Tango Appassionata

[Friday, October 28, 2005]



I hate paypal. D:

[Monday, October 17, 2005]

Gloomy Skies...


Well it's been pissing rain lately. Back to our typical Vancouver weather. *crosses fingers for snow*

Our staff meeting on Friday was a shocker. We still got jobs... hahaha... We need someone to call back our little layoff notices though before it's official, we think.

Saturday morning, my family and I went car window shopping. Just a while ago, we finally decided that we needed a new car just in-case any of the current oldies decide to die on us, leaving us all screwed over. The other day, my dad's car became impared for a day, forcing us to work around our one other car, causing inconvenience... which is also why. We went with a few cars in mind.... took a look at a few... sat in a few... It'll be a while before we finally make up our minds though.

There was a hockey game yesterday night. I didn't get to watch it 'cuz I was at a dinner I had to attend on behalf of my parents. It was some political discussion about family values and it was also a fundraiser that soon just sounded like old people ranting. Apparently I've been to one of these before (as soon as I saw/heard their "anthem") and they're indeed long winded just as my mom warned. But we sat with a friendly group of (our) church people so the dinner wasn't so bad. Oh, but as always (expected of Chinatown Floata) the food sucked plenty. I went home feeling sick and gross. I would've thrown it all back up if I didn't dislike the feeling of throwing up so much.

My Fruits Basket #18 came in the mail this morning! So lovely! Now I got reading material for work! And look, it's already time for work too...!

[Wednesday, October 12, 2005]



I had Wendy's tonight. So unhealthy. And the fries burnt my tongue. Still hurts...

I finally finished my moblog layout. It's kinda ew. Does she scare you?

I got more love in the mail today. My Japanese version Ragnarok manhwa have arrived! The first three anyways... Now I know friggin why the Tokyopop ones are soo thin compared to these ones! Tokyopop chopped them into multiple books so they could steal more money!! And I didn't know Koreans read from left to right... it's hard to flip the pages on these blooody books. And a strange thing... the "Chaos" in this version is translated as Keiasu (ケイアス) not Keiosu (ケイオス) as you think it'd be spelt as. And the level and stat thing in the Tokyopop version's BS. The ones I have here don't have anything like that at all. Anyways.. enough of that.

I also went and created hell at the bank today. They switched my account and credit card from student to regular withou my consent wtf! So I got charged all these retarded fees all of a sudden... at least I checked my online statement and noticed. They better let me keep my student account (even though I'm not a student atm.. but I WILL BE!) cuz there's no way I'm going to deal with having to switch back and forth every time. That's just no fun.

The meeting at work better not cancel Friday. *shakes fist at the GM*

[Monday, October 10, 2005]

Money Spendages are BAD


So there was a sale at Pacific Boarder. However, I ended up buying things that were NOT on sale (dammit)... Well I got myself a new jacket, a helmet (not my lt. helmet I wanted but Giro still) and gloves that actually have fingers for a change. I only need new goggles now. Now I'm just afraid that I won't be able to go boarding as often this year because of work. But anyways, I'm proud of my haul... just not the price part of it. The dent was BIG. I couldn't afford to add onto the damage, so I couldn't let myself look at the normal goods.

Thanksgiving dinner. I won't be able to go to our family dinner this year because of work. I'm sooo disappointed~ Thanksgiving dinner's usually one of the best home dinners at my relatives'. Gobble Gobble... :[[

I've been up for 20hrs now... I guess I should go sleep.

[Friday, October 7, 2005]




[Wednesday, October 5, 2005]



Aaah~ Stress relief is awsome.

I've put that off for days already. I've been setting it aside, figuring out what else to add or change. Next on the list is to update the links page. It's extremely outdated... more than half of the domains (maybe even 2/3?) on the page do not even exist anymore. Bah.. I'm so behind. Seeing all the crazy new domains that look so advanced, it puts my domains to shame I tell you. It doesn't bother me though surprisingly. My pace (daioh~)...

The Harmony interview was interesting. I got the most retarded individual question and I answered it badly too. Go me!

It was my first day to return to the world of Vana'diel today... as an advanced Tarutaru. o__o I was hoping I'd only have to do mindless Beastmaster chopping but they wanted me as Whitemage so I freaked out. There's no fricking way I could be a lvl75 whm and not kill everyone. I never even reached nearly lvl75... hmm I think I ended almost at 60, but that was it. Anyways, I cunningly avoided having to play as whm and managed to wait until my bro to come back. Well, at least I helped him go back to Jeuno, switch jobs, grab his gear and return to the Glacier. *semi-proud of self* I saw so many familiar players... wow they're still playing; so many people have no lives.

Oh, Mo^2 finally lent me HP and the bloody prince -- er, half blood. I started! It's been a while since the previous book... I can't remember some people. D: Like who the hell is Harry Potter? :b

To end off the night: I hate Play-Asia.com with a passion.

[Saturday, October 1, 2005]

Cough Cough Hack Wheeze


Ugh, I'm sick.

We had a new management student come in at work this week. He was a talkative one. He couldn't stop asking about me. Cough. Anyways, he was a really nice guy. He's Korean, oooh~ He leaves this weekend though LOL. Ah well.

I finally went and got my hair cut. I found the lady I used to go to who's shop suddenly disappeared and apparently only moved a few stores away. :b ...well, I didn't know until the other day though. Anyways, I haven't seen them (wife&husband) in ages and they've aged quite a bit but they're still up-to-date with the style.

My bro, still obsessed over FFXI, is making me play FFXI again FOR him when he can't make it for scheduled parties. So yay, I get to play in Dynamis which I never got to try during my FFXI days. I just need to get through the crucial part -- reinstalling it again. Oh hey, Konishi Katsuyuki plays FFXI. Isn't that awsome?!?

I got an opening shift tomorrow. Better go sleep.

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