already had when I was cleaning. It shows how long I haven't cleaned yet. ^^;;
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