Tango Appassionata

[Monday, November 29, 2004]



Oh the soreness...

My family participated in a local flea market sale Saturday to sell off our old, but usable stuff. It was relatively successful in a sense that we sold off most of our stuff, but in comparison to the earlier years where we'd earn up to $80+ from selling junk (imagine that eh), we earned much less this time. Well it's not exactly about the money since selling it off at any reasonable price is good. Getting rid of it completely is already good enough so. We sold off a ghetto camera we haven't used before for $4 to a lady who asked us if it had warranty. Hmm? :D Oh silly, stupid... stupid lady. We had lots of typical, annoying customers who kept bargaining and wouldn't budge. Dealing with them all morning was tough. I never recalled it being so frustrating in the past though... I guess people nowadays are becoming cheaper and cheaper? :P

Later in the afternoon, I invited my parents to a Roots shopping spree where I was given discount for that day for some Christmas shopping for anybody. So I got them their early Christmas presents in which they chose themselves, they got a present for my bro and I also got myself some nice work clothes. :o I actually felt good spending all that money... they were good clothes after all.

After shopping and a bit of other things, we decided to try out this restaurant by Marine Dr. The washroom was apparently locked the whole time we were there, preventing everyone from using it (including me D:). Everything we ordered was EXTREMELY spicy and we slowly died form the spicyness... We then noticed that everyone else in the restaurant was drinking POP and water (cheaters! LOL) so they seemed fine. But we became numb after the first dish and became pretty immune to the rest of the dishes though. I still had to stop eating just in case the spicyness prevented me from speaking the next day.

The next day comes.. and I WAKE UP AT OMFG 5:45AM! After getting my board and gear ready, I realize I couldn't find Mike's car KEY! I waste the next 20mins finding the damn key which ends up stuck to the back of my wallet the whole time. Due to the unexpected incident, I pushed back our whole schedule. I make it to Mike's house and we all rush to Subway to pick up our rations. We all order subs for our lunch and more for breakfast. We hastely ate and went on our way. We arrived at Whistler, Tony and Jon went to get their rentals as Mike and I stayed behind to gear up. We got our tickets and met up with the other two at the top of whateverthetrailnamewas of Blackcomb. They apparently got lucky and bought their tickets for cheaper from a bunch of other people that left early. We went for a few runs (and accidentally went down a blue one), I experimented quite a bit, making the rest of them wait for me as I took my time and of course, PKed too. Our day had to end short when we missed the lift up to the trails on Whistler by 5 mins. Instead, we took a break and had some hot drinks. We returned to the car, ate our subs, saw my shoes smoke and then went back to Vancouver. When I got home, I was so tired I died early... with wet hair.

And so I woke up the next day with really bad hair. I couldn't get out of bed properly. I had to... roll my way off due to the soreness. I drove my mom to work per usual... had a nice, relatively relaxing afternoon (excluding the soreness that kicked in everytime I moved or laughed). Later that night, Mike n I went to the AMD tour. The parking was expensive. We missed all the free stuff. We didn't win anything at the prize draw. Far Cry's a crap game. The place reeked of Geeks. :x We visited some boards shops between the prize draws to check up on board bags and etc (man we want our burton bags grr). We wasted a good chunk of our time playing single player first-person shooters. Mike played Far Cry while I played UT2k4 (now I'm eagar to install it on my computer hahahaha). Aww I wanted to win a "Thumb Drive" at the prize draw... I think it's just a USB Key but... still ooh, doesn't it sound better than a YELLOW CAP or a FOOTBALL? (yes, those were the other choices... all with an AMD logo on it -- talk about geekage :P). Anyways, we took a digital photo. I think that was the only thing we got from there. Talk about sad. Ah well, it was... good, sorta. I wanted free junk though. I guess that means we'll have to go EARLY THE NEXT TIME! Oh had The Keg afterwards. Mike food was bleeding so he told them. Our escargot was freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~

And changing jobs suck. People ask so many questions. You all suck. I'll tell you eventually. Or at least ask me LATER not all at once... even before I get my shifts worked out.

Okay, sore. Need sleep.

[Friday, November 26, 2004]

Last Day of Work


T'was the last day of work, and it was very eventful...

Starts off with me trying to get out of bed. I am then flooded with SMS'. I finally get ready and make lunch. I accidentally made the wrong TV dinner and ended up eating an extra spicy sauced pasta thing. How exciting for the morning. I leave the house early, to make sure my last good impression is... good. Making my way to work, I find myself in the middle of a traffic jam on Knight St. I end up late after all (15 mins this time, ouch) and also barely making it to the start of an unexpected team meeting. I am then presented with a calender-present from the "team" as a parting gift with the team's siggies inside (aww...). But cat poster. I wish it was the cute bunny cartoony one instead. :pp I do the usual but time goes 10x slower than it should. By 2, I was already hungry. I had no food so I starved. My supervisor leaves early (wow, not PM shift today! woohoo!) and we bid our farewells. A super cute guy asks me for assistance for making his room smell pretty and yes I amaze him with my 1337 knowledge (score!). I make friends with a label team pair but too bad we didn't meet sooner. :D Food time rolls in and I rush upstairs for food. I bump into one of the label team guys and we chat. He soon gets is food and leaves and I seee the super cute guy that asked for help for his smelly room and we exchange glances (rar!). Actually we exchanged glances again when I was signing out for my dinner break too.. :E Anyways, the food was filling. I used our Daiso coupon for dinner again tonight (my last chance for it anyways) so I ordered something big. When I returned to work, I visited a co-worker at his slack-off hideout at one of our warehouses and slacked off with him a bit before he finished off his shift for the day. Soon I saw Sally shopping happily again at Daiso again in the cosmetics section again. I did some last-minute stocking up (I'll miss stocking up :o) and when the store was closing I see Tony and Sally doing last-minute shopping. I hurry up and shoo them away, but pretty much failed to do so. I had to leave work listening to one of the bad Christmas tracks I really hated (what a way to end the day ;[)... It was also hard to say goodbye to my fellow co-workers knowing I won't see them the next day, like I usually would. Hmm. ;[

Now Fish is rushing me to go shower so I can help him with his assignment. Bah!

Blub Blub...


Jac To came to visit for a week from the states and so she called up a bunch of people for some bbt! Lots of people showed up and we had some fun discussions :D We got kicked out because they apparently closed early. None of us was able to think of what to do at that time of day and thanks to Sham for being such a nerd, leaving first for homework, gradually made everyone wanna go home too. And so we did... :D She says she'll try again the next time she visits in Dec. :p

Now I'm a red head now. Fweee....

Last day tomorrow. Kind of wakuwaku, but not really. I don't have any resting days either; my schedule's so jam packed. At least I'll be P/T in December. More time to enjoy WINTER!! I apparently also got a discount card from Daiso today... I'm not sure why they bothered giving it to me considering I'll be leaving a day later. Perhaps I'll be able to keep it? :}}}

Heehee, my bro's sleeping over upstairs for a few days cuz he wants to give the two lovebirds downstairs some time alone before the gf returns to her hometown (aka. Nippon!). So funny... he made himself a gaming corner, in which he set up his PS2 and his shuttle there in this corner of my parents' study. Oh, he's just -so- amusing.

[Monday, November 22, 2004]

Holy Grapes!


I'm eating the biggest, most sweetest grapes. Yum~

And I got no hair. NO HAIR! The cheap salonist went crazy and chopped up most of my hair off! It's so damn thin (and as if it's not thin enough already!) and CRAP it looks bad. Man... I'm so upset.

Grapes are the only thing keeping me happy right now. Oh and watching some good ol' anime (MMmm Meine Liebe~). Everytime I see any character Hoshi-sama portrays, I get all giddy heehahaheheaha... I lerb him. XD

Okay soso Saturday! Sally's and Jon's B-day Partay~ I got off work, made my way home, and before I left the house, I realized my key chain broke, scattering my keys all over the house. I found everything except the most important key that enables me to lock the house when I leave. I wasted a half n hour searching for that silly key and end up not finding it at all so I got my bro to lock it for me. Hmm, so, we made our way to the hotpot place and the parking lot was plenty packed. Signed the b-day card in the car, went inside, sat around talking with everyone for a good hour while waiting for other people to arrive and settle down. Then we ATE! We ordered like crazy and persuaded the waiters to do all sorts of things (like discount! Bottomless drinks!). Our side of the table's pot was uncontrollable most of the time. It would either be overflowed by food or the intense water would jump out and attack us occassionally. Afterwards, we waited for the other slow table to finish and began the celebration (e.g. singing, candle blowing, cake cutting, etcetc). We finished later than we expected so the bowling alley was already closed. Instead, we decided to go to e-spot for some fun, mindless money spending. Some played pool while others went to sing K and the other others (me n Simon) went to play arcade games! Taiko drummin', old school DDR and our favourite, teh Gundam game! Four(er 5) of us (Me, Simon, Jason/Tony and Jon) teamed up against each other (2v2). Simon and I were victorious for the first few games until some know-it-alls (nerdy guys that play so much they think/know/are pros and like to show it off) came up behind ME and said "That's not how to use that mobile suit." And I was like thinking, "Lemme play as I please, d00d :/" and he continued "Here, let me play for a bit and I'll show you." And I further thought "o_O wtf man, leave me in peace and let me play my retarded way why don't you. If we play that badly, stop watching." and so I kindly told him I was fine the way I was. But he kept watching us. So after playing a few games against each other (and accidentally choosing the wrong mobile suits the whole time), the Simon and Me team decided to give up because the guy behind us was getting rather annoying (and because you could feel his EYES ON YOU). When we got up, the nerd immediately sat down and chose the mobile suits that we were playing with and went up against Jason and Jon and, of course, whooped their asses easily and swiftly. Man, he ruined our fun. :p Especially with his arrogant attitude. Keh.

Moving on...

We went to SOHO afterwards for some food and drinks. We talked the whole time, played some Big2, ate, drank... and somehow decided to leave some time after. BBT w/ aloe vera = v. good stuff.

Ugh now back to my hair. It's so crap. My gold streaks are all cut off too. Meh.

I decided on Roots btw. Thanks for the info/comments about it y'all.

My hair makes me angry.

So angry.

I spent my whole work day in the warehouse today checking for boxes in our section that need labels. The whole fricking day (from 11-1 and then 2-6 = 6 hours) and I'm STILL not done. Time flew by fast but it was awful.

Agh my hair! MY HAIR!

[Friday, November 19, 2004]



Okay, so...

Doesn't look like Mr. Dentist Man likes me, so I think it's out of the question now. Now I have trouble deciding where to go... GAP Kids or Roots? GAP already scheduled me for getting-to-know-your-co-workers-shift and orientation early next week. However, Roots apparently sees me as a potential key-holder (but in January, after seasonal). Their store at Oakridge's kinda small and has very few employees... and has less people whereas GAP is big and employeeeeeeful. A chance at key-holder sounds really tempting... GAP seems nice too though. Agh, this is retarded.

I'll make my decision before Monday. I'll have to anyways.

[Thursday, November 18, 2004]

too good to be true...


Almost everything was going smoothly until BAM I run over something and make road kill and then look back and then go whoa wtf and then zomg run away.

No, that didn't exactly happen... I just felt like starting this entry with something random and weird.

Both Gap Kids and Roots want me. :D

Supposedly, my interview appointment with the dental office people was originally 10:30 tomorrow (then changed to 10 afterwards) and now it's being further postponed till 12:00. Now I gotta call in to work a bit late tomorrow (...like 2 hours late -_-), which will cut down my dinner time break to only a half n hour And on the same day, I plan on handing in my resignation letter. Wow, such bad timing for these things. Gappity Gap Gap Kiddies calls me again, so I'll have to go check and see what's up as well tomorrow. Man, they're pushing me to sign the papers already but agh, I must wait for the dental people first and look over all my choices then. Now, I won't spill my plans yet because I might jinx myself so just wait and seeeee....

To make things worse! I drove with the hand break on today! Holy mother of crap, I don't know how. I blame it indirectly on my dad for not using the handbreak when he parks causing me to not release the handbreak when I drive but I still have the habit of handbreaking when I park (see the problem?) and also directly blame it on the stalker truck that stopped behind me when I was warming up the car. It stopped there for such a long time I started to get worried so I left asap. Ugh, more dad anger. Though he doesn't realize his stupid influence on me. ugh, fist. Now I'll be driving the next few days without a working handbreak. Huuah.

[girls only read below]

I think it's the first time I got my period without any pre-crampage or prior breakouts etc. I just had to mention that cuz I think it's... kinda strange. :D

[/girls only read above]

[Friday, November 12, 2004]

It's that time again...


I got an interview for GAP Kids tomorrow morning. I got a call from Roots today but I wasn't home, so I'll have to contact them later. My mom got some hookups from my aunt about a position as a newbie receptionist at a dental clinic (!!). They might want a cover letter however, so we'll see.

I bet you didn't see (all) THAT coming.

Hmm I'm not ready for any of this though.

More like... not in the mood.

Thumbs up.

We'll see what happens...

[Wednesday, November 10, 2004]

Blah Blah: Anger to Yay


Yesterday my dad asked if I dropped a resume down at another clothing store by the name of AMAZON. Never heard of it right? Neither have I. The day after, today, right before I shower I realize that "AMAZON" place might be ARITZIA. So I rush down and check on the call display and found out that it IS ARITZIA! I could have gotten my jacket today, since I had the day off AND went to Oakridge. FACK! *crosses fingers and hopes it's still there by tomorrow*

Just now, my dad gets mad at me for clogging up my own bathtub! He starts ranting about my long hair and everything. Well, 'cuse me, I can't prevent my hair from falling off! Aghh geez, this is stupid!

*takes a deep breath*

Remembrance Day tomorrow. 1.5 pay. Earlier work schedule. Yey.

[side note: thanks y'all fer the nice comments always: STY you READ ME, KiKi you overexaggerated your silly little finger cut :p, KOZU WHY ARE YOU HERE? :D Jeany, Valkyrie & Sayuri, how've you been? :D ... yeeesh, I'm such a bad social blogger. You see that left side bar there? It needs some _serious_ updating. My whole site does actually.]

[Sunday, November 7, 2004]

Come Soon, Winter!


So teh Fish and I went snowboard browsing and went down 4th to see all the really pretty boards. We didn't have much luck finding one we wanted within our own price ranges. We ended our trip Downtown where we visited Comor and Sportmart. The Comor ones were REALLY nice (they just stocked up on the current year's boards *_*), but of course no. Then we spot spotmart have like the cooolest combo for the newest model K2 Skyla with bindings and whee! I looked at the price and it was $###.99, so whoa! My original cheap budget was 150 before tax but after looking at all the prior boards and their prices, I figured 150 is impossible (especially when I'm uber picky about the design and everything -_-). SO! It took me too long to decide, and by the time I did, the store was already closed. :D

Btw, wireless downtown is soo funny.

Oh, I picked up the board package a few days later at the Metro Sportmart. *stares at her shiny new ride propped up in the same room* Now, if only my style came in red... Hm, I still need to get a stomp pad. And maybe a bag.

I was going to get my Cypress Ski Pass on the same day but I forgot to bring my picture ID (uhhh aka. drivers license aka. I was driving illegally all day o_o!). So funny and dumb.. oh and dangerous, yeah. :p~

Ahh I can't wait! Come sooooon winterrrrr! We're all impatient!

Next, the JACKET. I first spotted it at a store when we went to the states. So now I see it again, but another colour (khaki instead of purple or was it black)! It's the Roxy "Every Flavor" jacket~ But...! Over budget again. I even tried it on when we visited Pacific Boarder. Ahhh~ It's so nice... BUT, while job hunting and semi-window shopping with Jo the other day, we both spotted a really SWEET jacket at Aritzia! But my size and colour was unavailable so I left my name and number, in hopes that they'll call me SOON! SOON! SOOOOOOOOOON!

So much money spendage.

Now I've got creepy co-workers chanting my name. LOL.

Oh! There was this giant HUGE TITANIC new wave of new employees this week. But guess what their position is? LABEL PRINTERS. OMFG! WTF IS THAT! They still get paid the same as we do for goodness sake and all they do is SIT THERE AND PRINT LABELS. NO THEY DON'T ACTUALLY LABEL THEM, THEY JUST PRINT THEM! FIST! Well, it IS sort of boring but it's a LOT easier than all this other crap we stockers do >:T... And for some reason all their faces look so familiar to me. This one girl, for sure, is a graduate of SWC a year (or two o_o) before us.

Christmas tree decorating is fun. And no, it's not our own house's Christmas tree, it's the STORE'S! Apparently we hired some professional decorator from a neighbouring store in the same building to help us. She's really cool! She really hates the Daiso decorations apparently. Everything she's done in the past was so high-end and then this place.... :D And the decorations we provided her.... hahaha... poor her.

Now I got a bunch of other work urks: there's this one supervisor that has bad BO. And my supervisor always has bad breath. The end.

Man, I have to stop search engines from crawling my page. Can't let this stuff leak. :x I'll stick in the code in a bit.

I was going to watch The Grudge yesterday. But we (me+co-worker) got ditched (by other co-workers) and we didn't have the guts to watch it ourselves. So we decided to postpone the movie till next Saturday and so we'll all have a Daiso party, ahahahha. The night was sooo funny messed! I didn't have her cellphone number, her phone expires, we meet at different places, we remembered the wrong showtimes, she couldn't remember where she parked... LOL! Anyways, we ended up watching Team America... I thought it was okay, but I think I overestimated it before I went in because it wasn't THAT funny. Some of the parts were sooo gruesome but some were really funny though. Other times, it felt a boring or unnecessarily extreme. I felt sorry for some of the famous people who got picked on though... Meh, my 2 cents.

I pray the Lord will bestow me a new job. Within this month. PLEASE!!

(Must..... get.... away)
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