Tango Appassionata

[Tuesday, July 31, 2001]

New PC Arrives!


So the new computer has finally arrived! So far, it's not that overly great though. Firstly, it's not connected anywhere close to a phone line, thus meaning there's no internet access. Secondly, the CD Writer is a bit screwy. You try to load up something from a CD-R, it takes it a while and you gotta make sure you get that popup message to come up and say "Ejected!" and then press OK first. Or else, it'll mess up and you won't be able to read from that drive again until you reboot. Third thing, there's nothing on the computer right now! No WinZip, Real Player and all that junk you need to use to do stuff! Fourthly, it takes it even longer than the current old computer to start up! A LOT longer! ~_~

However, there are the very very very very very very very very good things about it! It loads everything ever so quickly~! It's a bloody Athon Thunderbird 1.4 GHZ PIECE OF GOOD BS! The graphics card is so great, it's so smooth, and it has Soundblaster Live thingy that gives surround sound!!! It has a beautiful DVD Drive, which we tested out (and works perfectly! ^^ ) And it has some pretty good DDR RAM! And I can hear it now, it's pretty loud (bro's playing some demo thing =D) and it's all the way upstairs too!

Though, it's not all that joyful. I'm not allowed to install anything yet... it's a "rule" right now -____-

[Sunday, July 29, 2001]

zoom zoom zoom


I got kicked awake this morning, unaware that it was Sunday for church. After lunch, I passed by the somewhat previously "dead" mall called Lansdowne. Today, I noticed they had a Car Show (with an admission fee of $5). Of course, I stopped to take a look, to find very great cars that were customized very nicely. Afterwards, going in the actual mall to look around. Perhaps due to the recent events added to the mall, it isn't as dead. A CD store that transfered from Parker Place called Samson made its new home in the mall. So the place was slightly smaller but they had a lot more things to buy. I spotted some anime (fakies and real) that were rather expensive though (in VCD/DVD format).

However, I found a Tenchi Muyo in Love 2! Okay, so I never knew it existed before but hey, it exists! The drawing techniques are rather different though (maybe another animator?) and it doesn't say "Pioneer" anywhere... Instead it says Pop-In (which is the same distributor as Neon Genesis Evangelion VCDs). Anyway, it wasn't expensive so I bought it.

Probably won't have time to watch it today because I have to catch up on the Japanese Drama I forgot to watch.

Fireworks - South Africa


The story: Our meeting destination was the Virgin Megastore. Arrived a half n hour early so I went to browse. At 3, which was the proper time of arrival, I looked down from the second floor to find Eleanor and the other three jap guys. So I screamed down the level to catch her attention and ran down. Their names were Yuta, Takuro, and Kentarou. Eleanor did all the complicated talking because she knows them best. Soon enough, Jo, Flor, Viv, Simon and Der arrived too. So then we headed off, making our way to Pacific Center. We window shopped and went to Eatons.Kentarou wanted to buy a pair of sunglasses so the group temporarily split up. Eleanor, Jo and I were with the other 3, checking up on sunglasses. We either replied with: "Okay", "Daijoubu", "Chotto Ooki" or just bursted out laughing. But he finally found one he liked which was good. ^^

We headed off again, going down Robson street where everything is located. Hours were wasted there, looking in shops like Off The Wall or Gap. The 3 jap guys wanted to buy a soccer ball, so we searched around for a Sport Mart. They were satisfied afterwards, so we kept walking around. We had a pit stop at Starbucks, buying all kinda of coffee related liquid. After a while, we all stopped to think of what to do, what to eat and so on. The 3 guys wanted something other than Japanese so we just thought about going down the street to see what we find. Meanwhile, we also planned about going to Richmond sometime next week for some hardcore Karaoke and Arcade! Yea!~~ XD

And so, the walk down the street continued and check out places like Cows. We spotted a Viet place, so we decided to dine there for dinner. It was around 6 by then. The majority of us weren't hungry so we shared among a few of us. After ordering, we took out 2 packs of cards and played Big 2. We didn't know what Big 2 was in Japanese so we just said "Ooki ni".. heheh. ^^; Okay, so they didn't understand that, and instead, we explained the game and then they knew. We played a few games before the meal came. The total came to $72 something! We gave them a whole handful of coins (to make it seem like there's alot of money) and kinda gave them less than 15% tips. Viv and Flor left drunk. =)

Walking down the wonderous number of streets we finally spotted the beach! We found ourselves a nice spot by a sign and a log, slightly off center. Now by then, we had lots of hours to blow. We took out the cards again. The 3 jap guys, Eleanor, Jo, Flor and Viv played Slap Jack while Der, Simon and I played Big 2. We took turns winning a few, and Der kept bugging me about getting him some cotton candy if he won a few games. Of course I wouldn't agree to that. But finally, I gave him the money but he was too lazy to buy it. -_-;

Der gave the money for Flor and Viv to buy. At the same time, Elie and the 3 jap guys went to the washroom (?). The rest of us, hung around doing whatever: listening to music, playing gameboy, yadda. Everyone returned with the goods as if it was hours later cuz it took them so long. Then we took pictures and all. Later, we played Truth or Dare (which was weird o_o). Weird truths and even more weird dares. I got dared hugging a jap guy and another was saying aishiteru to another. Others were taking off the sock of Der (which was really hilarious XP ), blowing in Simon's face ^^;; and bopping the guys' head like a bongo. When it was almost time (half n hour or so), we began to snack on some junkies like Crispers and Onion Rings. Then it began to drizzle a bit. A long conversation started with the jap guys about jap culture, music, stars and I learned some slang and cuss words too.

At last, after a few test fireworks the real thing comes. Returning to my spot, I find it soaking and sandy. -_- Which was annoying because I didn't have anything to dry up the mat nor find a better place to sit. So I was pretty much forced onto my location. Either way, the fireworks were great! Some of them were very pretty like those who went wiggly up and down, then up again. And those that glittered after they blew up. And other nice ones. However, one thing that was disappointing was that it rained in between, leaving us even more soaking. >_< As always, the last performance was the best. I guess South Africa's pretty good, but I want to go see the Spain one, that's for sure.

Afterwards, it was difficult to leave but we did. We held onto each other, making out way through the little gaps of the crowd. The walk back was horrendous since it was so far, wet and crowded. o_x We fled to Virgin for a leakage but the mofo upstairs said he had to close right when it was our turn. So we made our way downstairs, only finding the washroom closed as well. We were seriously ticked off. =_=Our last destination was Chapters, where our rides were to pick us up. We finally said bye to Eleanor and the 3 jap guys, hoping that they'd make it to the Richmond trip. The rest of us got a ride from Simon, arriving at his house at 12:30 and getting picked up there.

So to end off this long entry, I'd like to say that I'm tired and I wanna go to sleep.

[Friday, July 27, 2001]



I just finished Chocobo Dungeon 2... Or so I thought. This bigass boss appears before me, so blow 'em up with my summon and magic. Finally he dies, or so I thought again. He reappears in the other corner of the room and then I suppose that means we gotta go hack at him some more. Finally I had to use everything up until he dies. Then very very cute FMV... then credits. o_o;

After, some hamster guy appears and says that you can continue some more and play other stages n stuff. So.. means I'm not officially done with the game but guess I can keep going. More difficult, one person in each dungeon and so forth. And the "hidden" dungeon was so easy to find. XD

So I'm thinking.. should I keep playing to see this "other ending" or not. I probably will... Maybe pop in the disc every once in a while. The FMV's are so cute though, I'm going to snatch a few shots and put them in some good cute use. ^^



It would figure all the goodness wouldn't come in one day. That'd be too easy anyway. At least it's planned n stuff. That's a good sign.. good sign.

So much happening lately, which I suppose could be considered better than doing nothing at all. Just a while back, I finally advanced up to the next dungeon in Chocobo Dungeon 2. I went and charged up the dungeons then realizing that the bosses weren't that tough! ^^;

I had a dream yesterday, and it had my relatives and my family in it. It was related to Jello Pudding snacks. My dad made this one that "cooked" for two days (which was supposed to be good? o_o) and showed it to me, hiding it away from my aunt. Really weird.

[Wednesday, July 25, 2001]

*green light flying everywhere* Mighty Javelin!!!!


Buahahaha *_*I didn't even realize I have this song until I looked in this very old cd-rw fulla junk! Then, upon listening to this song... it gave me the urge to play Legend of Mana and kick some boss arse! My ultimate weapon is da spear and I renamed my weapon to ULTIMATE! But o_o, I saved over it with a new file (since after completing the game it asks you if you wanna save or not)... It was a very good game ^_^

*pretends to push R2 button, unleashing that Coptor attack*

In the afternoon I only watched my bro play some more LoD. Now something new cracks me up: Rose's "noise" she makes when she uses that draining magic XP LOL, disturbing.

I need to go off to study now. Final exam is tomorrow.. I'm freaking out... >_<

[Monday, July 23, 2001]



As expected, mondays always suck. I died twice in Chocobo Dungeon 2 today. Once on the 27th floor where the stupid boss was, and next on the 18th floor when a bunch of gargoyles raided me. Then I got kicked off by my bro. x_x For a while, I watched him play Legend of Dragoon. Boring watching him play. One battle takes so long but the background and surrounding area graphics are quite nice. The thing I am displeased with, is that the character figures are all so ugly in battle. And the voices are kinda funny, like "Volcano!" heehheh...

Anyway, my friend, Flor, just told me that we're going to go out on Saturday to watch the fireworks. I look forward to that but I gotta wait till SATURDAY.. URRGHH SOME MORE! >=|

Better go make dinner then do my homework. -_-

[Sunday, July 22, 2001]

night market~


I finally went to give that Richmond Night Market a looker. It's this night market that happens throughout the summer and to mid-autumn. There, there's stands where you buy stuff to eat, sell, and stuff. Some may be cheap, some may be expensive, some may suck, some may be fake... All kinds of crap are there. This year, it's kicking Chinatown's night market ass big time! Cuz this one's a lot better, that's for sure. Bah, not much to write about it... wasted at least an hour and a half there cuz it was kinda big with much to see. Not to mention, lots of food too.

Start of second last week of month


Chrono Cross playlist been playing for the past two days... don't feel like changing it. Fancy enough, I finished the channel page yesterday night. It can be viewed temporarily at this location. A plain and simple layout, I kinda like cuz it's so... pleasant. It's not complete yet, some information needs to be filled and so forth. Spiffy enough for me.

This morning I went to Yaohan. No Animage yet, but the new NewType came out already. I prefer Animage over NewType anytime! No new Angelic Layer but there was the second Chobits (by CLAMP) tankoubon's out. I heard it is a good manga, perhaps I'll buy it later. It's a little more expensive than other average priced manga. A few bucks more I believe. Didn't get anything this time.

[Wednesday, July 18, 2001]

Idea *ding!*


Why's it so damn cold in the morning? Especially if you have to wait outside for your ride, and you don't know when the ride is coming. The sun's too scared to show its face and it rather hide behind the clouds. Chicken. Wuss. Eh...? Chicken wuss...

I'm not sure how it happened, but I began looking at some collectives on the web. No biggie at first until I started to notice a .nu trend happening. I've seen many with that domain extension before, but this time it hit me. It hurt too, so much it gave me the need to buy one too. "Nu Nu Nu, Nu's are good," I think to myself. (Reminds me of that blue round monster in Chrono Trigger ^^;;) So, I found myself thinking of a domain name and I thought of many actually. I went to check them out, and the majority of them were taken except one (figures -_-). I thought, hey, can't be that expensive.. until I get to the Order Form. $60 US?! You kidding?! Pfft, no way. So now, the need hasn't left me yet still, but I'll perhaps think of another way of acquiring it...Ah well, that wasn't that bad of a let down. I had the urge to work on some of my personal sites (shrines, etc).. and I got a bit done. However, there are still others I haven't updated for a bit (like SP... -_-;;;) and people are dying for me to update. Unfortunately for them, they'll have to die cuz I don't feel like updating. And in fact, I've felt like this for the past few months already. I let the laziness get the better of me. I'm not complaining.. ^^

Buuut, I do have a new layout done... Well, partially done. Speeds up loading, takes up less of my bandwidth, still very blue and very lazy to finish it. Cuz after layout's done... you gotta convert, all the crap to the new one. Which is an awful drag... But it'll be worth it when it's done, that is.

[Monday, July 16, 2001]

anata ni aitakute.. aitakute..


It's raining rather loudly outside. They said it will rain perhaps for another few days.

I was almost late for class today but no fear, I wasn't! The teacher's lesson was too long, which caused us to start our daily quizette 5 minutes before the end of class than the usual half hour. Due to that, and the slow pace I was work at, I didn't get to complete it cuz he was to collect it before the next class entered.

I haven't been to a public market in Richmond (which happens to be called "Richmond Public Market" =P) for at least a year and now, it hasn't grown that overly much but it's a bit more busier than before. Well it has to change anyway, if not, then the market building is in big trouble. Anyway, we tried their bubble tea coffee flavoured and their weird little snack thing. The pearls were sure different than the other places I've drank at (and believe me, I've tried many places ^^).

I returned home feeling awfully happy, because I successfully downloaded some music from this new program that I just got used to and started yesterday night when I was doing my homework! ^^; Well, it wasn't hard to figure out but anyway, just out of the blue I'm rather hyper for no particular good reason really. It doesn't hurt to be happy, I suppose.

I found out that Sakana-chan is leaving in 3 days just yesterday. For the whole summer!! Just like last year!! And maybe the year before and the year before that. Emi-chan is leaving too, right after summer school! Joanne left last Sunday! And all to the same destination: HK!!!!!!!! *whines* I wanna go too.... ;_; But then again... think about the heat...... o_o

[Thursday, July 12, 2001]



I just returned from an interesting uh... performance that lasted for 3 hours, which infact, interrupted my WA2 attempt. It was a Christian related show that featured a approx. 2 hour movie (acted by a few popular HK stars). I enjoyed it as well as that famous Christian talking guy famous for his... talking? Uh? He talks in talk shows and stuff... very famous guy, I don't know much about him except he's popular among HK and the related... Anyway, it was worth it because all of us got a laugh out of it! ^_^

I forgot to mention.. it attracted many asian teens.. and... you know what that means! Guy spotting! XD

with a rush of cherry flavour


It was nice to have McDonalds breakfast again after such a long while! It was greaaaaaaat~ ^O^ I was going to try out the local bubble tea place in the summer school area too but I had to go and they told us to wait 5 mins before they make it cuz they needed to set up and stuff. Well my friend waited, but not meeeee.

A new product by the Mountain Dew crew! You've seen it.. Pepsi making Pepsi Twist and that Cherry Pepsi thing... You've seen Coca Cola make that cherry thing too.. now what? Mountain Dew: Code Red!!!!! And guess what the flavour is? YEA, CHERRY! XD Well the drink wants to taste like Mountain Dew but then not really like Mountain Dew but more like cherry-ish kind of like medicine but sort of sweet but not that medicine-like. Uhh? o_o

I had a convo with Lee (dalnet) yesterday and we had this weird conversation about games. Oh yea, he started to say that Nadesico's intro song "Burning" sounded like the second intro of Wild Arms 2 (I don't know the name, but he knows? o_O). Well, pfft, I didn't agree with it at all. And then the conversation trailed on... and at some point ended up talking about the WA2 ending. The way he said it was surprising and good I really wanted to finish the dumb game. I stopped playing a few weeks ago cuz it was frustrating! I had that annoying problem with those 3 bad guys that kept using paralysis and sudden death.. blah blah. Well that stage was finished a long time ago but that's the blasted game! >_<

[Wednesday, July 11, 2001]

Final Fantasy: TSW


I watched FF:TSW with Sakana-chan at Metropolis 12:35. I came late (cuz of my parents) so unfortunately, we had to sit at the front few rows. It was kind of difficult to watch at first but I got used to it. Well well, the movie was pretty good. The ending was sort of... typical. But of course, as expected from Square.. the graphics were great. The chars looked pretty realistic, hey? There was a particular character that kept reminded me of Seifer ^^... Seifer's evil twinnn (wait, Seifer is already evil XD).. then otherrr evil twiiinnnnn.......I still love it anyway, just cuz I'm a big Squaresoft fan afterall! ^___^

Maybe I'll write more about it later.....

[Tuesday, July 10, 2001]

Another average day. yup yup.


Went to school as usual. My friend's boyfriend showed up afterwards even if he has no school, which was nice, since I haven't seen him since the end of the actual school year. My friend, Sacha, was hanging around after to bug him too, expecting his arrival. For some reason we began to talk about how messed up the cat in FuriKuri was, myu. While waiting for my ride to arrive, I looked through a schools yearbook (Van Tech) and let me say that their cover sucks. The inside was pretty nice, except some pages like the Grad Section was dumb, and so were their organization of pictures around the place. It was a mess, but places like the Grad Ads were good. Their books thick, thicker than ours. I guess it's cuz they got lots of useless pages like a section about the small and big events that occured throughout the year. We only had two pages on it, they had like 10 or more. Anyway, there was a grad ad that said rrboys on it with a bunch of pics of some asians (probably their gang) and since we all didn't know what the "rr" part stood for we just assumed it was Really Retarded Boys. It fits anyway.. (none of them were good looking so, hey =P)

The CD problem at the library was finally fixed up, which was such a relief. When I came home, I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up, sitting up rather suddenly cuz of the heat and the feel of nasty sweat. But now I'm a bit cooled down with some nice cold Pepsi Twist! ^^

[Monday, July 9, 2001]

The food you are about to wipe off your face is of the highest quality


That quote's been my amusement for the past few hours. I had dinner at the Cactus Club Cafe for the first time, and it just so happens they had that quote on their napkins. It was great afterall! I haven't had potato skins for months or more (since The Keg took it off their menu) I haven't had the chance to eat it! Mmmmmmm... it was good! *_* Also, I had chicken wings; some Thai flavoured, which was quite nice. I tried out the steak (came with side stuff of course) and I have to say.. their mash potatos were yummy!!! ^^ I wanted to try dessert too, but I was too stuffed! XDFunny thing is that they had a plastic cow sitting on the steak that said "Medium" on it! Since their trademark is a cow ^^; and the steak was cooked to medium! Interesting, no? Oh, the little fine things that amuse me... ^_^ I won't even mention their nice washrooms.. ^^;;

[Tuesday, July 3, 2001]

Oakridge: Rob and Run?


Oh yea, I saw the most interesting today. I was waiting outside of the mall (Oakridge, btw) in the car when suddenly, I look towards the road and I see a pile of clothes on the floor. Some kids sitting nearby go over to pick it up and carry it away so it won't block the road. The security guard comes soon later, saying something to them blah blah and then runs off. The kids start covering their mouth and people from the mall start walking out coughing. Okay, I thought.. something must really stink there. Bad enough to make eyes water and people coughing.Okay by that time, I was still clued out. There was this poor guy that was holding his face in pain. Poor him, I guess he was the one that got sprayed in the face. The security guard returned with a chubby kid and forced him into the mall. Ooh, he must have been one of the robbers. I overheard a conversation that some kids were trying to steal from the Men's Clothes Department and tried to run away by using pepper spray. The spray was so bad, the whole mall (The Bay section actually) had to evacuate. ^^

Kinda exciting though! ^_^;;

My Day. Today.


So, the day didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would be. I guess that could be a good thing then. I accidentally got to our destination too early (Yaohan.. did I mention that in my previous entry before? I believe I did) so I had to wander around and "pretend" I had something to do for the next 15 mins or so. As expected, my friend came late (like 15 mins late = I waited for 30 mins =_= ). Then, we both waited for a half n hour for the other guys to arrive. They never came.We finally gave up and assumed they won't come at all. And I'm glad we did. We ate and we wandered around.

The card machine upstairs was busted so we went to Aberdeen (another mall across the street). It was still considered early, so no one was there. We took one card picture and the moved on to the exciting part. We pulled out our change and went to play EZ2Dancer first. The one where you got to use your hands while dancing. We only played one game at first because I was eagar to play DDR 4th Mix (since I enjoy that a lot more). ^^

Well I don't know why, but I paid for the majority of the games. If I remember correctly, we used about 5 bucks or more on it (50 cents for 1 credit). I was overjoyed cuz I kicked ass! >=D I got straight B's for 5/4 footed songs. I suppose that was okay. o_o I didn't play since February though. I remember I tried a 7 foot before and I got a C. Bleh! XPI wonder how long it takes others to learn 7+ songs.... hmm?

We moved back to the EZ2Dancer machine just cuz my friend loved that game. For some reason, she wanted to try out the "Internet Mode" which we both knew NOTHING of. o_O When it began, there was a new green colour circle. We both saw it and we paniced and kept asking each other what it was.

"W-What's the green thing supposed to be??"
"I don't know!! I don't know!!"

Ahh, we learned at the end but in the most embarassing way that the green ment to touch the hand thingy below (not above like usual)! Oohh! This person who was watching told us... ^^;;;

Then we got a call from the other people that didn't show up. It was a message from them and they said, "This is screwed up." that's all it was. In other words, they didn't come at all. At least we had fun without them! ^_^

[Sunday, July 1, 2001]

T&T Supamarket Partay?


Our family got invited to this weird party set up by T&T Supermarket that was held at their head office in Richmond. Not your average party and not your average supermarket. Each of us get a coupon book that holds coupons for free stuff. In fact, the whole party was free.. the food, the drinks.. the games.. etc.

Perhaps they created this because they had too much money to spare? Anyway, it was setup like a carnival (it's so carnival like you can call it a carnival, practically) there was a stage, game booths, and those things that are filled with air that get bloated up. I can't bite my tongue on the word.... It's just this balloon like thing that gets filled up with air constantly and children play around on it.. I might remember the word later..... There was this particular "AIRY THING" that had Dragonball Z pictures on it. Very.. weird.

Okay, the food wasn't that great. Firstly, it came in a plastic clear box and the only contents were california rolls and a chicken leg. The chicken wasn't overly great and the california rolls began to flip on you if you ate too much of 'em. Second of all, there were drinks you could get from a coupon tnat gave you the ablility to get 2! The variety wasn't that wonderful though... there was Sprite, Coke, Bottled Water and other boxed drinks. Next, there was popcorn that was pretty tasteless and dry. Not to mention, not hot at all. There were also desert-like treats that came in different flavours like Coffee (that I got), and some other berry choices. The odd thing was, when you went to pick up the actual food part, either got a handful of cherries or grapes depending on the time you went to pick it up. o_O

Moving on.... We met our relatives there, as planned. It was in the late afternoon and it was still really hot. We had to stand around waiting for our turn in a particular game. There weren't much: picking up duckies and see what number you get to pick a prize, fishing, basketball, hockey, baseball (just shooting stuff), pool (the guys who played sucked big time! it was a straight line and they still MISS), and spinning wheels. It didn't matter if you won or not, you still got a prize, o_o .. I guess that was the good part. Speaking of prizes, they weren't something to scream about. Simple/cheap plastic toys, LOTS of Ace Crackers (you can win it EVERYWHERE and get it for FREE too!) and LOTS of JELLO (ditto!!!).

The entertainment was alright. In the beginning though, was a very fat singer that won the local singing contest thing (he's on tv and all that.. got in 2nd place I believe.. went to Toronto, yadda yadda). I suppose he doesn't sing all that bad. They had a magician afterwards that was pretty hilarious. That wasn't too disappointing.Since the party was held somewhere past No. 7 Road and by New Westminister Road (the surrounding area is country-like away from the busy section but it was at a commercial zone), the road was pretty clear. We were having a conversation in the car when my dad suddenly stopped talking when he smelled the nasty smell of fertilizer. =_= It was the most STRONGEST fertilizer smell I ever smelt! We had a laughing fit cuz it lasted very long... XD

Overall, it wasn't bad. Except when we sat on the grass for munchies, the smell of fertilizer engulfed our noses and traveled in to send our brain messages of, "Shiet!"
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