Tango Appassionata

[Sunday, November 26, 2006]



It's the end of November... and it's SNOWING!
This insane weather starts off on Friday after school when I got to get off early by like 2 hours! just to be greated with a sudden shower of hail. Then it follows with a peaceful yet extremely chilly nightfall. A fellow classmate held a class gathering at her place that night for some drinking and just some good ol' mingling. I arrive rather 'late' (she said to start at 8), arriving at 9 and yet I end up being one of the firsts to show up (second, to be precise). Then I get constantly attacked by her roommates' dog until more people began showing up... that was when he diverted his attention to the other people. People came and went... more people stayed then leave of course. Another classmate brought some awsome homemade pudding that was a mix of macadamean (sp~!) taste and some sort of strong alcohol. Nonetheless it was very good. I fled early [~12am] (because I could).

Saturday -- it was FREEZING. I woke up early for an interview as a perfume demo (who would've thunk it!) and well I got it o_O. Work starts Thursday. Most, if not all, of my shifts are from Thursday to Sunday. Byebye to my weekends~

The pressure is on...!

I return home and join my bro in Dynamis for once. It was weird cuz he'd be in the other room screaming at me about what to do >_>... "CURE *****!" "RAISE *****!" etcetc... Mmmm kinda annoying actually. And yeah, there were no af drops throughout the whole run. Probably the second time it has ever happened... And during all of this.. the snow began to build up.......

After Dynamis ends disappointingly, I was then welcomed with a big blanket of snow outside. Not to mention COLD TOO. I made my way to Mike's housewarming party. I find the place without trouble... and with no furniture. I walk in to see a big circle of people playing poker. Eh. The others were just playing silly drinking side games in which I joined in... A bit later, more people show up and we just talk.. then we had CHEESE with crackers and high-class Italian liquor. Had some balloon fights, pudding, chip mixing (inside joke >_>), Mac ranting (only me vs. 2 pro-Macs >_>)... and then we went for bubble tea. LOL? Yeah talk about a drinking party right. We charged into Bubble World 5 mins before they closed, ordered and fled. Long time no bubble tea~ and it was good :33

I woke up half dead... and sleeping in too much. And so the snow continues to fall... I didn't leave the house today. Had fried chicken for dinner. Died 3 times in party today. The JP PT was overambitious and led me to confusing Mamook territory and then confronting a Popoggo! TRUE SOUND WTF! EVIL LITTLE FROGS WITH PARTY HATS! *motions angrily* FIST.

It doesn't look ilke the snow's gunna stop anytime soon... My guess is that there's no school tomorrow but it hasn't been frickin' announced yet. C'mon Kwantlen! What are you waiting for! Every other school has! There's no way I'll be driving to school in THAT weather tomorrow!!

[Saturday, November 18, 2006]

Uptime: 41 Hours


Had an all nighter yesterday (or wait, that's the night before) for a team project we had to do. It weird thing was that we started well before the due date and yet we still ended up having to do it last minute. Well the bad thing was that my other two teammates are easily distracted! >_<; Every other minute, they'd go off and talk about something else and then FE@I$O%WJ^FI please, if we stayed on topic and focused, I bet we didn't have to pull the all nighter at all. But oh well, it couldn't be helped. We started at 10AM Thursday, worked until 10PM at school, then moved our quarters to one of the teammates' place from 10PM to 530AM. Then we disbanded to shower and change etc and met up at school at 730AM to print our 17 page handout 20 times. Not cheap I tell you.. not to mention, the photocopying machine copied really nastily. *shakes head* There goes 60 bucks. So we end up going in late into class as soon as we were done. We then did our 45 minute presentation (pretty well, mind you -- 'cept a few misinformed facts by a teammmate).... After class, we finally handed in out extremely overdue books (3 weeks after the initial due date) we referenced. Finally got to go home.... decided not to sleep until night time. And I ended up standing up till 3AM this morning... I forced myself to sleep 10+ hours just because... and I did. XD

Levelled bard to 71 and got to wear my sexy slippers XP ... my parties sucked a lot yesterday though. It wasn't until the very end there was a good party but then I was feeling extremely dead tired for sleep. I also got enough points to get the Walahra turban! Now I got a sexy purple turban XP

This recent water epidemic is funny... On Thursday I drank a whole bottle of water from the tap [filtered] so the warning was a bit late for me.

Oh I haven't started my homework yet... crud. Oh how I love painting arrrrggaa!

[Sunday, November 12, 2006]

380 Damage


Went to Holt Renfew today and got my mom her birthday+Christmas present. At least I split the bill with my bro but it was still mighty painful lol. Ooh but I did see a bag with the latest white/grey checker style [the same one my mom got] in a bigger size that i liked *cough1060cough*.

Huumm.. did some slacking this weekend. There's still a day and a half(-ish) left of the long weekend and I've got quite a bit to do (the school stuff :T)... so I'm not so sure how it'll work out. Working on a group project all day tomorrow, followed by a family dinner at night. Hmm, crap. I guess that's a sign for me to get working.

PS3 released two days ago in Japan... Famitsu and ITMedia have nothing but PS3 articles... stuff about over 1k people lining up overnight for it, hardware already getting dismantled and examined, release events... no actual reviews yet I don't think.. Not that I've been actually trying to look for them though. I encountered a funny poll though...

プレイステーション 3、買えた?
買えた 8%
買えなかった 10%
買わなかった 67%
あ! 忘れてた…… 13%

Heh, I wonder why. xb

[Friday, November 10, 2006]

2AM Findings <3



I also have my eye on a few other new/upcoming releases:
- fate/hollow ataraxia collection (Jan 07)
- Jinki: Extend Aoba PVC (Feb 07)
- FA4 Navel Characters Puchi Collection (Feb 07)
- Haruhi black bunny suit? lol maybe~
- Yakitate!!'s Tsukino PVC looks pretty nice X3 (07 sometime)

... prolly others I've missed...

I need to recompile my to-buy list sometime....

Ok, that's for that Christmas to-do list, ok?

[Tuesday, November 7, 2006]



I swear.. didn't I just say "IT'S OCTOBER!", like, a few posts ago?

So yeah...

Almost time to register for next semester's courses ALREADY, man like wtf. That reminds me, my brother's playing "WTF" right now... As for me, I started playing Children of Mana today~ Very fun stuff~ Can't wait to play multiplayer with my bro! I'm still playing FFXI... our Dynamis linkshell, DyNaMITE, disbanded the other day.. very shocking.. very sudden... will have to move to another LS... I've been missing 'em Biesieged's! Now EVERYONE's always gathering up for it.. making Al Zahbi too full [700 ppl] for anymore people (meaning, the early birds get the worm)... I've also been playing PSU -- Phantasy Star Universe. Feels kinda the same as the old PSO lol. Character creation could've used more work with the customization...

I look forward to December and the things I need to do lol. I'll have to keep reminding myself of this horrible... horrible... HORRIBLE backlog. I've been reminded of the fact that my domain and everything on it is so outdated... I've been reminded of the fact that I'm missing out on some awsome anime (e.g. Code Geass..!) I've been reminded of the fact that I have a giant pile of games that are waiting for me to play them... I've been reminded of the fact that my room [the house] is a mess and needs to be cleaned... I've also just been reminded that it's quarter past one and I have a class at 8 tomorrow morning.
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