Tango Appassionata

[Tuesday, August 31, 2004]



So.... lots to say. Let's see if I remember everything...

I've been working like mad and it's not getting any _funNer_ either. I'm warming up to my supervisor and I think the "Head Guy from Japan" aka. Tomo-san has a liking in me, eheheh! There were a few times I didn't understand what he tried to say (in jpn) for example, I stopped using my pouch to hold my important posessions at work and just stuffed the most important crap in my pocket so he kept asking "Ofukuro wa?" and I was like "Eh? Ofukuro?!" Then I first thought, mother? Nono not mother... did he mean "fuku" as in clothing and its some sort of clothing I don't know about?! Then he left using his infamous phrase "Moumantai! Moumantai!"... so I felt dumbfounded for a while until it clicked and I was like "OMFG MY BAG"! So yeah, too late... And that happened MORE THAN ONCE too. My realtime conversation sucks. D:

So suddenly I get a day off on Friday on the 20th so I last-minute attack Sty about going to AE and so we DO! I wake up a little earlier and iron like I've never ironed before, trying to iron out my Lacus costume but due to lack of time, it ends up all nasty anyways. I met Sty at A&W on Commercial Drive. She shows me her SUPER COOL K2 (Kiss Me, Kill Me) Manhwa Saboo got and when I started to get into it, OMFG JUNG-WOO <3! It's such an adorable manhwa~ Anyways, we arrive at SFU and made our way to the registration area and got ourselves registered and Sty became my guardian for my parental consent form XD. Anyways, the registration ate all my money and so I had $10 left. We looked at the shit map and didn't understand a thing. We visited the game room that wasn't even really a game room. We passed by a room fill of scary guys who played Magic. We didn't know what else to do so we started lining up to get into the Dealer Room. The line was long and boring so I waddled off to change into my costume. I had hell but whatever, oh and screwed over the wig so I was wigless. I came back out and got attacked by a girl who had trouble breathing because she was like "omfgomgfomgomfgitsbeautifulomfgowajgeiwoajf*breathebreathe*" I returned to Sty and soon enough we spotted MJ and Space in the distance and brought them closer to us XD... Soon Roger came to join us and we lined up together for quite a while. We got into the entrance when it started to get really hot D:... Then we all stared at the ceiling as we watched some random AMVs. Finally it was our turn so we stormed in and I tried to find doujin I might like but NO LUCK. And with $10, you can't buy JACK. We saw K2 vol.2 though, but Sty decided not to get it. The steamy rooms sucked. Meh, the heat really kills. Especially when I was wearing lots. Thank you for no wig. That was over, didn't get ANYTHING after all. We then went to watch Millenium Actress. I didn't get all emotional as I did the first time I watched it. A girl behind was like "Stupid" when the protagonist did something.. well, stupid. Of course she's stupid, the animators and the story guy purposely made her do what she did, so no YOU'RE stupid. After the movie, which btw was in a room that had a gross nasty smell O_O. We peeked next door where they had really eewie karaoke and even different grossness nasty smell so NO. We went to watch other random stuff and oh, I went to watch Super Gals! with Sty and lol I love it! I went home and immediately did some research 'n downloaded it right after. ;D Okay, I think that was all of my rather unimpressive AE04 experience.

Then I had more work so no more AE Saturday nor Sunday.

I don't remember what did on the following days off.

I went with Jo and her mom for some necessity shopping at Costco. Had bbt with Jo after because I had the URGE for some. And so we did. We talked a bit about anything and everything. I saw my co-worker (Georgey~) havin' bbt there too, ahhaa. We left early because I had to work the day after. Yey work. I will definitely get green tea ice cream bubble tea when I get paid. I swear! But right now $4.50 is too much for me.

Sunday! Day off! Fixed Schedule! Had church in the morning and saw Steve that I haven't seen in FOREVER. He still has his cute charm, 'cept not as much. We returned home after church and picked up my bro. We had dim sum and then made our way to the wedding ceremony in Richmond. The chapel parking lot made us pay. D: Anyways, the chapel was small~ It was about as big as my living room~ I didn't recognize Stephanie when I first saw her! Her husband wasn't impressive *cough*... but anyways, the sight of hongers everywhere disturbed my brother lol. And so it started: my brother took crappy pictures because he was a bad photographer, a big group of people came in the middle of the ceremony LOUDLY and took their seats, there were a bunch of people that weren't even related to her in any sort of way (church people?) that were there... after that one-hour long ceremony, we leave and began standing around outside taking pictures. The chapel surprisingly had a beautiful garden that we didn't seen to notice when we first went in, which was really cool. There was a stray rabbit that the hongers squealed and attacked, not realizing its stray meaning it may have rabies and etc etc. There was also the flower toss. Hmm... the youngest girl (around 10 years old) caught it. o_O

By the time we got home, we had to get ready to leave again for the dinner. My stack of "Mugen no Jyunin" manga I borrowed from the library caught my brother's eye so I let him read it and he got hooked! The series' soo coool~ I can't wait it all when I get paid! Probably my second paycheck? Or maybe a little at a time... ANYWAYS, it was time to go so we made our way to Marriot Hotel, also in Richmond. My brother got high on alcohol (mainly from champagne fruit punch and red wine) and my uncle (dad of the bride) kept drinking his energy booster drinks. My bro got plenty complimented about the fact that he looks like a character from a korean comic which is kinda funny, especially when some people say I look like a character from an anime. o_o And so it continued, the bride and the groom did some crazy games, the food was great and my bro went to the washroom a lot. o_O At the end, I wanted to talk to the bride, but since I'm not that important to her (compared to the other people) I didn't have the chance... meh.

TODAY! I got on the 98 B-Line to get to work in Richmond and the bus driver, who looked like Brian Jervis, told me to pay a dollar to cross zones. I was like WTF! I never had to pay! Sure, I pay when my earlier ticket was Zone 1 and I'm in Zone 2, changing BUSES but NOT when I'm in Zone 1 going on ONE BUS down, through into Zone 2! The fack! Aghhhh it left me feeling angry all morning. I couldn't find my change bag so a kind chinese guy paid for me. I recognize the guy though~ He always had the yellow radio headphones with him, so I'll be sure to return the kindness the next time I bump into him on the same bus! But still fack! Maybe he IS Brian Jervis who got facking fired from his job he did a shiet job at doing annuals and now he's driving stupid busses.. D: Ughhh... Now I don't know WHAT to think. I gotta find out if he's right or not though~

ALSO TODAY! I was the only one working in my section today! It was quiet and peaceful... I liked it but... TIME WENT TOO DAMN SLOW. Because the Container (aka. Receiving) was delayed to the next day (which just so happens, I'm not working! HA!) there was nothing to stock up on! So this slow day was... slow. And Tomo-san I was very "Anime-Poi" (Very Anime-Like) lol, wat the fack~ I only replied with a "Eheheh..." And then asked if I was the type that would give up their life for their love (he was thinking of J-Dorama) and I was like "Of course NOT! Atashi wa sou janai yo!" And then my supervisor laughed with him... :D Hmm, all the employees doesn't seem to like him though... Only the higher-up staff that know Japanese are good with him (my supervisor, the manager, and the Lillian supervisor that doesn't like me for some reason (!!!))... the chinese staff, lol, I won't go there. Anyways, they're all pretty scary to me.

Daiso music is slowly changing but still the variety still sucks. Some new additions: Janne Da Arc (YAY!), Gackt ("...must feel the faiya!" omfg FACKING KILL that BLOODY SONG), some Super GoGo Robot Transform SuperHero Crazy Tight Pants-type tracks, Love Machine sung by this old man that sucks (where's the moden version w/ MorningMusume?! ;_;), Kuraki Mai (I don't like her too much) and some more bad random music. Heeeelppppppppp~


Let's see! I neeed to update my wishlist but my top money-disappearing acts are:

1. visit Iwase and everything will eventually follow XD

- Newtype

- manga, manga, manga, manga

2. teh elite iRiver mp3 player

3. buy my brother a present????! (but what?)


5. $2 leg warmers w/ sock glue of course @ Daiso when they're in stock!!

#. help pay for new car

#. treat parents to some sorta food

#. treat friends to some sorta food

#. Mugen no Jyunin by Samura Hiroaki Vol. 1~12

#. honger clothes, plzkthx~

#. get myself a new thumb ring (I lost my old one for months now)

And apparently Zellers is being a dick. Guess no P/T job there. Unless I keep nagging to him like my mom wants me to. Ugh, I rather look elsewhere. Cuz apparently they claim they only want "Applications that are available ANYIME for On-Call position" so that's pretty ghey. Don't wanna be sitting around waiting for a phone call.... Omg, hey, I can put Daiso on my resume now, it's SEPTEMBER! XD

[Wednesday, August 18, 2004]

More Work Related Stuff....


Richard Bond works at Ajijimon.

Michelle Yuen works at Mondo Gelato.

Sally Pao works at a clothing store.

Eric Chin works at the food court.

May Mui works with Eric Chin.

Iris Yeung works at Daiso.

I work at Daiso too.

Big happy [Aberdeen] family.

OMG, someone go to Daiso and complain about the fricking music they play every single facking day. They rotate through the same CDs: Ayumi remixes, Utada Hikaru, BoA, Totoro, Gackt, Luna Sea, X Japan (1 song), some non-lyric music that sounds jazzy, the FFX main theme piano song, the singer that sings one of the DBZ openings... that's pretty much it! EVERYDAY WE HEAR THE SAME THING! The staff has already complained about it in the past (so I've heard) and the higher-ups have REFUSED to change the music! This is poposterous (SP?!)!!

And doing Receiving sucks. I'm so damn tired. They owe me a cutter; I can't cut anything. I met a new co-worker, who has a cool cultural background. I did Receiving with her. Day off tomorrow, so glad. I need a break. Might miss AnimeEvolution this weekend... :[ More like, most likely will. Oh, thunderstorm this morning. Really cool. I also found a giant bug the size of my thumb (straight from Japan) in one of the stocking boxes today. Scared the living shh- out of me!

I'm out for now.

[Monday, August 16, 2004]



I waited a bit before I felt like talking about it... I FINALLY GOT A JOB! *throws confetti*

I started to get impatient with Daiso because they said they'd call back by Tuesday, and knowing that kind of company, I thought they would at least keep their word, but of course they didn't. I waited the rest of the week for a call but didn't receive one until I decided to call them instead (on Fri). They said they were still trying to get through all the references (still!) and said they'd call back the next day. So I stayed at home and waited... also in hoping I'd get a call from any of the other companies I chucked my resume at earlier that week. I get a call and it was from Daiso and the person on the other line was speaking engrish so it was rather hard to understand. I didn't know what she was talking about until she told me to come the next morning for my first work day (training + everything). Then whoa, cool. :D

Agrh, the next morning (Sunday), I woke up at 7:30 and got outta the house at 8:20. The streets were completely empty (which was creepy for a place like Richmond in broad daylight) but too early for a Sunday nonetheless. I arrived in 10 mins(!). I drove into the parking lot and stared at the parking policy that read "3 hours maximum parking". Then decided to ask about how/where to park afterwards. The mall was completely dark and looked like it was locked, so I followed this other guy who walked down to P1 and found "TEH ONLY SECRET UNLOCKED ENTRANCE"! I made my way there, inside and went through a few dozen things. When we first sign in, I noticed a familiar name and thought it must've been some coincidence with the same name. Then! When we (the newbies) were brought to the back room, who do I see!? IRIS(newbie tooo~)! It's nice to work with someone you know! XD Soon the store had to open, and we participated in the most COOLEST store opening where the staff would stand on the side and repeat-shout what the "leader" randomly shouts (Welcome to Daiso~ いっらしゃいませ?! Good Morning! Everything's $2! We have two floorsss~) After that exciting morning greeting, us four newbies had to _stand_ for a few hours, listening to our manager talk about store policies, manners, etc etc. as we took notes. He liked to advertise the store items while he talked.. really funny and nice guy. Very FOB though XD (Same guy who interviewed me, he's actually Mandarin not JP but he knows JP so well!~~).

Soon enough, we had our lunch break (よかった;)@ 12:30. I went with Iris for our lunch break, and decided to try out the bbq rice meal our manager recommended. It was cheap and pretty good! We enjoyed our lunch at the 3rd floor and couldn't finish our bentou. Iris remembered Eric Chin's family opened up some store in the food court so we looked around and saw Eric and May working together (so cute XD!)! Their store was rather busy so we visited briefly and left.

We returned and got sent to different teams. Apparently my supervisor wasn't around that day and my supervisor's underling went out for lunch, so I helped out Returning [items] for this particular section on the first floor that had a whole pile of stuff that needed returning. Soon enough, the guy in charge of the section sent me off back to my supervisor's underling and I helped out the Interior Decor section for pretty much the rest of the day. We were introduced to the storage room, and I got to meet more of the staff. (Dere's some decent guys working dere, eheheh!)... Customers came to me frequently for questions and I directed most of them to other more experienced staff members. But finding them were a hassle to start with.

Anyways, the first day was busy busy busy (esp. SUNDAY!) but the day goes by rather quickly. The JP guy, ともさん[Tomo-san], representing JP Daiso's a funny guy too.. he likes to say "Moumantai" and I think he tried to joke with me about bloomers (we had some on sale). LOL, I only got the joke after he left because I didn't notice where he was pointing. Oh, almost at the end of the day, I THEN realize I forgot to ask about PARKING. I suddenly freaked out and panicked and suddenly asked some older staff about it and they all said I'd get ticketed and everything. More panic, I quickly grabbed my keys and RAN to the parking lot. And went I got there.... AHHHH! IT WAS OKAY! Feeling a little worried, I moved the car to another location on the parking floor. But phew.. scary stuff. Then I was told I must park at Park&Ride, the only place safe for us employees. Man, it sucks to work in Richmond. How could a mall not let their own employees park in the same parking lot, that's INSANE! CRUEL! INCONSIDERATE! Park&Ride's too far, so I'll probably be bussing from now on. D:

My parents are "cool" with it. Not too overly satisfied (I could tell), but they probably think 'a job's a job' and probably realize I've given up on job hunting. It'll probably be a little hellish for them from now on as well... I'll be getting rides from them every so often, eheheh~

So TODAY! Even MONDAY'S BUSY LIKE FACK! My supervisor has returned today. Me, apparently being the only one without a proper schedule yet... now if I didn't call Daiso (they said they'd call me!) I probably wouldn't of worked today. So I got there, met the supervisor... did the morning usual. She didn't know what she wanted me to do for a while and then just sent me to her underling to be dealt with instead. So I helped out a bit before she came back and told me to start rearranging the WHOLE DISPLAY (that would be around 5-6 long shelves?). A fellow employee then told me that she's known to be "THE REARRANGER" that loved to REARRANGE STUFF! OMFG! Talk about LUCK! I GOT THE GRUESOME DESIGN-A-RAMA! So I had fun with a whole display the whooole afternoon + evening. I got a taste of the closing procedures as well.

Afterwards, the family went to try out 7th Heaven on the second floor -- some fancy pantsy cafe that had white and red checkered table cloth and aprons that may remind you of cowboys and the wild wild west. The food was good but meh, expensive imho. Yeah I'm a cheapass when it comes to food prices which is why Kam Do (Golden Knife) is my love <3... I saw Joanne there with her family and my mom saw her co-worker with their own family as well.

Anywho, I'm tired. Gotta wake for 9:00 shift tomorrow. I wanted to pay some FF tonight too... meh. This entry's too detailed.

[Monday, August 9, 2004]



Teh Weekend


My very FIRST interview of the summer (where the company actually called me; job fairs don't count). So all in all, I overreacted to the whole situation (as always) and was more nervous that I needed to be. I tried out a new dim sum place at Aberdeen called Fishman's something... The place was nice but the path to the washroom was strange. You had to leave the restaurant's back door, go down this long mall corridor, open a door, turn, walk down another corridor and then reach the washroom. But anyways, my anxiety prevented me from eating much too. After lunch, I headed to Daiso and talked to a cashier lady who didn't know English really well.. D: So whatever, I arrived, filled out a written application and then other interview people started comin' in as well. Surprisingly we had a GROUP interview (to my relief, yey!)... They were all full time students and had no work experience whatsoever. So surprisingly AGAIN, I seemed to shine the brightest out of all of them... and I knew Japanese and they LIKE THAT, eheheh *thumbs up* All that wasn't well somehow ended well... for now.

We rushed home and I did last minute packing for the weekend outing (aka. Summer Conference) at Abbosford. We (the family, minus the brother) got there after a 1 1/2 or so drive, got our keys and we headed to our seperate rooms. I ended up sharing a room with Jackie whom I didn't know well (every year I share with someone I dunno anyways.. D:) and had a room on the "older kids" side (opposite from my same-age-group side). Meh. The room was nicely furnished, lots of room with really interesting washrooms, more on those later. First thing on the schedule was dinner! Everyone gradually made their way to the cafeteria which was disappointingly small. We had mashed potatos the first night. It was pretty good 'cept there was no GRAVY. After food, the chinese and engrish congregation had our "joint" opening at the chapel. The benches were... bouncy. After that we had our first 'Main Talk' in the English side's cool room and we found out more about our v. cool speaker, John Waind, who shared his really sad but inspiring life stories. We continued his topic at our Bedside Fellowship and then finally moved onto GAME TIME! We played that game where one person's in the middle and called out a fact about themselves and if it applies to a person sitting on a chair has to get up and move to another chair (what is the name of that game anyways?).. After that we played Knight-Rider-Princess. I think Jacky and Bernard won. We soon realized the time and quickly rushed back to our sleeping quarters before they lock us out but we learned how to go around that though. The eagar beavers went to the gym after midnight while Rose, Tiff and etc hung around the lounge for a while. We talked about randomness and soon I left to shower. I accidentally got the bathroom floors all wet (forgot to put the shower curtains INSIDE the bathtub and.. yeah.. :p). When I returned to the lounge, they were all GONE so meh, I return to my room and sat on the bed to let my hair dry while listening to music. Jackie rolled around in bed and tried to sleep. I gave up on waiting for my hair to dry so I went straight to bed.

I woke up with some crazy bed head. Jackie left in the middle of the night because she noticed her allergies were getting worse. Gloomy morning. We had breakfast, it made me really sick. I got some medicine from my mom and lied in my room for the next 2 hours and missed the second Talk. I woke up just in-time for the workshop though. I felt better... still not as good, but better nonetheless. The workshop speaker, Brenton Dickieson, was also REALLY cool. After the first workshop, it was lunch. Man, the sun came out and we all began dying... After lunch we had a break were we screwed around in the TV and recreation rooms. We had the second workshop and then more free time in the afternoon. I hung in Rose's room for a bit before Rose, Tiff and me went to the English congregation room where we played and used the band equipment. We lost of track of time and ran to have dinner. The cafeteria was so packed, we ate outside in the garden instead while the little kids ran around killing the poor, innocent ants. Main Talk #3 was afterwards, followed by bedside fellowship again. Then once again came Game Time. This time, we were told to make a skit using a theme given and the props provided. We were split into 4 teams and made some pretty damn good, hilarious skits. Everyone disappeared afterwards, the majority at the gym again while the other half... ? So, not knowing where everyone was I decided to sleep instead. And it just so happens the younger kids were playing MAFIA in the lounge! Uguu so I missed it.

The next morning, the potato cubes for breakfast were good. We had our last Workshop and Main Talk then we all went to pack up. Lunch came soon after which surprisingly featured lasagna. Then it was sharing time where we'd go around the circle and share what we liked/disliked, reflections, etc about the conference. When it came to my turn, I couldn't talk and just cried. I felt so pathetic afterwards. But anyways, I wanted to say how much the theme of the conference this year, Crossroads, really reflected off this stage of my life. It was strange.... as if I prayed for the past 3 months and instead He makes me wait those months to get my answer at this conference instead. And no, not all my questions and concerns were answered or solved, but instead it gave me courage to keep going, especially after the survival stories told by the speakers. My problems are so insignificant compared to theirs though...

Anyways, a few other things: I noticed someone used my toothpaste (probably my neighbour -- we share the bathroom), my towel disappeared on the second night and I found it in my neighbour's room but I didn't say anything and just mentioned it disappeared and so they returned it, the toilet within the washroom had its own stall, the public washrooms outside had hygenic necessities (cool XD), I brought my digicam and didn't use it, ahem, パトリックという人が私の事が好きみたいので、いつも私をつけていて変な質問を聞いてて…彼の顔はほうかの人よりチョだせーしっ! そうさぁ、あたしが元から「ダメっ!来ないでバケモノメェ!」っての信号もよく示したのに…なぁんでぇ?! げっ 気持ち悪い… (´Д`;) and so ended my weekend trip.

I wonder what's next....

[Friday, August 6, 2004]

Butterflies Have Invaded


My mom's on holiday this week. Sick of seeing me jobless, she followed me job hunting. It was the strangest thing...

I dropped a few resumes in Richmond. All of a sudden while visiting Costco, my mom suddenly talked to the guy at the door and asked where to drop resumes and made me drop one there. Knowing there's no chance to work in such place, I didn't really care too much... That is, until they FRIGGIN CALLED ME >_>;; Costco's SO not my place.. -_-;;

I never finished filling out the ones for The Bay... maybe I won't need to... I hope I won't. No chance there too, I would think. Yeah, I'm pessimistic about big companies. Which is why Costco's such a SHOCKER.

So, changing winds... Fireworks last Saturday! It was Sweden! I went down with Jo and her relative late afternoon. Sty treated me to subway and slurpee for dinner XD... well more like she "owed" me money, or so she claims, though I have no memory of the incident anymore. The fireworks were good.. yes, just 'good' (that's because.... details later). Got a ride from Eddie afterwards, yey, thx Ed.

Fireworks again Wednesday! This time, Spain! We (Jo, Sty and Ed) met at Langara. Sty arrived late. We got Downtown and decided to park at Stanley Park. We arrived at 1... the skies were still rather cloudy then so the beach was EMPTY and our LOG was EMPTY! That is until old wrinkly lifeguard man with old wrinkly "nice ladies" wanted a bit of our log and runs off after leaving their tarp. Keh. And so it begins to rain and we huddle together under our umbrellas on the beach. We try and play Crazy 8's and I win surprisingly, even though I hate the game. Eventually the rain stops and Moni gets here. Then we build Cradish Island. Gar gets here and we play MORE cards. Then Rudy comes. And even MORE cards. The sky keeps its gloomy look throughout the rest of the day/night as we wonder if it'll rain or not but it can't make up its mind. Luckily it didn't after all. Boom and giant group of other people come. Saboo and Nina come a lot later. Lack of SGers. All the beach space we save up gets wasted. Then THE COOLEST FIREWORKS DISPLAY EVAR! (imho) 'Cept the blinding pop-pop fireworks that hurt everyone's eyes.... and my hand kept shaking so I couldn't take any good pictures. Yey so Spain, I hope they win, even though I won't be able to make it for the Finale. Oh, Eddie drives us home again. Go Eddie!

So I got an interview tomorrow.... which explains the title. I'm such a wuss. (what a henachoko I am...)

Then I'll be gone for the weekend. Off to Abbosford for a retreat. Gotta live through tomorrow morning first.

Can't... sit... still... >_>

Can I even sleep......?

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