Tango Appassionata

[Saturday, December 25, 2004]



Putting that nasty stuff aside for now...

Merry Christmas!

[Friday, December 24, 2004]

The Truth About the Dental Clinic...







[Wednesday, December 22, 2004]

Start of Winter Holidays~


So all the malls are crazy at this time of year. So is traffic. The government decides to choose this particular time to start fixing roads. Always, always such good timing.

I can carve! Carve what? Carve an S in the snow! With what? A snowboard! zOMG!

So we went boarding at Cypress umm, sometime last week (Thurs, i think it was) and I insisted I'd practise the first half of the day by myself, so I wouldn't have any annoying bums rushing me to get down the friggin mountain. Then at food time, we sat around the lodge full of BIRDS! They got up really close, flew everywhere and ate bits and pieces of peoples' food haha! We were afraid they'd poop on us from above though.. D: After that, I finally decided to follow them up the other trails where we had to hike a bit (ugh, hiking in boots makes you feel so disabled and slow). Then we had to go down a black diamond trail to get to another lift that brought us to another location and it was tiring! We left when the rain started pooring down, making everything even more slushy, wet and icy. Man, having to board over brown ice was kinda gross. D:

@ Roots: It's still difficult to have a good conversation with these guys. Not to mention, one co-worker gives me funny stares and another just annoys me as hell. Oh, our store's so depressing: it's not especially busy, even with Christmas approaching. Once again, I met another of those regular customers labeled as annoying. This time, there were two loud, obnoxious Cantonese-speaking chinese old ladies who came in touching practically EVERYTHING and moving them EVERYWHERE. We literally had to clean up after them, as soon as they moved from one spot to another. They were known to make big messes, end up not buying anything after and refunding their purchases frequently. That time, they only bought something cuz they wanted to use a coupon which they did not have. And so they left, not buying it. Meh, some people.

@ Dental: It's becoming more and more difficult. She (the assistant) is expecting too much from me within so little time. I understand the other helper's leaving next month but seriously, she doesn't understand that showing me doesn't help me unless I can actually practice it hands-on. Which is why I've been constantly screwing up... since all she does is SHOW me and TELL me things ONCE and expect me to have it ALL MEMORIZED. She, for some reason, also expects me to do/not do things I was not taught/told to do??? (e.g. wipe a particular piece of equipment after this and that, etcetc) Not to mention, she apparently wants me to become what she is when she has had months/years to practice/learn this, while I had no more than a week in total. They also want to add on hours next month but really, they haven't even paid me yet and I've been working for 3 weeks? Actually, they haven't even asked me for my info to give me my money!! I've already ranted about this to my parents and they haven't really helped much though... So why aren't I quitting???? This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance and there's probably just something wrong with me too. Cuz seriously, I'm getting stressed out from this frustrating job. Oh, it was my first time doing some slobber sucking and I did a crap job. Ughhh I felt so bad for the dentist to have to deal with a newbie retard like me, and I didn't have the chance (or actually, the nerve) to formally apologize (because I really wanna D:) to him about it. I accidentally talked back to him too, ahhh I didn't catch myself saying it until it was too late and ah shit, I felt so bad and stupid and pathetic. And during my slobber sucking experience, it was my first time seeing so much tartar build-up on this mainland china FOB lady who hasn't ever visited a dentist before (that's understandable though) and suddenly whoa, it was gross. I'd be seeing more of it yes. Her cleaning was so bloody, so was her daughter's. I could imagine it was pretty darn painful for them too... Okay so cleaning gross mouthes aren't as bad as pulling out teeth though. A few times I had to watch them pull out teeth (not in direct view, I couldn't BARE a direct view), but I watched from the doorway and.. DDDDDDD: It looks SO PAINFUL, especially with those TOOLS THE DENTIST GUY USES. THEY'RE BIG AND BIG!... BIG! THICK METAL. PLIER-LIKE and SCREWDRIVER-LIKE! Wow, I was scared. And still am scared. And to think, I'll have to watch and assist with this stuff in the.. (possibly) near future. I might get paid monthly. To think, when my Roots job is over, I'd only get one paycheck PER MONTH?? I'd die. I seriously need to build up some courage to talk to them about it (my moneyyyyyyy~)... I actually don't even know my payrate. If I find out it's crap, I'm SO ditching. no 8's, no 9's. This job is no way worth 8's and 9's. I told my parents that and they were like "Pfft, then you'd have no job." then ya, that's so true.... but stressing out over what it's not worth is kinda dumb too. Kinda like Daiso and its $8. Ugh. I honestly waited too long to change jobs when I was Daiso.

Whoa big rant. I feel better though.

So much complaining. But it's a nice way to relieve stress. :]]

Now, I've finally made up my mind and quit ffxi completely! Even though I haven't played for, oh, 4-5 months? :P Now, let the deactivation commence! I'm depressed about the fact that I can't say my goodbyes and sell all my stuff and give it to my bro though.

Oh well, now I gotta balance my work, sleep, computer time and game time somehow. I'm lacking game time big time! I can't find the time to start my Star Ocean 3. I was going to today but ughhh got sidetracked as usual. I also need to make hdd space for UT2k4.

Christmas draws nearrrr... Winter has finally started! Come snow, COME!

[Thursday, December 16, 2004]

I <3 Onii-chan~


aieeeeee Star Ocean 3: Till the End of Time!!1111(now I gotta find the time to play games again....)


Your Dominant Intelligence is Spatial Intelligence
You've got a good sense of space and how the world around you looks.

You can close your eyes and "see" images. You have innate artistic talent.

An eye for color and shapes, you're also a natural designer.

Since you think in pictures, visual aids and demonstartions help you learn best.

You would make a good navigator, sculptor, visual artist, inventor, architect, interior designer, or engineer.

[Monday, December 13, 2004]

re: ccsboard.com (2)


...and it returns.

[Saturday, December 11, 2004]

re: ccsboard.com


to ccsboard users. the domain will be no more. read more here.

Party Party


Saboo's B-Day Party! I got to Metro early, so I bought my ski pass and then watched kids play kickass DDR at Playdium. I finally met up with Sty and her Co-Worker gang and headed to the ever-so-pretty food court. We all chowed down on some food since our reservations weren't until 9:30. We loitered for a few hours before we made our way Downtown to Milestone's. We met up with more people (mainly the SGers) at the front door. Then we had to wait some more for more people and also for our seats to clear. We finally sat down by 10:30 -_-;... Since there wasn't exactly a big table, we all sat in 5 separate tables (to fit the 25 heads :/). Felt a bit strange at first... Anyways after the good meal, a guy named Eric spilled his alcohol drink over his pants and 'wet himself' :p... Then he kept trying to get people to touch his wet pant leg throughout the rest of the night.. hahaha~ Then there was this girl ('nother co-worker) who kept trying to take pictures but did a crap job because she was slow with the shutter/button pressing. And she couldn't stop taking pictures the whole night, either with the camera or her cellphone. Meh. Couldn't stop noticing. Then I got treated to a Bellini :} So peachy and nice~ Oh and Saboo got showered with many pretty and GOOD presents (like a frickin PS2 plus games+++ XD!!!). Anywhooo, mitsuii kindly drove me home afterwards. She drives a stick and looks cool doing it! So I forgive her for driving so damn fast :p

And I come home to find that, gasp, there won't be anymore HQ Genshiken! Uguuu, so depressing...

[Friday, December 10, 2004]

Waited Too Long


So I waited too long and now I don't feel like talking about how my new jobs are like. Ahhh crap. Then briefly it shall be spoken of. And with the other events inbetween.

Rooty Roots. Almost like Root Beer. Or not. It's very straightforward: approach, greet, offer help, done. Fufu, being a salesperson rocks! The first day of training was horrendously slow and boring. Since I was new, I didn't approach anyone pretty much. I felt so left out in the conversations between other co-workers too... meh. Second day, I was on a roll and took on the proper role of a salesperson! I attacked everyone! Ha no, but I was on fire by the end of the day. ;D And the third day, esp. Saturday, there were even MORE people so it was busy busy but good! Very satisfying I tell ya.

Weekend rolled in. Saturday after work, we had all you can eat at Shabusen. It was great, cuz we all went crazy. After food, we went to Amy's to play Monopoly hahahaha... I had the least amount of property, so I got bored. Then we suggested Death Match where costs were doubled and income was cut down. But instead, we went with merging companies and merged with each other. Simon/Amy VS Me/Jo/Jason... all of us went on a mad hotel building spree. I think we won (their money balance was unsteady throughout the game so XD) but... hm, Simon had to go so we pretty much stopped after that. Jo and I played DDR, and I created a few top scores to kick Jason off #1. Then we went and played Life.. mm, board gamesssss...

Second Job: Teh DENTAL CLINIC! So uhh... of course, it was difficult as hell at first to get used to everything (procedures, rules, cautions, names, routines, etc). Changing gloves all the time, spraying, cleaning, rip, remove, replace... I got the hang of it by the end of the day. Oh btw, I'm training to be a dental assistant if that info was unmentioned yet :o... There were times (many times actually) when I'd do absolutely nothing but stand there... yes STAND THERE (yes just like the salesperson job every so often :p). Since I'm new, I was limited to lots of stuff. So I only did the clean up after a patient, clean up the used equip yadda yadda. Soon enough I'll have to peer into those mouths though. But until then...!

Ok, back to Roots! I was called in early to cover our poor sick sick staff that got wasted at their Roots Christmas party (not by the drinks but by the FOOD :O!). Man, it's hard to believe that EVERYONE (except ONE) that went got PUKING SICK from going. It was hard to believe at first but it seemed pretty bad... So I got to work to find out that I sold the most last week (O_O!) and hear about their.. erm after (the) party experience. And I finally met all the staff! Huzzah! Also, I finally met the "Crazy Lady" my co-workers nicknamed because she's known to buy lots of stuff and then return it way past promotion FOR the promotional price. Boy, she was known as the Crazy Glove Lady that day because she brought her gloves back for exchange and then bought 2 more. She wanted it on separate bills. Then wanted discount. But to get discount, she needed it on one bill. Then that was done. Then left but then came back and said she forgot to use this coupon. Then she didn't want that previous discount and wanted the coupon instead. BUT after doing all the transactions, she wanted separate bills. Woot. Pain in the ass indeed. There was probably more to it, but I was busy trying to figure out where the watches were stored. x_x And whoa, it was my first time closing and the vacuum is a pain in the ass. It's old, not very portable, LOUD, SMELLY... boy, I had a ball. At least my co-worker understood what I was going through.. since she had to too back then. Talk about an insane day, the phone at work couldn't stop ringing too.

Speaking of insane, I had a Da Capo marathon and wow, I hate Nemu and wish the anime went with the bad Nemu game ending where she'd DIE!

And to end this post, NEW LINKAGE PAGE LAYOUT! *follows background pattern trend* Uber cute, I love MuvLuv <3

[Friday, December 3, 2004]

Yaay purple-ized kidd


First day of work was interesting. They didn't tell me to do anything, so I looked kinda dumb trying to find stuff to do. Anyways, more detail on that later perhaps.

Finally, I worked on something! It felt like forever since I last made a layout or something... I feel so rusty and crappy. I can't wait till my hours/schedule are/is all sorted out because I'll have more time to DO STUFF! Yeeey, I want to do so much site renovation and updating. *hand shakes uncontrollably*... I need my addictives... like.. NOW!
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