Tango Appassionata

[Friday, April 29, 2005]

End of April (ALREADY!)


Hi again!

So whoa, first day of school was...

I get there on time and I see this weirdo white guy walking around aimlessly, so of course, he was ignored. I go into the class to see absolutely nobody so I peer around suspiciously until the Japanese teacher comes and says "Konbanwa" and I was like o_O... oh yeah! "Konbanwa o_o!" As I sat down to this out this silly info sheet, more people start walking in. The next thing you know you see the weirdo white guy talk ffiewaojf japanese outside the classroom with the teacher and then walks in soon after. Hm! Then some asian around my age comes in and I was like wooohoo, I'm not alone! O_O! After filling out my sheet, I look around at the people who just entered and then I was offered a Japanese-themed magazine in English by the teacher. Then the weirdo white guy starts flafejwif-ing with the teacher, and he sounded like he knew his stuff! And I was like totally reminded of the other cool but extremely nerdy caccasian guy from my Japanese class in Langara because of his typical foreign accent. Anyway, soon enough, the teacherS (another came in soon after) started interviewing us. One teacher started with the asian girl and when I overheard, I realized she's not at my level (d'oh!). Then went to me, I did a crapped up job and then moved on to another girl who was also not at my level. Mmm, I started to get a little worried then, even though I didn't know how the other side of the room was doing. But, wait! The teacher didn't interview the weird white guy that sat not so very far from me! I almost forgot about him! Then I was like 'aaah, there's at least SOMEONE around my level' (since the extremely nerdy caccasian from Langara was really GOOD at Japanese.. so assumed... but ohoho~) Moving on... the two Japanese teachers went back to the teacher desk and whispered their terrorist attack plans with each other (or I mean, so it seemed like they were... :b)

After a long wait, they called out names and splitted us into two classes. My class was made of the white guy, and these two other caucassian guys. We took the front row seats and it just so happens I sat beside the weird white guy. Apparently, everyone spoke nothing but Japanese to each other... the first topic started with the two white guys and the teacher about a concert. The sentences were horribly simplified for some reason and when she started writing terms they didn't know on the board, she wrote in kana and I was like O_O W-Where's the kanji? So I started freaking out! I looked to the weird white guy to my right and noticed he was writing in only kana too! It felt seriously wrong from that point on.

Soon it was jiko-shoukai time. I let the dansei start first. Plain sentences bakari. Then I realized all these guys were taking Japanese because they were all MARRIED TO A JAPANESE WOMAN. Whoa, why is that so common. *shakes head* *is haunted by stinky tofu yearbook teacher -- shivers* Someone should enlighten me with the answer to this matter.

Then we played the guess-the-association-with-this-number game. Was pointless but I guess it was played to warm us up. I wanted it end FAST, so when it came to my turn I wrote "20/20" and then everyone got it in a second. When that was finally over, we had tape listening where we had to fill in the blanks and etc. It was easy and amusing... especially when they repeated the key events at least 3 times: "It begins to float!" "Look it's floating!" "Whoa, you're right it's floating!"... dude, you'd at least get it the first time, or easier the second time but apparently it was a bit too hard for them :X.. so the tape was repeated again and again. Ok, after that was over, we went on to intransitive and transitive. Her way of teaching was kinda bad... honestly, I didn't understand what she was trying to teach. I'm glad I already learnt that [the better way] in high school.. o_O (ばんざい川村若林先生! We take a break soon after that and she suddenly brings up a convo about Hayashi-sensei (from Langara). She even knows of his *cough* singing talent. ;D Anyways, soon enough it ends and I rush my ass to the teacher and plea for help. :b She wanted me to continue speaking in only Japanese to her (which made me go ugh) as I explained to her my situation. Sooo apparently, I'll be dropping this class and actually because of the lack of people (and with me gone) the class is too small to operate. Therefore, full money back guaranteeee!

61 Days Left from today........!

[Tuesday, April 26, 2005]



Hello there!
Soo our AX plans have finally set to STONE! At least more fortified than before when we were playing with just the goo -- like Kawachi and his ungerminating dough. Ok, now we got Disneyland on the list thanks to Sty (lol). Anyways, I hope even after this trip, I'll be able to save enough for Japan next year. Apparently my bro's still aching for it so we've come to a decision to go no matter what now. Woo, more promises to keep. I can do it, gogogogo~

And I accidentally ordered some manga that ETAs right before AX... gotta limit spendages... seriously. Cuz just last week, I got paid... but TO get 90% of it taken by my mom to pay off my school fees. So once again, I'm poor. Come on tax returns, I'm counting on you!!

So the new 2010 logo was announced and my first reaction: "Rocks." So well yeah they're rainbow rocks all right.

At work! Another lady (that turns out to be a GIRL) that went away for a months worth of vacation in HK returns to rereplace the Mandarin-speaking Accountant lady. She's.. chatty. No, you know what... everyone at this branch is chatty. Did I mention loud? Holy shit they're all loud. Broken volume controls everywhere, really. Almost everytime I'm on the phone, I gotta ask the customer to repeat what they say cuz the background noise is just THAT loud. That's not a bad thing though... That is, I'm comparing this branch with the other branch that I just so happened got to visit last Friday. The other side is a lot cleaner and newer but... it's so spacious -- where's the love?! Where's the warm family-like feeling? Since the other building is so big, everyone's spread everywhere. Though I envy their cleanliness though. Dammit my workplace is DIRTY. AGAIN, TWICE ALREADY, I got some idk wtf some weird oil-like smear on my clothes! I tried to trackdown the origin of the evil but with no avail. I shake fist at thee workplace.

Oh there's just so much to talk about when it comes to work... well I AM there for 40 hours a friggin week! My monitor's starting to flicker (yesyesyesyes!), meaning, it's TIME FOR A NEW MONITOR! Hopefully it'll come with a new system and everything(I wish... :b). The pull-out keyboard from under the desk is so damn annoying and uncomfortable. But I can't seem to stand the front-desk computer either, even though I use it more frequently now. The monitor's proped too high up and the screen's too close. And the keyboard's spacebar's f0cked up. IE also likes to crash often too.

Holy crap I gotta work on my phone skills.

Hey my mp3 rotation got rotated with new layout too. Mmm I'm happy... I haven't photoshopped anything in ages. It feels good.

After the server move, foreign characters aren't showing up properly anymore. Gotta get around to fix that. Mmm website backlog goodness.

Almost done cover letter. Gotta do a few more touchups.

My sickness is a lot better than before btw. I get the occasional morning throat pain and the random cough. Still... the bad part lasted for almost 2 weeks. Evil evil buggers.

Don't vote Liberals.

[Monday, April 18, 2005]




[Friday, April 15, 2005]



I'm sick! And it suuuucksssss...

Anyways, NICE GUY!

I had my second attempt at the road test again Tues. And guess what... NICE GUY IT WAS! Whee, it was the same guy at the counter who collected my money for my first try. BURT? BRENT? Ohh I'm sorry I can't remember your name, Mr. Nice Guy. :/ But I'll remember you foreverrr~ So anyways, this time I was even more nervous than before (whoawhoa, more pressure: 2nd attempt, we've got 100$ on the line, MOM is HERE waiting for you TO FACKING PASS THE DAMN THING ALREADY...). So yay, it felt weird driving my own car though... it didn't exactly feel like a test... more like just a guy that's watching my every move with a pen, paper and clipboard doodling everything I get wrong. Which is... actually what they do though. Ha...ha...ha...

SO! Anyways! That 45 mins was LONG AND SLOW! We finished the course in a half n hour, so he sent me going through this other route, stretching overtime a bit. And at the end he was like "You were -ExCELLENT-!" Woohoo! That made my day.

I think it's payday soon. Omgomgomgomg, first paycheque for this job. Omgomgomgomggg...

Which explains why... I've been having urges to WASTE MONEY! I'm slowly planning my manga buying strategies... which to get first, which ones to catch up on.... aaah~


I've also gotten my night school course registrations dealt with as well. I look forward to it... I hope it's fun. Something to learn while working eh. At least for the time being. It's short and sweet, it's perfect. It ends right before AX. Even better.

At work... where there's absolutely nothing to do, we're allowed to surf. This one time, Mike msged me and told me to go on msn, and so I did. Some trucker guy caught me on msn and was like "Hey, told him I said hi!" And I was like :D "Trucker guy says hi" And the next thing you know, you see Mr. Balding Rude Guy playing Mahjong on Yahoo! Games. Then the same trucker guy was like "What the, you too!" Silly bald man. He was playing again today! I don't blame him, it is rather quiet at times... I went and surfed around freely too as well. Hmm, don't think it'll be as easy to do so when Mr. Bossman comes back next week though. Hahaha, fun times, fun times.

I also caught this... EBIL VIRUS Tuesday as well. I had some of this CRAZY EVIL CHINESE 28-STYLE TEA AND THAT NIGHT A SORE THROAT EMERGED OUT OF NOWHERE. At first when I was drinking it, it was so damn bitter my throat was STINGING OF BITTERNESS! Then later on, it just became swollen and HELL FREEZES OVER! Well no but for the rest of the week it stuck around and nagged me when I slept, ate and drank. Soon enough (today), mere yawning and anything that made those muscles move, HURT LIKE A MUDDER FRUDDER. So I went to see the doctor... but when I went to see him, it was at its low where everything hurt minimally (curse you throat!). AND NOW, it's like its never been before... I tried the salty chopstick poking AND cough syrup.. no good. Can't talk much now. I can't swallow my own saliva. Swallow and endure the pain or run to split it out? Meh.

[Sunday, April 10, 2005]

in the end


Hi there!
Days come and go... and time continues to go by quickly.

Tuesday... It began as a normal day. Mike and I wanted White Spot a few days before, so I decided to drag him out for dinner to make up for not being able to make it Saturday. At the end of dinner, he surprises me with a fucking cake! Yes I had to swear cuz I was SURPRISED! Aww that was awsome, even though he admits he prepared it last minute. XD I expected nothing but a normal dinner... damn I should've known. After food, we went to pick up some free gelato. Ufufufu~ First we visited the gelato on No.3, then we headed to the Aberdeen gelato for some more scoops for Mike too. Rochet (sp) and Horlick gelato are SO YUMMY! We were tempted to attack a few more branches afterwards, but we realized we couldn't handle anymore anyways. :b Hahah it was so good. ;D

Wow 'Main Guy' is SO scary when he's angry. He throws a TANTRUM, LITERALLY. He throws things and (as I mentioned before) he swears excessively and incorrectly. And he gets angry over the littlest of stresses... All the trucker guys that just so happen to see him during his tantrums would look at me for feedback and I'd give them the "Oh, it happens all the time.. it's normal"-look. Even though I've only seen it... oh, every other day.

Sty and Moni attacked me at my house Friday. The original plan was bubble tea but we were all lazy and just hung around my place. We had more fun than we should've with Sty's Creative Zen. Ah, it's so cute. And it's PINK!

Orange Twist Smirnoff is ew.

It was kinda difficult to wake up Saturday. I wanted more sleeeeep~

I was ready by 11 when, surprise, Sty arrives at my place first. I then get calls from Moni and Jo for their tardiness. Grr fist. Then we ran late for our dim sum appointment so we left without Jo. When we got there, we had to wait a half n hour and yet we still couldn't get a seat. We gave up and headed to the food court. Someone said udon. We had udon for lunch and it was good.

After the lovely meal I went to get my hair chopped at air hair. I was greeted by a *cough* CUTE Japanese hairstylist guy and I let him do his thing. I should've told him to do something more unique but nonetheless, he asked if I wanted curls at the end and I was like.. hm, curls, I wonder if it'll cost me... but I said sure anyways (probably a once in a lifetime thing so :D). The guy was really nice and he did a good job (even though my mom wanted me to cut off even more :/)... btw he's Sam! FIND SAM! TELL HIM I SENT YOU!!

Everyone was mightly thristy after so we had bubble tea and then loitered a bit. When it was time for the movie, we made our way to Silvercity Riverport. Sin City was good! I'll never think of prostitutes the same way ever again. Yellow Alien man was freaky.

After the movie, we still had a whole hour to burn before dinner so Jo treated us to gelato at a new gelato place at Ironwood. The guy there that helped us was a nice and funny guy. Soon enough we found us running late again so we rushed all the way to the restaurant to arrive just in time for the reserved time but we still had to wait a half n hour for our seat. Even though the hongers were late, their timing was _SO_ good they arrive just in time for the TABLE. The food was of course yummy yummy delicious but the waiters weren't chopchop fast enough! After food, I was (not-so) surprised by the CAKE (that I saw two suspicious people by the name of Mike and Eleanor who wanted to sneak it in :b) and SUPER surprised to get SWEET BUNS! Haha some people had too much fun with the butts. Ahh and it was GOOD CHEESECAKE! It was too bad it was so thick and filling, some of us couldn't finish it. :[[

Oh noes, a day full of lateness.. we ran late for our clubbing guestlist time so we rush rush rushed. We met at my place to change and switch cars. When we got downtown, we got trapped by the confusing streets. We somehow made it but... the PLACE LOOKED SO EMPTY! Uwa, I couldn't believe Atlantis' reopening party could make such a big IMPACT! Anyways, I wanted to get wasted but it didn't happen due to lack of money... Meh. Unfortunately there weren't any hot guys... not to mention, there was this CREEPY OLD MAN that kept FOLLOWING US EVERYWHERE. We switched places and went to washroom breaks so often but he'd somehow find us again. Simon, Elie and Jo ditched early (@1) but we only stayed until 2:30 anyways. We got tonnes of free loot. :3 It was fun, too bad there weren't any good hookups. ;}}

A big thanks to all the people who attended: Sty, Moni, Simon, Tony, Tony, Sally, Mike, Jo and Elie. Thanks for the cake n presents and.. for just being there and making my day. Hahaha, it was TOO AWSOME. XDD

Next hurdle of event(s): ROAD TEST AGAIN! This time, I'm bringin' mah own car to the test. *crosses fingers* Get a nice guy, get a nice guy, get a nice guy, get a nice guy... Get a good road test route, get some good luck, and get a NICE GUY! NICE. GUY.

[Monday, April 4, 2005]

So it's like this


Hi, I have returned employed.
Not great but good.

This week's been flying because of it. Man, I almost forgot why I hate full time jobs: They eat up your time. You come home, sit around a bit, eat, shower and then you realize it's time to sleep again. Ughhh...

Anyways, the week's been plenty busy.

Sunday: Last day boarding this season for us. Um, it sucked. It was mainly my fault the day turned out bad though. I was strangely slower than everyone throughout the day, then near the end I hit really hard face first and that just killed my motivation and caused me to go even slower. I became paranoid and slowed down often. Not to mention, the weather was inconsistant up there. There were wet snow periods, blizzards and thick FOG(!!) when we couldn't see two meters in front of us while we went down these trails we've never been to before, mistaking lots of cliffs for wide open spaces. Thank goodness we didn't fall down any. We couldn't tell the cliffs apart unless we went up close so we went around blindly, following the coloured poles that supposedly mark (not very clearly, but--) where the cliffs are. Uwa, I'm so sorry Windy and Mike!! I really suckkkkkkk....

Monday: I ditched the 7AM barista training. Come to think of it, 7AM? and Downtown too? For a whole week? No thanks. Instead I went to a quote and quote interview for the other office-like job thing. Mr. Boss is scary. And so I got it unconditionally. Hm!

Tuesday: Ok, first day of work. I presented with a shitty computer with the most disgusting keyboard, 15" old monitor that faces the damn window (so I get a friggin GLARE/REFLECTION), and a gross-feeling ball mouse. Hoy, I'll guess I'll be livin' with this baby for the rest of my stay there.

Rest of the Week: Let's see.. about the people... ufufu~ They're a handful. There's the main guy who got me the job through his mom and then through our church. He's.... well... he's a type of guy that uses big, complicated words with bad english grammar so it sounds _REALLY_ weird. And he often uses phrases like "BINGO!" and "[insert sentence], man!" And he gets stressed out really easily and starts swearing excessively but lol, he doesn't know how to swear properly. Or at least in its right context/tone (also due to his inability to use proper English grammar as well). I heard he's CBC, that might explain his messed up usage of English. Then there's this other guy that's at front desk that does pretty much the same stuff as me and the 'Main Guy'. But he's bossy and takes all my paper that *I* wanna update to database cuz *I'm* the one with nothing to do! He rarely shows up to this branch though... His english is bad too. Did I mention he's balding? And he's really rude to the customers... really. Phone and IRL. *shakes head* Now known as 'Rude Guy'. Next we got 'Accountant Lady', the only other female working there. She often comes in late and leaves early. I think she's married. She's also a mandarin speaker; hard to communicate with. Coming up are the higher ups. There's this guy who uses his initials for his name (just like 'Rude Guy') but he's COOL unlike rude guy. He reminds me so much of my cool uncle. He also has a LCD widescreen monitor. He's the 'Cool Guy'. Then there's Mr.Boss. Mr.Boss is scary. He would often come down and stand there and watch us as we work. Mr.Boss only speaks English to me. He stared at me while I was filing papers (noo how embarassing!... I had no choice, there were no papers for me to update at the time). As much as I wished and wished for more papers came to my desk for updating, NONE DID WHILE HE WAS AROUND.. ALWAYS! So I couldn't impress him even if I wanted to. Mr. Boss is... yes, yes, scary. Next in line are the hard workin' labourers that drive around forklifts like race cars. The cool manager guy. The greedy mandarian speaking guy who comes into the office and eats and eats and eats. He talks loudly too. Then there's lots of other people that made no impact on me. Oh, there's actually some young'uns too that look around my age (huzzah!). They don't work everyday though... so I rarely see them. I don't think I'll ever get a chance to talk to them either... *sigh*

Oh, I gotta rant about their ghetto and badly programmed php script. Wow. It. Sucks. BIG. The first few days I used it, I had the urge to reprogram their damn script. Even now, updating is a pain in the ass. After you've entered, for example, a new name for a new database... the database name cannot be changed anymore. So if the data in the database are correct but the database name is not, you have to delete the whole database and start again. What logic is that? It's buggy too... it doesn't allow quotes (which can be easily fixed goddammit). If you enter a quote in the data, everything after that quote becomes fucked. Apparently Main Guy doesn't know that and I figured it out myself. If not, I would've attempted to enter data into the database constantly without knowing wtf was going on. I even asked him and he was like "Oh, ignore the warning it's fine"... and I was like o_O Wtf you don't ignore warnings f00. Then there's other stupid things like the order and organization and the layout... they all suck. The structure and procedures for creating a new database, adding new data, updating the data, etcetc (=everything, practically) are really, really (=extremely) bad... Who the hell did you guys hire to make this shit??? Hire ME as your IT instead why don't ya!

My "N" got stolen within less than 5 minutes in the parking lot. I went to pick up my free waxed board (which looks exactly the same as before o_O) after work and woosh it disappeared. People are quick.

Today/Monday: Hi Brad, I hate you. So, I had my driving test today. I got an oldbe examiner (I recognized him) who looked so bored and impatient throughout the whole ride. I asked him something and he didn't answer. Meh, not that it bothered me too much. Seems like I had strange luck: I took my exam on the 1 in a million rare as hell exam route. A route that is soo rare, even my instructor said the chances are slim and didn't take me through it during honing-up skillz lessons. We went through a series of small streets and I passed by 5 whopping school zones (!) and then ended up somehow at the end of Richmond. Near the end, he sends me to some freeway exit I'm unfamiliar with and I get my ass whooped for a Danger Action. Boo, there goes the end of my test. Ah, almost perfect... clean except the DA lol, damn. No tricks my ass bitch! Ah, I'm not angry, really. Just pissed off (the same as angry I guess :b) that I had to pay $50 for this, and I gotta pay $50 again. $50's a lot. Twice would be $100. :( I feel sorry for the other guy that took the test the second time and didn't pass again... Now I gotta live through another 45 mins of pressure, fuck. Next time (aka. next week aka. asap) I'm going to try taking my car (save time and money) and hopefully the weird noises my car makes when changing gears won't scare the shit out of him/her. I'm determined to get this done and over with. Or at least, before I forget all the rules again. It's so ironic though. My problem is speeding and yet I failed because I wasn't fast enough. Heh. That's so sad.

*yawn* Mmm.. sou mentally tired.

PS: MAR first ep animation sucked ass. I'm upset. :(

[Sunday, April 3, 2005]



愛しているのだ あ・い・う・え・お

J is such a funny guy.

Anyways... I'm extremely nervous right now. Class 5 test tomorrow morning. チックショ :(

I still got some くさい habits I can't get rid of. My biggest problem is speeding. Speeding. Huh.


Nervous like fuck.
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