Tango Appassionata

[Tuesday, August 29, 2006]



Ahh there's so much going on lately!

Monday rolled around and in came two of my packages! A giant light one which contained my beloved Nao figure~ I've finally gotten my grubby hands on her, rar! XD The second small and heavy one was my order of manga! Gasp, Vampire Knight is so frickin' shoujo -- I LOVE IT! After reading all three volumes of what's out, I'm still torn between which main guy to favour. Hmm, I might just like both of them equally (for now anyways)... Then came Tuesday and my textbook for school from amazon.com. Hm I'm still waiting on one more.. two others aren't in transit yet so they don't count.

So, about the employer who left a message on my answering machine that my dad had deleted... well I finally, FINALLY got ahold of the lady who called me (after a dozen tries) and we had a little phone interview. To my dismay, even after the good conversation, I couldn't take on the job because I wouldn't be able to attend the training due to a schedule conflict with one my classes. Ugh.. ultra super disappointment. I was THIS CLOSE in working for my cellphone provider, Fido!

I've also been having hell with my computer lately. First, I noticed my IE browser started acting up on me so immediately I knew I got infected by something. I did some scans, cleaned it out BUT my IE browser didn't fix! I tried to do a little reseaching but without much luck. Then my computer would now freeze when I open up Add/Remove Programs... then it froze when I tried reading from one of my HDDs. Then I thought it was the HDD that was being dumb so I took it out. Next I tried to defrag but when I came back it restarted itself. Ugh... what. is. going. on. I've already somewhat given up on trying to fix/find out whatever that's wrong [maybe the bloody memory] and just wait really REALLY patiently for my new case to arrive so I can build my new one. As soon as the new one's done, I can move everything out safely and then slowly figure out what's going on (perhaps a little /deltree would do the trick) before I pass it to my mom. But SIGH that won't be anytime SOON now EH.

I'm paranoid so I'm using FireFox right now.

I'm also trying to continue SO3 right now. Wow it's difficult. I keep trying to rotate the camera and recover after getting hit with the O button -- KH2 style. I'm having trouble just levelling! Ugh, I regret dropping the game for so long. I'm tempted to put it off again, but then I'd still come back to it later and then I'd forget how to play all over.

Yay frustration rocks! Headache.. sleep.

[Saturday, August 26, 2006]



1st Aaaaaaaargh:
I received a message on my answering machine regarding a job application and my dad goes and DELETES IT THE DAY I GET IT. No he didn't do it on purpose... but the timing was really bad... considering there were 8 other old messages on the answering machine that no one bothered deleting for days. So you would've thought that no one would continue to bother cleaning it out. I got home to hear it once, went to take a shower, had dinner and went back to write down the information but THE MESSAGE WAS GONE. I then spent the next few days trying to figure out who to contact with only the call display number at hand. The friggin receptionist didn't know jack on who to forward me to and when I tried just general HR, no one picked up. Then my cellphone decides to DIE ON ME. My work hours are the same as their office hours, so it was always too late when I arrived home to call. *bangs head on desk* However, I have no plans on giving up on this yet...! I've tried e-mail, in hoping I'd get some sort of response and I'll continue to phone spam more on Monday.

2nd Aaaaaarrrrrrgh:
Third damage to my car inflicted by my mom this time. The curb was too low so the door scraped the cement. So hurt...

3rd AAAarrrrrrgh:

4rd AAaarrrrrgh:
My mandatory program orientation and the first day of class schedules overlap. Been trying to call the department every day, no one's ever home.

5th AAArrrrrgh:
My school parking pass is so EXPENSIVE; I'm SO POOR.

The Aaaargh's aside though...
Angela's, my co-worker who recently left the company to return to China soon, friend had a live show downtown on Thursday and she invited us to join her. I met up with Angela at a B-Line bus stop to go down together. At first I went on a bus too early and missed her, but that was easily fixed by getting on and off. XD We met up with Trevor [another co-worker] and her girlfriend at Robson and Seymour and walked down to Guu together. Can you believe it? The guy purposely drove his convertible with only two seats so he didn't have to drive us too? How selfish, ぷんぷん! But anyways, we waited quite a while for seats but it was well worth it. Had too much fun with the origami paper used to wrap the wooden chopsticks. XD After food, we window shopped a few stores and then made our way to the pub, The Pic. We got there a bit early so we sat around and talked. Another co-worker, Kevin, showed up a bit later to join us. The performance started late due to the sound guy that decided not to show up on time. We had to listen to some other performers before her friend, who was the main event, and everyone couldn't wait, so they all left me and Angela. However, they totally missed out as their performance was really awsome!!! Rock and alt with absolutely powerful and amazing vocals, Angela's friend being the awsome vocalist, of course. The demo songs on her myspace doesn't do justice as her live performance is incomparable! My favourite being "Time, My Friend"! Wanting!

Hung out with Tek today to find that blueberry season is BACK! And to realize that I'm still very moneyless.

One more week of F/T work left. May I never have to return to that workplace ever again after this. The end.

Hmm I'm listening to UVERworld's PRIME right now... "Typing WASHOI"!

EDIT: Wow I just realized I haven't updated any sites for a whole YEAR now! This layout's a year old.

EDIT2: I updated the side bar to reflect the current me [finally!].

[Wednesday, August 23, 2006]

Backordered Case


I patiently waited two weeks, like they told me to. I didn't receive any response from them within the timeframe so I thought I'd check up on it by sending in a ticket. And voila, I find out that it's being delayed for another FUKING MONTH! So... I'm so very hurt inside right now but I think I will wait after all. I really like the case and even though all my other parts are ready and the warranties are slowly being eaten away by time [and dust], I will wait. Patience pays off as I've learned. I just hope they don't disappoint me further and tell me half way that it's no longer available or something really heartbreaking like that. Ok, I'm going to go cry the corner now, hugging my computer parts.

[Monday, August 21, 2006]

Keyblade war (笑


Mysterious guys in armor made me laugh out loud.

Ok, so I managed to finish two series today. One being Kingdom Hearts 2 finally. Yes, took me one too many tries to beat Sephiroth >_>; Then the boss battle was wtf. The ship flying thing was out of nowhere... er, actually all the phases in the last battle were out of the blue. Did I mention this game's really dramatic? It's like, Tetsuya Nomura fell in love with his FFVII:AC's overdramaticness and implemented it into KH2. Ah well.. made me felt like I was playing a kiddie's game the whole time though. So much 'reaction' (which felt like a cheat button, but you HAVE to push it) and not enough... ehh... normal killing. But it was a fun ride nonetheless. I got my endgame stats up *points to flickr*

The second series is Chrno Crusade [finally!]. Happyish sadish ending. Everything worked out, especially for Rosette [spoiler] as she was able to see him at the very end before she left the world. A bit of a shocker seeing that Satella 'lived' through all those years (Daphne in the Brillant Blue, anyone?) but everyone lives (and dies) at the end -- but normally, naturally -- so it's all good. [/spoiler] Now, I hear the anime ending was pretty bad in comparsion though... *curious*

Ohh right, there's work tomorrow...

[Sunday, August 20, 2006]

Busy Busy Busy...


Wow this month's freaking busy. Go figure! Right before another big turn in life...

So, one of my co-worker's, Angela, last day is Tuesday so we (more like me!) decided on a little farewell party Friday night. We invited everyone at work but it became a small gathering instead (which is good). We started the night with eating at The Keg right after work. And as always, the lineup was long but the food was great. After, the majority parted ways as me and two others went to play some pool. It just so happens we bump into her friends there as well. We finished up our pool (man, I suck at it now!) and played some -erotic- Photo Hunt before she continued on to drink with her other friends. Then there was the odd conversation about threesomes and foursomes... o_o;

AE06. Again.. nothing to really look forward to.. but a 'tradition' to go nonetheless *points to collection of badges* /geek

This year, Shi2 wasn't able to make it so I went myself and met up with Ryan. I felt bad for not being able to bring him his mask for his costume... None of us were able to get ahold of Shi2 to get the mask to begin with tho :\ And I don't plan on returning tomorrow (today) nor Monday so even if I was able to get in contact with Shi2, I can't bring it to him. <_<; So anyways, I arrive there late and headed to the dealer's room first (of course, ming!). Well the dealer's room wasn't exactly very "dealer's room"-like this year. It was located in the school cafeteria / eating area so it was small. Another disappointment though... nothing but bootleg CDs, fake merchandise, Naruto, Inuyasha, Bleach.. come on peopleeee! My figurines were too damn expensive too! $80CND compared to, like, $30 on ebay. I saw Chrno Crusade 8 available so I snagged that.. even though it was marked up too... Then this other guy that looked like he was selling his old, used stuff sold me his 3x3 eyes vol.12 for 50 cents. FIFTY CENTS, you'd think there's something wrong... and indeed, it's quite battered up. Mmmkay 50 cents, I won't say anything.

And that was the end of my shopping. So, moving on... I then met up with Ryan at some VA's panel discussion. Kirby, Scott and A....A... A-something. They were funny people.. 'cept there were some questions that were, as expected, off-topic and dumb. The best retarded question goes to the guy who asked "If you had a choice to choose between strength, defence, or magic -- what would it be?" Cheers to the KH retard.

Then there was the Anime Walkoff. Ha.. I have so much yet really nothing to say about this event. First off, it's sad. So very sad. It consists of guys who THINK they're hot and they 'strut their stuff' by stripping and humping each other on stage. To be blunt, this event is catered to those who don't go clubbing, hang around Davie street, and/or can't get laid. Seriously, 'yaoi' is becoming overrated.

So after wasting an hour of my life, I visited Ryan's on campus townhouse and then returned to the main stage for the ZZ concert. Oh dear, the lead vocal singer is very cute. The concert was overall really good, especially the geeks that tried to dance. Very awsome entertainment value. Then near the end there was an annoying air-filled ball that was thrown around.. and then there was this f-ing girl that kept screaming for the ball. Not just normal screaming.. of course it had to be the high-pitched one. She broke more hairs in my ears than the concert itself. I unfortunately didn't bother searching my Newtype for something for them to sign, neither did I want to wait in line for another hour or so for their autograph, so I left.

Onto a bit on what I've been reading... Shinshi Doumei Cross: like spoiler, wtf Shizmasa has a twin? And fricking last four chapters of the tankoubon's omake side stories! Agh! And it looks like September's gunna be another hefty manga release month... I've got 8 on the list for next month!

Agh I'm so tired.. sleep I go.

[Wednesday, August 16, 2006]

"You're lucky. Looks like my summer vacation is... over."




And boy, do the bosses fall like flies. Were we even told the name of that punk with the guitar before we creamed him? The game feels awfully short though. Sephiroth is really pissing me off. He's the only thing left to do before the final boss. I think I'm going to give up on trying to beat him. He wasn't that much of a bitch in KH1 :/ Makes me wanna use a gameshark or something...

[Thursday, August 10, 2006]

クーッ 悔しいぃ


My computer parts have arrived.. I have everything EXCEPT... the case. EVERYTHING EXCEPT THE MOST ESSENTIAL PART! So, for now... I'll just stare and pretend that it'll be a good computer... just pretend. My case is on backorder.. they say about 5-8 BUSINESS days. Ooh how I hate the term now, "business days"... it forces me to add 2-4 more extra days to those BUSINESS DAYS because of stupid WEEKENDS. At least one thing's good is that I got my video card for super cheap... 'cept I might end up having to RMA it for the new model. lol, damn... good or not I don't know anymore. Everything requires waiting.

Then! I seem to have dropped my mobilemate for my phone's SD card. Crap, and I was about to transfer some phone stuff into my computer too. Now I bloody CAN'T! Now I'm deciding whether to buy another one or just get a non-mobile and keep it at home. I'll have to see to it later.

Also, ebay is tempting me again. Very bad... especially at this time. Already [should be] at my limit. But I got my Nao figure [finally!]~ And these other sets are pretty decent priced too... *grumble*

On to other news, I've FINALLY FINALLY started playing Kingdom Hearts 2. After waiting... 4 months! The PS2 is back upstairs! That means I can finally finish Star Ocean 3 and Wild Arms.. 3! Then start 4! Then there's Alter Code! Then Magna Carta! Hopefully while losing track of time (before reaching the second game on my list or even better, before I finish KH2) my computer case will magically appear at my doorstep and then I can finally start building!

I can already foresee an extremely busy, busy future.

And man, I feel sorry for Roxas.

[Sunday, August 6, 2006]

Clean! ...and oh noes, Poorness!


Finally, my room's clean and rearranged. My brother's room's officially EMPTY! What a tiring week though... The majority of the posters are off my wall now. Still deciding which ones to keep on.. maybe one of each Pokemon and Sailormoon? XDD

I think I accidentally went over my Visa credit card limit the other day. I thought I changed it to my Master on the order but apparently I didn't. I had 51 cents left on the card lol. Aiya, I'm so bad. I hope the money I transferred made it on time to save me from the fee~ But seriously though... I'm doing some major spending this month... the biggest chunks being tuition and the computer. I won't have enough to get my parking pass until later this month... hm, all this right before school starts, when I return to P/T = less income.

About my computer again... debating whether to go all out and get 2X 1GB RAM, like, whoa! Also debating whether to get 36GB or 130GB 10k RPM for my main harddrive. The price differences for both situations are rather high... ~100 vs ~300. Then the next question is, why in the world would you go for the ~300$ in the first place! I'm thinking.. well, maybe I'll need the harddrive space... since everything would run a tonne better on that drive aka. photoshop(10GB), FFXI(10+GB), etc... or a total of 2GB worth of RAM... multitasking like there's no tomorrow: running BOTH photoshop AND FFXI at the same bloody time.. or something extremely insane like that. Man... the only thing that's holding me back is my credit card limit. Really.

Oh wait...


Do I even have enough money to pay off both cards? And pay my car bill? And my phone bill? Gas money? HM... forgot about those. Man, the timing is so bad. Oh well, I look forward to my next paycheque? :/ In like, two.. FRICKING WEEKS.

Ok, no one call me out from now on. If you do, you'll have to treat. Travelling is strictly only from home to work and viceversa. If the proposed activity is not on the way, that's too bad. Food? I ate at home. Phone me? Call me on the landline.

Oh hey, 649's $22mil.

[Friday, August 4, 2006]

Feeling: Content / Busy



Well, I've been at this cleaning thing for about a week and a half now.. almost two weeks. I'm loving the way my new room's looking and now I'm actually organizing my stuff instead of just throwing everything everywhere, whereever fits. Which explains why I've been taking extra long cleaning up and rearranging. But man, I got so much stuff. Did I mention I got a lot of stuff? Because I got a lot of stuff, all this stuff! Stuff stuff stuff...

Update on my computer: Decided NOT to wait for DFI after all, since I'm not an hardcore overclocker, I wouldn't know how to use it to its full potential anyway. As soon as the cleaning's done [ETA Saturday], I'll be ordering my computer [ETA Sunday]. Hopefully the parts'll arrive mid-week.. then I'll probably occupy myself with it next weekend. Long weekend this weekend eh. Good stuff!

Ah, work. Oh how I hate thee. I think we've all heard this one too many times but yes, looking for another job [again]! I don't want to hang around there when school starts. ETA for that, before September.

And that reminds me... what's with guys and using scissors to cut their nails???
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