Tango Appassionata

[Friday, March 11, 2011]



Time has never moved this painfully slowly. I mean that in the both literal and figurative sense.

My work area (at work) was never really comfortable. I was given the opportunity to pick my own chair from the company's office furniture supplier on my first week but little did I know how it would feel in context, with the table and everything else. The chair's arms ended up being too high for the keyboard tray pull out and as a habit I would rest on the arms. As for the keyboard tray pull out, it's adjustable to a certain extent - the lowest position touches my legs so I can't move or cross them; the highest position, I tried to level with the chair arm height, scrapes the bottom of the tabletop and either blocks access to most of the top left keyboard keys (my important keys: ESC and F2) or traps my fingers. There's also a built-in bar cushion for the keyboard on the tray which is just annoying and unhelpful in wrist cushioning. The mouse is not any better; I'm supposed to use the built-in, permanently inclined and non-adjustable mouse tray that's connected to the keyboard tray. In other words, it doesn't work for me because it's too low so I'm forced to share the keyboard space with the mouse.

It would be easy to ignore it, which I did for the past half a year I've been here and now it seems to have caught up to me. The veins running down my fingers, through my wrist and forearm are now showing signs of CTS. I bought a wrist brace for my dominant hand and it seems to be helping me wonders. Although I think I need to get another brace for the other hand now too.

I refuse to be burdened with such an avoidable issue so early in my life. Fuck this.

In other depressing news, after many, many awesome years of imported Japanese book goodness, Iwase is closing down mid-March. I remember buying my first super expensive "air-mail"-priced magazine ($20+ bucks) which was either an Animage or a Animedia. Every month after that I bought and tried out another magazine and eventually stuck with Newtype until I finally stopped my monthly magazine buying habit altogether last summer when I realized that I was 1. running out of space to store them 2. I've stopped watching anime regularly 3. money priorities have changed.

I recall my first manga bought there was Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. I had all these fabulous plans on an amazing manga collection that included super long running series I always wanted to own for myself. Every time I visited, I'd stare longingly at the Sazan Eyes and Rurouni Kenshin shelves aiming to complete these series one day. As a side note: till this day they're still both quite incomplete. Having said that I still did start and complete a few series with Iwase (Card Captor Sakura comes to mind), although not many did see to completion after I discovered a much, much cheaper alternative called the Internet.

It was also because of Iwase I started this crazy, but brief obsession for pinky:st. As much as I wanted to support them, their ridiculous yen to cnd exchange rate couldn't be justified. I was grateful for their old school video rentals for my once a year visit after the new year for the latest Kouhaku event. Speaking of which, I didn't get to rent it this year and so I'll have to resort to downloading. :/

So I decided to stop by for the very last time last Saturday for a final farewell and to take a look at what this "sale" was all about. It was probably the busiest I've ever seen the place and the sale was more than just tempting. Sadly the manga and artbooks were not on sale but there were some tasty magazines and plenty of other books that were worth picking up depending on your interests. I honestly didn't really need to buy anything but 70% off just sounds so good, doesn't it? ...said the inner-shopaholic. I ended up buying some random, borderline gag-merch I knew some people would appreciate and at the very end, it didn't even really turn out that cheap for me.

Goodbye Gift from Iwase

My trivial distresses aside, the world hasn't been all too happy this year seeing all the earthquakes and weird weather patterns occurring all around the world. :/

One definitely positive thing I can say right now is that king crab season has started and I've already had my first.

But really though, work just feels like the calm before the storm. I can sense the danger looming before me, the workplace meteorologist within me warns me so.
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