Tango Appassionata

[Wednesday, February 27, 2002]


It's been a while since I've said something, I've missed blogging so muchhhh... ;___;

My IT teacher just announced that all the Flash assignments must be handed in by the beginning of next class. Which include assignments 5-9. Well lets see, the first assignment is a greeting card, no problemo. The next one is creating a short tutorial, to teach whatever you want. Okay, no sweat. The one after that is a preloader. Preloader my arse, no need to stress out. The second last assignment is to teach the "class" about a technique. Mmm, a little difficult considering I don't know what kind of Flash technique could actually appeal to the class. Finally, the most stressing assignment is the final project -- assignment #9. You are to make a Flash website with all this junk he specified in it. Okay okay, this wouldn't be so stressing if I didn't start a few classes ago. Eheheh, not my fault my home computer's the one that's leaving me depressed.. XP Or is that just a bad excuse...? But honestly, I'd do my Flash at home if I had the program in my computer... *laughs nervously* This procrastination is killing me.

Thank goodness now though. I'm finally home and I find out that.. OMFG!! MY COMPUTER'S CO-OPERATING WITH MY INTERNET. I'm so glad glad glad gladddddddd.... Right now, I need to get the stuff I need for my compu. After that, I need to work on my Flash. After that, probably on the weekend, I'll get on collective working again! Woohoo!!!!!!

[Sunday, February 24, 2002]


It's Sunday already, how depressing. School the next day, even more depressing.

I wasn't home to watch the hockey game today, but at Richmond, I watched the ending at the bowling alley in Aberdeen Centre. (o_o)! I was super happy to find that we woooooooooooooooooon over the U.S.A. by 3 points! How grand is that? A wonderful 5-2! Yattaaaaaaa! ^^

I shall celebrate by watching more Inu Yasha on my bro's compu! I'm looking for the movie too... maybe it's too early to look for it, considering it only came out for oh.. two months? ~_~;;

[Saturday, February 23, 2002]


(more) Ahh!! I'm using the internet at my friend's house because currently we have some freetime while we wait for some other people to show up for her little movie thing. *yawn* Only 3 out of 6-7 have arrived and we might be here all day. o_O What a great way to waste the afternoon, ne. Well, it seems like we overlooked a little pluggy thing while networking, so we got that fixed (FINALLY). I moved EVERYTHING to the new computer, making the old computer very swifty! (weird engrish)... And then! I turn it off for the night, reopening it again tomorrow, the new computer's "winlogin.exe" crashes on me, and constantly crashes and reboots. So now... URHHH! WTF IS GOING ON >_<... when I think there's hope, some other obstruction gets in my way. Now my last hope is to reinstall Windows without loosing anything (I'm so worried about that.... >_< >_< >_<)...

[Thursday, February 21, 2002]


School's network's being a total beetch. So is the network I'm trying to network at home. ARGH. *at school at the moment, bore-ing herself out.

[Tuesday, February 19, 2002]


Ahh, I haven't blogged for so long. Much has happened (sort of). Tamers was pretty good, they kept Ryo as RYO! Didn't expect the exact mature voice, but not too bad. We picked up the new computer Saturday too but AGRGH, stupid computer people didn't do something properly so we decided to give it back to them on Monday to fix. On Sunday, I GOT DNANGEL #6!!!!!!!! BUT! Something was wrong... SOMETHING WAS WRONG. They didn't have the special edition (2nd ver.) I left disappointingly with the OTHER edition *pfft*... The special edition was to come with a shiny card and this one just had a bookmark. Bah, BAH!

Computer got fixed and stuff. We tried to network it with my old computer, it didn't work for the first attempt. So we'll try again tonight, but for now... no proper internet connection for myself for a while....

[Friday, February 15, 2002]


Yesterday: In the beginning of the class after lunch I had this bloody headache which lasted for the whole day. It was this painful beating in the side of my head. Anyway, we go to Artonas to take our Annual pictures, which was quite fun and quick. After that was done, Sacha, Moni and I got to Sach's house to get her "prettied". I was presented with some medicine by request, in hope for this headache recovery. It sort of did help, but it was a long time after. We played with her many (like 6) cats while we waited and finally got to leave like... an hour or so later. We got to Metro, taking a stop at Cactus Club, longing for a possible seat considering they didn't accept any reservations for that specific day. Of course, our luck sucked, so we went to Red Robins instead. We checked movies afterwards; nothing good. We boredly wandered around afterwards.. yay, dead ending.

Today? Woke up bright and early for some reason and watched FLCL and a few eps of Inu Yasha.

[Thursday, February 14, 2002]


I've got such a fucking headache. And the day has just begun too...

[Wednesday, February 13, 2002]


I horribly screwed up on my math quiz this morning. Sucked. However, I was awfully proud of myself after in Bio, the fact that I knew the majority of the information for another quiz in that class too. So studying may pay off once in a while, no? After school, I was surprised to find my dad handing me a sheet of an invoice for my COMPUTER. OMFG, it's a dream come TRUE!! I tried to act calm but ahh, in my head I screamed for joy. A burst of happiness and fulfillment! We get to pick it up on Saturday, my bro's picking the case for me (I don't really trust him in his judgement.. somewhat worried......) but I probably won't be able to get it hooked up to the 'net for another week or so. I'm still not complaining! ^___^

[Tuesday, February 12, 2002]


Happy Chinese New Year! (yay!) Nothing special today except this huge feast at home with the family. I don't feel like typing much for some reason...

[Sunday, February 10, 2002]


I helped Monica on her environment movie by being an actress of her cast with Sach and company for the majority of the day. One of the cast members was Josh, and actually it was my first time actually talking with him and he turned out to be a pretty fun guy. Kind of weird at times, but hey, it's not like the rest of us weren't. We had to go to this guy's house all the way in the middle of nowhere all the way in the east side to film it because he had the camera. But this house was quite nice and he had this dog that kept barking at the door when we had to do the entering room scene. Cute.

[Saturday, February 9, 2002]

Metropolis at Metropolis


Not allowed to get a game this weekend afterall... Parents keep mentioning a computer that seems to never come. What's the use of that...

I watched Metropolis yesterday at Metropolis (sounds cool saying that XD) and I thought it was pretty cooooooooooooooooooooly. I like the fact that it was subbed.. but I don't like the fact nekked shots and bloody shots were cut out just to make it PG!!! Gosh.. it's only a girl changing.. XP

Okay, changing the subject.. it's beginning to sound weird. AH, anybody see the Digimon Tamers commercials? RYO IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RYO IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!! FFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!! What's his name going to be?!?!?! HOW'S HIS VOICE GOING TO BE?!??! *shrieks* worried worried worried.........

[Friday, February 8, 2002]


Two days ago.... In the morning, my friend and I went to the Career Fair. There were some pretty cool schools there, and I guess you could say we learned quite a bit. Oddly, there were a whole lot of free pens, stickers and candy given out in every booth, which was kind of interesting. McGill was probably the only school we wanted to see that didn't show up at the fair... disappointing. When we got back at lunch, we handed in our school newspaper wordsearch, hoping to win, with quite a bit of high hopes too. I did a very simple LotF test in the following class. Later that night, I stressed over my History term paper until 0300, fortunately, getting it completed and in addition, still be able to sleep that night. ^_^;;

Yesterday night, I had another strange dream. Mainly it was myself in a huge department store with a big crowd of people that stayed as a crowd that I knew only (I don't remember who they were... just close friends/family) and from the corner of my eye, a burglar crept up the stairs to the next floor I guess. This other guy (male, that I knew.. I think) went to follow the burglar. Nobody noticed or saw him so I went up to follow as well. He ran around the floor and went back down the escalator which was for some reason 180ー (straight O_O) which lead to the previous floor we were all at. I pinned him down, grabbing both his wrists sitting on his tummy. I screamed for attention from the big crowd and they ignored me. I had to scream to the loudest I could get until they slowly walked over as the crowd and gasped n so forth. I was so busy screaming for attention, waiting for them to get here, the burglar got away. Then I don't remember anything else. I'm just a bad story teller. ^_-

Me and Sach watched Metropolis today at Metropolis! A somewhat recent (few months old) animation of Osamu Tazuka's comic like 50 years ago. The future metropolis, robots and human story. I thought it was pretty cool. The cut out scenes were pretty obvious though... ugly zoom blackness into something then returning to fullscreen, psh. "Watashi wa... dare?"

[Tuesday, February 5, 2002]


I just finished watching two episodes of Ebi-chu. A one disturbing housekeeping rat indeed. I didn't know Gainax did that anime... weird. I wanted to watch FLCL too but something's busted with my first cd. The sound got fux0red somehow.

The school's strike's off and I didn't even realize until today. The surprising thing is the first term marks won't show, which is somewhat of a letdown considering I did better in the first term than in the second. Better go study up on LotF for that test tomorrow.

[Monday, February 4, 2002]


I feel like recaping my day. In the morning, first class, Japanese was slow paced. We learned a wonderful new.. um thing! A to B to docchi no hou ga ii desu ka? I already forgot the other way... A something yori something B no hou ga something something. Bah, such short term memory. Next, in CAPP we did CAPP stuff. At lunch we played cards, joy. After lunch, in class, we gathered into lil groups to discuss a presentation we had to put together. Last class, IT, I got stressed out over the class assignments. I got to skip "I" block because of a dental appointment, so... ha? Upcoming stressing events: History term essay due Thursday which I haven't started and a... hmm, quiz tomorrow which I know none of the content in it whatsoever. Oh yes, I'm such a prepared student, I think I'll go and be proud of myself.

I keep checking -every- WEEK for DNAngel, but nothing has even come close. Their delivery super slow this year or they sold out unusually faster than normal. Which I highly doubt though. Yeesh, I'm getting impatient. No restockage either for the past month... they're purposely trying to drive me insane; getting there and leaving empty handed! >_<

[Saturday, February 2, 2002]


I finally pulled out the little buggies on this layout! *blinkblinks and looks at it* Looks kinda similiar to another one I did... must be the image placements on the layout. Anyway! Look look! *points to her left* Hoooooooottt Jet Enduro from Wild Arms 3rd Advance coming SOON to a PS2 NEAR YOU!!!! ^o^ v Rar, he's cute~! ^^

I was thinking all morning, figuring if I should go out or not (for today). Not until 4pm in the afternoon I decided not to go out at all. An oddly wasted day. *hears a faint laugh echoing from the stairs* Mmm.. must be my brother watching more Trigun.

[Friday, February 1, 2002]


Time is flyyying. It's already the end of another week, and the beginning of another month. Chopchop, maybe type more later.

Jish asked me to say HI! to my webloggers webring neighbours.

» to the left of me: Obedo.

» to the right of me: SMooSH Space.
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