Tango Appassionata

[Tuesday, September 30, 2003]


A week and a day.

School is the ultimate boring. Yeah that made no sense.

So... the weeks been quite eventful. There was a day when I bumped into Mo2 while coming home from school to find that she pierced her ears without me. Keh, I want two more holes cuz two by itself is boring. I used up all the McDix free burger coupons given by Boom before the expirey dates... kansha shite iru yo~ And so last weekend it was the final days of the Richmond Night Market. We just *HAD* to go and thus we did. Went with GaLLeN, Sally and Fish on Saturday after some good ol' MJ and "family dinner" :O! Had bbtea and a good scare in the Bubble World area and on the way back (we were being paranoid, plus a giant part of cambie had a blackout so it was as creepy as travelling from SFU/UBC at night :O!!)... Sunday went to the Richmond Library for geo bonus lab on the maps there. Met up with Fish and had dinner at i-cafe. Picked up Amy and headed off to the night market. Searched desperately for my mom's cheap stockings she wanted but no luck. Instead wasted money on some stationary... I love my new pencil case! Big and roomy! XD! Oh Fish lost Lucky yesterday. (stupid D:) Luckily found him.. well more like a note about him from a person who carried him home. Scared the bejezus out of everyone...

Ended a few anime series... MaLoki was teh disappointment. The ending was too happy :p... I expected more from NORSE GODS FFfffffff... Gundam Seed... too happy too :p (I'm a morbid person? I dunno...) I ALSO expected something crazier (as if the ending itself wasn't already crazy enough XD)... Kaleido Star (sort of ending... ending of first season anyways)... Poor Layla... I winced when she winced. Stellvia -- if I watched the R-B version but I don't -- damn Solar.

Oh yeah, was also busy working on a new site. (What about the old sh*t you don't update?!) Yeahyeah whatever... so hate me :p

[Thursday, September 25, 2003]

PoT 91!!!!!


Most hilarious episode >=D
Thumbs up for Davide!

[Monday, September 22, 2003]


Woke up feeling better than the day before... caught the flu around Thursday and worsened Saturday. Slept lots, had lots of medicine... no real recovery until today. Woke up, still feeling crappy but better... got a call from Jo to find out that Fish blocked out all his cellphone calls. Jo, being stranded at Kits, cries for help :D While getting dressed and trying to contact Fish, Jo calls and informs me that he was at Amy's having lunch. For one thing, I was annoyed he blocked out calls, leaving us worried like shit and didn't call any one of us beforehand that he'd be busy at lunch. Though he finally did finish and picked the both of us up at our specific locations. We made our way to Tinseltown when we realized we wouldn't make it to the 2 o'clock showtimes for our movies so we went for food instead. We had dim sum in Chinatown... everything was crapped up yucky. While we were eating there was a giant projector that recorded what was happening at the entrance. Fish noticed a guy picking his butt.. XD unnecessary information. After taking in all the gross food we ensured we were able to use our DSC discount CARD worth 10% and granting us free parking. We left and got GELATO for dessert... Jo got some crazy nutty thing, Fish got some strange chocolaty thing and I GOT CRAZY SMELLING DURIAN... We enjoyed our gelato outside and then made our way to Tinseltown for our movies. Fish and I went to watch Matchstick Men while Jo watched Secondhand Lions. Ah~ I love Nicolas Cage to bits XD... the ending was an interesting twist. Still feeling full we headed off to play pool. Stopped by Bubble World for bubble tea, didn't feal like it last minute and left. Weird. Played 4 games of pool... 2 following the rules, one following "our rules" and the last freestyled. Fish and I won two. The real rules were frustrating like hell XD... Anywho, we needed dinner so we headed off to Richmond Continental Centre. The Taiwanese restaurant was closed so we tried the next door, featuring Malay-like Taiwanese style food -- majority of it being spicy and such. It wasn't too pricy but the food wasn't that great. Before we headed back, we wasted a good half hour at Fish's playing with his dogs... :D?

A nice full day out seemed to have cured me of my sickness... strange.

whee *copies everyone else*


The Big Five Personality Test
Extroverted|||||||||||| 42%
Introverted |||||||||||||| 58%
Friendly |||||||||||||| 52%
Aggressive |||||||||||| 48%
Orderly |||||||||||| 46%
Disorderly |||||||||||||| 54%
Relaxed |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||||| 80%
Practical |||| 20%
Take Free Big 5 Personality Test
Heh I took the test 3 times to make sure.. :p
Conscious self
Overall self
Take Free Enneagram Test
INFP - "Questor". High capacity for caring. Calm and pleasant face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 1% of the total population.
Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test

[Saturday, September 20, 2003]

Dragons wuh


I am a A Viper Drake!Hey, I took the http://dragonhame.com online Inner Dragon quiz and found out I am a Viper Drake on the inside. In the war between good and evil, your inner Dragon self is rotten with the stench of EVIL....When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon walks a fine line between Law and Chaos....As far as magical tendancies, a Viper Drake's nature does not lend itself well to the ways of Magic....During combat situations, whether by spells or by claw, your inner dragon will do whatever it takes to get the job done....The Viper Drake has a sleek, deep green body that moves quickly and swiftly through the swamps and bogs where it makes it's home.'Despite their evil nature, the Viper Drake is not terribly aggressive and will generally leave most creatures alone unless provoked, that is unless the drake is hungry.'While not venomous, as it's name might imply, the Viper Drake is a powerful fighter. A Viper Drake makes great use of both it's corrosive breath weapon and it's terrible bite, which has a nasty tendency to fester even the smallest wound. These creatures are dangerous and are widely feared.'This Dragons favorite elements are: Rubies and Hemlock Roothttp://Dragonhame.Com

Am I the only evil dragon? D:
I tried it again, answering all the riddles at the end and got Witchwood Dragon but had no description...


Whoa Gad Guard ends at 19 (24/26? D:), Gundam Seed ends at 50 (NOT 52?!) and GetBackers at 49 (NOT 52 TOO?)..... its that time already... NEW SERIES SOON OMFGGGGGGGGGgggggggggggg

Let Hoshi Souichirou be Joshua in Chrno Crusade pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease..........

[Wednesday, September 17, 2003]


Got to school to find that CLASS WAS CANCELLED! And then I soon also realized I didn't have my cell phone with me. I phoned my mom on the pay phone to get a ride back. She dropped me off at the bus stop before she went to work. Took the bus to UBC and got there within a half n hour (quick eh)... I was obviously too early to meet Eleanor (which was at 1) so I took my time at the SUB touring the first level clubs. I made my way downstairs to find the old arcade to have disappeared and rebuilt 10x BIGGER AND BETTER on the other side. I didn't hesitate and went in to find Ivan Fu watching some crazy taiwanese guys play drumania skillfully. Talked to him for a short bit before he scurried off. I took a quick tour around the arcade to see what they had and noticed the most interesting game. Some Gundam shooter game thingy... the guy that was playing kept dying and strangely kept coming back to life. Then I noticed the guy sitting beside him was playing the same game but was watching the other guy play while on some selecting machine screen. Until the guy "failed" the mission the other guy seemed to have joined in on the same game. The CPU was strangely very smart and knew how to gang up on the players... I soon wandered off to watch some other crazy chinese guys play GGXX which gave me the urge to play too. I soon realized on the other side of the gundam game players were another two machines that were playing the same game. THEN I REALIZED THE FOUR WERE PLAYING AGAINST EACH OTHER! Whee that was interesting... okay. Soon 1pm came around and Eleanor called me and we met up. She went to grab a bite before we headed off to immediately sign up for teh Dragon Seed Connection Club for me on the second floor!!! A friend of my mom's son was part of the DSC too! Then we quickly glanced at the other clubs on the same floor. While passing through one of the crowded club rooms I saw Yisa; well more like she saw me. As we passed by the Table Tennis club, Eleanor and I both wondered if Eric joined the club or not :D... Near the end of this particular club area there was a Chinese Arts guy recruiter that stopped to talk to me. We had this strange greeting with each other that Eleanor found funny... though I've forgotten. As Eleanor went for a washroom break, I went back to the room with the anime club to make sure the strange girl that was standing there was that strange girl I met from SG and indeed it was. And of course that club had a strange crowd so I didn't bother getting closer. I went to check up on Eleanor and visit the washroom myself :D... She then felt like popcorn so we went downstairs for some free popcorn. We walked outside and bumped into Jerry and Will. JERRY FLATTENED HIS HAIR :D!!!!! The three had to get to Biology so I followed. On the way we saw HO and Ella depart from each other. It was a while since Eleanor and I saw Ho but I wasn't sure if he was Ho or Kin so I kept screaming "HO-KIN!" and he turned around soon enough. There wasn't much after that... They got to class, I took the bus back and I treated myself to a free McDonalds from some coupon.

Just watched the Linkin Park spotlight on Muchmusic, mhmm sucked.

My internet's still quite dead and unstable. Damn telus.

[Wednesday, September 10, 2003]



The new server is teh ghey. It dies horribly, exposing PHP codes and dies some more... The server lags like hell and eventually timesout. *reboots it constantly* damn you! *jabs it violently with a sharp stick* Next task on the list, installing greymatter for poor Rin who's probably had enough of my damn server of shit, bouncing back passwords and such. Not to mention blogger's a ho every so often too. I wonder if their "draft" thing actually works...

[Tuesday, September 9, 2003]


We're so desperate for friends, we even tried picking up girls.. fff, somebody's gotta save us from this loneliness at lunch time yo! *sniffs*

The second orientation thinger happened today. Seems like XFM was around at the event. A few prize draws and lots of crazy cake. I didn't bother trying it though... I'm probably the most retarded person on earth to make a vocabulary quiz mistake like CALIFORNIA!! THE EASIEST SHIT QUESTION ON THE QUIZ was TO WRITE IN IT IN *KATAKANA* OMFG... I left the RU and that just ruined my day completely. Braindead question and I got it WRONG. I met up with Anna (from JAMIESON!) before Linguistics class! Apparently she had Psychics in the room across... I was waiting for the door to open when I saw her enter the class and then suddenly turned around and looked at me. I stared at her for a bit and she gave me weird faces. I took the initiative and asked how she was... where we met and such and such with all the re-introductions. She seemed to remember more about me than I did about her... for I only recognized her face. Saw Donovan when I got to class. He was just leaving his "Advanced English" class... OoOooh.. o_o; And in English we learned grammar aaallllllll over again... fun stuff. "Identify the subject and the verb in the sentence".. ohohoho best stuff ever.

[Sunday, September 7, 2003]


Woke up around 11 today, got out of the house at 1:45, arrived at Jesse's at 2:20. Didn't have much to say at the LXC meeting... mostly listened to what they were discussing about... Started raining hard at around 3 and the meeting ended at 3:30. Decided to take at look at the local thrift and dollar stores for clothing and accessories for our costumes. Finished browsing at around 4:30 so I went to Oakridge. Window shopped and wasted some time in the bookstore... waited at the bakery at 5:15... it wasn't until 5:45 when Jo and Elie showed up. Lugging Jesse's giant umbrella and a giant 12 inch cake we bussed to Sabusen on B-Line and walked a few blocks, arriving at 6:30. Dropped off the cake and wasted some time at Shoppers Drug Mart. Loitered in the make-up section most of the time then moved onto stationary/backpacks then to magazines. We got back at 7 and took our reserved seat at the biggest dinner table... We drank lots of tea and then noticed Timmy and Singing Sensation #3~ Jerry and Lee came right at 7:30... Mike and Amy came at 7:45, followed by Tony, Tony, Jon and Simon. We made haste and ordered all-you-can-eat like mad. Funny conversations here and there... ended up wasting some food afterall... the majority of it being Korean BBQ. Some of the meat caught on fire... A waiter that came to drop off more plates noticed and offered to remove it for us. Mike dropped a burning piece of meat on his tray as he stroded off normally with it. It was the funniest thing... Jo was speaking in code on the phone, her "parents" being the surprise group of stupid guys. I didn't understand it at first... luckily Elie noticed I didn't know and told me... I was almost tricked myself ~_~;... The group of stupid guys soon appeared attacking everyone with their digital camera, taking useless pictures. The giant 12 inch cake finally appeared, we ate giant pieces >_<;; and Tony Jo and I raced to finished them, even though we were stuffed to the max already -- Me being the winner >=D. Presents were given to Mike, he was surprised to see a box of moon cake filled with not only moon cake but trojan condoms :p... And ending almost too soon, we all went home just before 11 -- Jo and Amy ended up having bad diarrea?!

[Thursday, September 4, 2003]


Oho forgot to post about the first day of a new semester of a new year of a new life!

Ahem ahem... It didn't turn out as bad as I thought, though it wasn't especially good either. I got there a half n hour early because I miscalculated my bus trip and met May and crew in the cafeteria. Sat around chatting until first class... first class being Geo. It was surprisingly packed when I got there and luckily found a seat by a boy/girl/person. I seriously couldn't tell if he/she was a he or a she until the end of the class. I had a tall girl sitting in front of me, blocking my vision tho D: We started off with some introductory notes and then ended the class early. Went to the next one... Japanese. I couldn't find my next class at first (because you had to turn into one of those inner strange corridor thingies) but finally found it. Being the first to arrive I didn't go in so I sat outside. Then this really familiar guy I met from high school grade 11 shows up :O! We both kinda pointed at each other, without knowing each other's names saying "I remember you!"... Even after the attendance roll I still don't remember his name. I just remember he lent me Ayumi's Evolution single in Annual class... ho ho ho... Irene came a bit later taking a seat in the row beside me. The majority of the students were asian (woo big surprise eh -_-) so meh. The girl in front of me had duck shaped lips and the girl on my left always stuck her tongue out. Strange little thing I noticed... After class Irene and I went to search for the computer lab he said we'd take our oral tests. Lunch time: Irene bought fries. They sucked big time. The most disgusting piece of potato ever -- tasteless and crappy all over. No salt nor ketchup to go with it either. She gave all of it to her strange guy friends that came to bother us. We moved onto Linguistics class. Most of the people there were... old. The teacher who explained how the class'll be like made the course sound fun. The textbook we had to read was another matter it seems... There was a girl (I think) that sat in the back who had really hairy legs (of a guy's O_O!)... It took me a while to decide what gender that person might have been... "Such manly legs... but... I don't see much chest... the face is somewhat womanly... and the voice is of a girl's... but... such.. manly.. legs..." Hmm anyways, kept me thinking all class. After that, Irene left to get her car at the YMCA while I went to my last class -- ENGLISH. Once again I was there early... The eldest persont to take classes -- a 70-year-old asian lady came to attend :O! I also found out Polina was in my class when she came in somewhat later. At first, a scary straight-face man with a bandana came in with all his english texts. My first reaction: "OMFG." He kept his straight face as he laid out his papers until this other lady comes in a little later with a surprised look. And to think there was a MISTAKE AHHHhh... They were both teaching the same course at the same time but in a different room. So who I thought would be the better off teacher (when I registered to put in the codes) wasn't better at all.... But then again, when the class started, she had an unsteady voice volume: it'd suddenly go really LOUD and then gentle again. Somewhat frightening. The greatest shock though was: DIAGNOSIS ESSAY WORTH 5% OF THE TERM. *dies* Well I did the essay today... only the rough draft... the topic being: "If it was your last day on Earth today what would you do and why?" OMFG WORST SUBJECT EVER! SO DAMN BROAD AND NEVER-THOUGHT-OF-TOPIC... My ideas so far are pretty shitty so I don't know how I'm going to manage. Oh I bumped into Rita today when we went to get our agendas and buy a fasttrack sticker. I also sorta greeted Florence when she was lining up for the sticker as well... I also saw Alex LEUNG... I was walking BEHIND him so thankgoodnesshedidn'tseeme... =_=

*yawn* 11:30 tomorrow for japanese then two hour break then finish up essay then the end of the week.. wooo~

[Wednesday, September 3, 2003]

do be do be doop doop


Yay reading is fun. There's so much reading I think I'm gunna cry... *would burn this book but its worth $50*

Latest obsession: tenipuri radioooooosssss omfgggggg... seiyuu's are funny when they're out of character.. especially when they're using the voices of the actual character.. (eheheh tezuka xD)... Hmm I wasted a whole afternoon listening to them one after another.

Ok, back to reading.

[Monday, September 1, 2003]


I ditched my cosplay group's meeting today... Shi2 had to work today because Mo2 did not, so she didn't go to the meeting either. The day went by nice and slow... surprisingly with roast beef too. My dad blamed me for not checking every single dish he was serving today. Because of that I made rice when there was mashed potatoes. Oh well. I wonder how tomorrow'll be like...
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