Tango Appassionata

[Sunday, August 31, 2003]


Last few days before school starts up again... yey.

Went to sing k at DiDaDi on Thursday. Strangely I swear it was supposed to be a "girl's day out" but I don't know why the hell Simon was there. Lots of english songs this time... and one too many Twins songs. Afterwards we ate at 'Teh Golden Knife' and ordered more than we could finish. We lost our means of transportation (Amy left) so we walked to Richmond Centre. The mall was closed by then (@9) so the mall entrance to the theatre was blocked off. We started wandering off another direction to find that we walked more than necessary. We still made it there early and made our way in. We watched Uptown Girls: not bad... ALMOST cried, almost. Jo and Elie getting all emotional about it tho... Luckily we got a ride back from Elie's sister. Wouldn't want to wander home at 11:30 on the bus (3 girls :O)... o_o;

Fish had a BBQ at his place to finish up the left overs from the Wendy BBQ. But technically the majority of the food was new anyways... I woke up early (around 10 something) to catch the dub preview of Shaman King. I personally thought the dub wasn't as horrible as I imagined (knowing me I hate dubs and don't watch them anyways)... Ryo's voice was the most annoying piece of shit... he was slapped with a cheesy accent and went high pitched. The intro was full of their "unite! unite! friendship will pull us through~ work hard to become the shaman king" and repeat "shaman king" a few dozen times... oh so good typical dubness. Anyways, I after experiencing a whole half hour of that I channel surfed for a while longer, giving Fish a but more time to sleep before I called him. When he came to pick me up, he then realized he forgot to invite Elie and Jo (lol :p)... So he tries to contact them last minute while another sad group of boys were waiting outside of his house, early for no reason. I suggested Elie was working at the YMCA that day so we went to take a look. We talked to her for a fair bit and then left to have lunch at White Spot. We picked up Jo and got to his place. Robert joined us a bit later as we went to rent a movie at Blockbuster... the movie being Gangs of New York. We got back, feeling bored, watched the movie without the others. Amy came and watched with us. Fish's bro who was playing Xenosaga died killing Albedo :O! So he gave up and left... The other group was busy downstairs playing 50 rounds of Mario Party. When we finished the movie, most people have already arrived. I was so thrilled to see Brenda appear and sit beside Amy and start talking in her ever-so-beautiful high-pitchedness voice. Thumbs up for her. The movie was actually quite good... 'cept it seemed longer than necessary. Lucky jumped up and around frequently while we watched the movie. Oh yes, he had a haircut... his poor family that doesn't seem to havfe any professional dog-treatment talent had Lucky cut really.... strangely. Erm. Tony said he looked like a bear... yeah he sorta did. And the rest of the day was pretty much wasted on Xenosaga (me being the player :p)... Stopped every so often for some food, drinks and toilet breaks. At the end, Daniel came for a short bit and played crazy good piano. A little after that (around 11-12 by then) other weird people started coming. When the majority of the people have left, we cooked more bbq in the kitchen and then started cooking the PURPLE YAM! While we waited, there was a strange conversation about Jerry. :x Well we ended up cracking up so.. yeah. When everyone finally left, I went in desperate search for a save point. Failed to do so, I died trying. I was in the Gnosis btw. I left ever so disappointed =_=... oh well. Jo seems to have gotten a liking in chaos cuz of his white hair.. *drools with her* :D~

New layout (whoa finally 14)... The layout originally featured another costume of Rikku's (the Trainer one with the animal on her head and her hand sticking up) but it didn't go well with the blue. Ah~ I love the costume designs in there.. mainly Rikku's and Paine's... Yuna doesn't seem to appeal to me anymore.

Oh and HAIRCUT!!

Ah and ASP not supported on the new server... hmm, .hack site's screwed. Oh well...

[Wednesday, August 27, 2003]


Orientation. Interesting improv. First workshop was pretty useless. I signed up for the wrong one for my second, so I hung around doing nothing. Picked up my Japanese homwork. Holy sh--! I've never had so many writing problems at at once at one time before... Technically it was supposed to be an easy assignment (c'mon, kanji and hiragana/katakana charts -- rakusho rakusho~) Or so I thought... Almost every page was written on pointing out the smallest errors possible... (e.g. top line too close to second line... a dot accidentally touches... a line accidentally goes through the other line.. etc etc) And my hiragana/katakana charts being the worse... He disliked all of them and wanted me to redo and copy exactly how he does it! I guess it WAS my fault I rushed the homework a bit... but that means, I have to redo that other homework sheet I've yet to hand in then? NOOOoo... I didn't have the "brush stroke" for some of the characters so he doodled all over those like mad. Ughhh, strict like hell. Moving on.... Mom calls, decides to eat lunch at home and so we do. Return later and followed Jo to the third workshop. She convinced me not to go to the fourth one so I went to buy textbooks instead. Got nasty student card and bus pass and such and such...

That reminds me... I was at the bookstore and I bumped into Angela Gupta. She was with Darija and the first thing she says, "Just to let you know, I'm not going to this school." I honestly didn't really care; it was bad enough to see her already. My mom even thought she was a bit stuck up and arrogant. What a bitch she was. -_-;

Yay, server move. MySQL database is fux0red. Still in the works... ~_~

[Tuesday, August 26, 2003]


Panicked all weekend. Overstressing myself causing unnecessary back and arm pain... Friday: tried to keep myself calm at home. Wasn't able to practice any driving. Cried my heart out about Scrapped Princess ep 18. Saturday came around, woke up bright and early, hoping to catch my brother before he left for a little drive. Ended up, rolling around in bed some more instead. Got up a bit after he left and waited for his return. He came back and said he'd drive a bit later, leaving again. Tried to calm myself some more by occupying myself. I realized my Harry Potter book was due the next day and I haven't really started (around 1/6th?) so I took the time to read the whole book that day. Drove a bit that night, making aimless big street left turns. Ended the day about 3/4 or so into the book. Woke up early the next day for a driving lesson (0930 ;_;) with the instructor. Felt frustrated after the lesson. I asked if I can really do it before the lesson ended and he just smirked without answering me. Ugh, that left me even more discouraged than ever. Got back home and had let it all out (w/ tears of course)... got back to cramming up the last bit of the brick-sized HP book, trying to keep the pessimism away. My mom returned from church and noticed my distress and miraculously relieved me with her words as we drove down to Richmond to have lunch and return HP. Returned home, still feeling the anxiety and nervousness. Soon enough the whole family was telling me it was no big deal... and really it WAS no big deal. But I just couldn't shake off that feeling anyways.... drove some more, felt frustrated and tired after what it seemed like forever, practicing parking and backing up in an empty parking lot. Finally gave up for the night and just expected the worse of it. Tossed around in bed uncomfortably, waking up only once that night and sat up abruptly at 6am. The instructor got here at 7:10 and we zoomed down to Richmond. The practice/warm-up felt like eternity but we finally arrived at 8:30 at the testing location. Saw my mom, she was lining up for the building to open for some of her own license adjustments, my instructor probably thought my mom was crazy waiting for me for my test and lining up for no reason. I noticed a somewhat chubby woman that I accidentally met eyes with that morning at my warm-up, wandering around with a test paper. I mumbled and hope I wouldn't get her as my marker and I was WRONG. I end up getting her anyways. She looked at me and asked if we've met before. I shrugged and said no, knowing she must have remembered me from earlier that morning. We got to the car... did whatever and such and such. She realized I was nervous when I kept apologizing and freaking out unnecessarily at the beginning. After a bit, the tension weared off eventually and just drove the usual. I think my hazard perception was done stupidly.. "Uhh, pedestrians... uhh, there might be a truck that might block vision (btw it didn't exist there at all)... bikers (though there weren't any)..." :D So sad.. :p She didn't seem to mind though (no marks taken off for that, phew)... Luckily, I was told to park where there were no cars present at the time. I once again panicked unnecessarily at the very end when she told me to park in, head first. I immediately thought OMFG I'VE NEVER DONE THAT BEFORE EVER. I sent worried looks everywhere and I parked in. The parking spot was so amazing wide, I couldn't see one the parking border on the passenger's side and I panicked some more. She noticed and sorta laughed and told me not to worry. I was confused and too worried like sick but she told me to finally park and turn off the engine. At that point on, since I still couldn't see the line at all, I thought I was stepping on it and she just let it go. She discussed various points and yadda... my only point deducted was speeding through a yellow light which I had no idea why I did. I swore I was going down the road staring at the red hand stop flashing and I just kept going. Doofus, tis I. Besides that she said I did well and so forth. We talked for quite a while and at the end I was so lost in her words I missed her say "you passed" and it sorta just blew past me. She kept talking after she said that and then it finally clicked. My reaction was too late so I couldn't exactly scream YAY or squirm or anything so I kept a straight happy face. She smiled and said congratulations and I happily accepted and thanked her. When we got off she chuckled and told me I shoulda parked a bit deeper. I sorta turned around and laughed at my own mistake... As I walked by back into the building I heard my instructor (who was standing outside, smoking with the rest of his driver-teacher-buddies) say (rather loudly), "Well, let me go see how badly she did..." and followed me. Ugh, what a dick. He quickly swiped the car key away from me and asked looked around dazily, wondering where I was going. Yeah you dick, I'm going to go pay and get my friggin picture taken! Afterwards, he blabbed some more as he spoke in that arrogant tone and with his most annoying facial appearance. I think he's a little cross-eyed or something... I don't feel that anything changed after that test though... the test didn't feel like a test after all that... Yes I feel no different now... no car anyways.. at least.. not yet.

Wasted time relaxing at home and had to do something enjoyable so I HTMLed and finished up Stardust's new layout. What a nice feeling that was... :p

Oh yes, HP was quite interesting. (no spoilers :D) Harry whines and complains too much... it gets sorta annoying. Not to mention HP's getting more gruesome. Yes I can't believe what happened near the end.. ITS AS SAD AS SCRAPPED PRINCESS 18! But when Luna mentioned about hearing 'em voices.. hmm, meaning Harry'll be able to as well from behind the veil? And then.. and then?? (REUNITED??!) fiewofjwoi... no idea. Requires too much thinking... Rather just wait for the next one, psh.

Tried out a Korean restaurant by the Cambie bridge today (semi-celebration? :D). Quite expensive... and the food wasn't ALL THAT great. A waitress spoke Chinese to us.. o_O Sorta strange... No crazy combos or meal sets in their menu, which made things difficult. They had an all you can eat bar... it didn't look impressive so we didn't try that. We had left overs of some onion pancake crap crap thing... simliar to that Japanese dish I made in the past with onions and eggs and such..... I didn't get a chance to try the Korean one.. I was too stuffed~ It was stuffy in there, that's for sure.

Orientation tomorrow morning. Better sleep.

[Monday, August 25, 2003]



It went SMOOTHLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO BLOODY RELIEVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*rolls around and squeals uncontrollably*
My instructor's just an annoying strict foo... my tester was so nice.. the instructor claimed she's a strict marker but~ like my mom says, we were "NGAM KEY!" XD (good key?... same vibes?... good vibes?... we GOT ALONG!!)

yeeeey... *hovers around*

[Friday, August 22, 2003]



NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHY!!!!!!!!!!!SUTEPRI EP 18 SHOULDN'T OF HAPPENED!

Uguu I cried ;______;

What should I say... I want him back.. I WANT HIM BACK NOW! >_< !!!!!!

[Thursday, August 21, 2003]


Should I even bother trying to catch up...? So much to talk about if I do... *eyes shift around*

Playland was whee. Wasted too much in time in the arcades, we didn't get to ride the Hellevator (sp?) and the Log Ride.. kuyashii~ We refilled Marcus' hellevator cup 10+ times (5+ people drinking from it), I got sick after riding the flying swings, and we rode Hell's gate 5+ times. Boom screamed unnecessarily at anywhere and anytime just to stir up everyone. We had Timbits for Night Snack and ordered everyone a cup of water. Mmm... That sums it up.

Played Xenosaga at Fish's house (damn brother no let me play with his annoying attitude: "You don't get to play until I finish it"-- my ass. He's never going to get to that game...) Allen's funny :D, voices are a tad strange (Chaos bothers me the most)... I've yet to hear Jr.'s... mmm sexy gun boi... The game was technically not his so the cd was in a bad shape. It froze my game a few times, forcing me to restart until I realize the cd was covered in stuff that seemed like snot or something disgustingly related. The FMVs (sorta FMVS ~_~) long as ever and pauses between changing screens were long too. No wonder the back of the box said it had over 80 hours of gameplay, 60 of those hours are dedicated to story or something :D. I hope they get the japanese voice option in episode II... though I'm doubting it. At least turn of subtitles or something...

Did you know my driving test is this coming Monday?... I've got no car on the weekend to practice with? I'm royally fucked?!? My mom's spazzing like crazy (still is now), making my life even more miserable than it already is... throwing in whatever else she needs to spazz about too (school, life... everything). Dammit... I've got two problems: Changing lanes and maybe parking. The instructor claims I don't wait for a big enough spot to change lanes (thus being a dangerous action), and I'm hitting the fuking curb lately (I didn't before D:)... AND I actually HIT the damn curb when I was turning today (therefore, if it was the actual test I bloody failed! Woohoo!) first in my fucking life! Something's wrong WITH ME... At least I'm not speeding anymore. :p Dammit I CAN'T DO IT... I HAD CONFIDENCE UNTIL MY MOM JUST SCREWED IT OVER BY BASHING ME REPEATEDLY (of course verbally).

Alright I seriously need something to get this off my mind... stressing SHIT OF RIWOIFEJWOIFJIOWJWEKFWKWELJFJFUK... don't think anything will.. NOT WHEN YOU'RE REMINDED REPEATEDLY EVERYDAY AND ANYTIME POSSIBLE... *punches something*

[Thursday, August 14, 2003]



Got to Mo2's place at 3 and left when Eliza got there. Threw stale biscuits at incoming Knight St. Bridge cars while waiting for the bus. We fled when some chinese guy turned around and wanted to chase us down. We bussed and skytrained all messed up directions and got there at the site around at 4. We got on the Coaster first; I couldn't stand it. ~_~ ... I'll finish it later tonight. :D~

[Saturday, August 9, 2003]

playing with real fire



[Friday, August 8, 2003]


I ACCIDENTALLY SOLD MY MAG! Gosh I'm an idiot... *waves baibai to her scary/ugly but loved Naga*

[Tuesday, August 5, 2003]


Summer's going by so quickly, I already forgot what happened last week.

Fireworks on Wednesday. Chile was it? Interesting, I liked the ones that had colour in the outside and then suddenly big poofy gold-coloured cloud of fireworks will explode, making it sorta look like a flower. Meh, bad explainer. I got there late to meet up with Shi2 and Mo2 because of my fag driving instructor that decided to change driving lesson dates. My parents being total pricks force me to take lessons last minute anyways. So I arrive late, everyone there including Stephen Inglis and Eddie (haha funny) and the SGers. Lots of time wasting and conversation, like the usual.

Fireworks again on Saturday. Canada's turn. I followed Fish and the gang this time because their group shrunk from 10+ to 2 people. Sally calls last minute to join up. We park somewhere far, but not as far as the spot on Wed, made out way down and found a pretty crappy spot. I urged them to merge with the other group but being anti-social that they are, they decided not to. I visited the other group every so often (somewhat far, considering the journey crossing numerous people were tiring like hell) while I joined the smaller group in playing gameboys. Amy and I both brought two gameboys, so each person got to play their own. We wasted our time playing those 54/80-in-1 type games going "Oh yeah I remember this game! Oh I remember that too; how do you play it again?" The fireworks for Canada sucked anyhow.

Went to take a Japanese placement test today at Langara and I suddenly bump into Irene! Seems like she's going to be taking similiar courses and going into the same major. The placement test ended up surprisingly hard (crazy kanji everywhere) and ended up taking 117 (I think?). We then gotta visit again tomorrow to have an oral conversation with the head teacher @_@... we also went to check if we could take Chinese 115, and surprisingly we could. Now I have a dilemma this semester -- take Chinese or Japanese? ~_~
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