Tango Appassionata

[Friday, October 31, 2003]



Suddenly felt like blogging... just cuz the day was great and I just have to talk about it... I guess before that... I can briefly mention past events (a whole month, rofl).

*stares blankly* I can't remember a single thing. I guess I don't get to flashback. That reminds me, I've been dreaming a lot lately... one this past month was PoT related.. lots of toilet scenes (yeah, ew XD)... and a lot more I can't seem to recall at the moment.

Hmm.. major events: a couple broke up (the cow and the fish). I seem to have fallen in the middle to help and resolve their distresses but I've also seem to have failed to do any good. I talked with the cow for about... 6 hours at the bbtea place across from oakridge. That following Friday, I talked with the fish over a meal. Both outlooks on the relationship being totally different... *being so vague*... don't feel like getting to the details.

I got my Geo lecture mid-term back... bombed it. Such a disappointment... well I didn't study so yeah I deserved it. Thanksgiving feast was once again great this year. My cousin's getting really fat and snobby for a 4 year old. There was no english for the week of Thanksgiving, so that was nice. Our Japanese Oral midterm was pathetic. The teacher said this really simple paragraph like 20 times and we just answered questions. I expected an actual conversation but we didn't even get that... I did horribly on his previous mid-term and hoped to boost up my mark with the oral, but we didn't even get to talk so that was ghey. I finished watching Sailor Stars (finally!) after years of searching, Eddie gave me the BT link. The ending was so disappointing and stupid. Sailormoon was useless for most of the final battle, watching everyone come and go and she goes NOOooo and does nothing. The running around and hiding was pretty dumb too... stupid Sailor Galaxia, kill them already why don't you.. noo you had to "play" with them. Ah well, I wanted more Seiya x Usagi action but either way, I'm in full support of that coupling now muaha... Mamoru's getting boring :D... My desktop also has a new look now... I've yet to screenshot it though. There was a new layout for kidd.nu and new site Sora E... Hopefully more updates soon... *slacking lots*

Finally today (yes, I'm dying to talk about today -- or more like Thurs 30th Oct)... Got off school, had some tea with parents before I got dropped off at Jac's b-day party at 7 with Simon. It was pretty packed then already... most of the food already eaten and a variety of people here and there. Talked to lots of people I haven't seen at all: Ben, Basil, Rhona, Jon Lee, + others.... started playing Para Para Paradise... Simon soon took over. Then it became the main attraction. Everyone then wanted to try it. Jason used "thrust" and butt motions to play lol... Trini played a kneeling version. Played two rounds of MJ; Simon and Basil won. Then, being way off schedule, the cake was cut. Then Eddie suddenly came and asked about Sutepri's ending and I had to explain. Then the topic went onto Naruto.. the fact that he's all the way at 50 something and I'm still watching TW's. Bertin would appear and suddenly mumble something PoT related and I'd just reply with something like "Ah, Tezuka's hot." and then Eddie would cut in with another anime-related topic. Simon sorta joined in... Then we had this looong "deep" conversation about various anime ranging from Sailor Moon to Digimon to Pokemon to DBZ to more Naruto again. bRO was mentioned a few times... about the people that still exist there. Then we had a strange discussion on North American dubbing.. then it would always end in Naruto -_-;;... While we were conversing, the table beside us were louder than ever playing UNO, the loser has to go grab 3 peoples' asses. Irene seemed to lose alot, so she had to grab the asses of some guys standing there watching Para Para Paradise, freaking them all out. The UNO group started to disband and leave, and so some immature guys started grabbing each other's balls -_-... That lasted for a while, while I still talked to Eddie. Jason started playing 2-player para para paradise using the analog controller and sucked. I took over his spot and started creaming the other playing using the para para pad. Simon, Garth and Jason would take turns. Jason would start stabbing me in the back for hogging up the controller and I'd do that to him when he played. Jason soon left and it was Simon and Garth taking turns while I used the controller. We went for the never ending mode and soon enough when we looked up everyone was almost gone... We ended up, Garth and Paul had to leave cuz they had to catch the bus before 12... I helped Jac clean a bit and left myself. So much para para... especially controller para para. Fun stuff. I WANT MORE XD...

I'm tired. its late. more party tomorrow. must trick or treat. gotta wake up early. too much stuff going on... Lets hope we can still go to PNE on Saturday.

[Thursday, October 23, 2003]


I'm alive!

(gimmie a bit...)

[Wednesday, October 8, 2003]



*eats puchirin*
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