Tango Appassionata

[Sunday, January 24, 2010]

One Thing After Another


Parents rush-flew to and from China/HK the last week to see family and bring back my grandpa's remains for a brief ceremony here later this week. The next few days will be busy-rushed-hectic with the service preparations.

Last Sunday, my friend got his car broken into the night before that, getting all his electronics taken. It really sucks to hear about these things and be unable to do anything about it...

Strong winds also decided to blow down our backyard gate pretty badly the other day but we were able to fix it to some extent. Ugly but more livable than before at least.

To make the week even better, school has been heavily involved in establishing a theme for our grad show. My team from Team Robots in 2nd year worked decided to work together again for our concept. It began as a harmless bubble tea outing after class which evolved into a 4 hour discussion. We then had another amazing 6-hour bubble tea session another day to finish up our presentation preparations. However, due to personality/ideal clashes with the class, our thoroughly developed concept was shot down. There just seems to be this extremely sinister hate coming from at least a good half of the class for anything remotely Asian or 'cute'. SO back to the drawing board...

Codename: Cubical

On the flip side, although not recent in the last month, one of my best friends went to Japan for the winter holidays. I've been using a magazine (ION Magazine to be precise, it's nice and square) as my mousepad since the wireless mouse doesn't like tablets (for obvious reasons) and it also collects dust way too easily off the table. I've had to work on my PC for hours at a time (doing ugh homework) ever since my laptop was out of commission so the wrist pain has finally set in. So I ended up requesting for a boob/oppai mousepad. No butts, no nipples, no porn.

Boobs and Elixers

She came back with a pink-haired, twin tail maid. :3

So! This girl's an original character drawn by Kuuchu Yousai, the character designer for Nanael from Queen's Blade and the Djibril series. And! She even has a bio to go with it: Hoshizaki Fuuka, 17 years old (!) high school 2nd year. She lost her family in an accident and now lives with the protagonist as his maid. Even though she has a dark past, she puts up a strong front but is a dojikko. Her signature moves are to spill tea and collide into walls. She's a classmate with the protagonist (which it notes is obviously a guy). Born on May 10th, blood type A. My mousepad has a background apparently.. I find that very amusing.

So guys, girls' boobs do not feel like this. Stop trying to trick yourself.

As for the FFXIII elixir, that was an awesome surprise. Sadly I will never open it so I will never know what trading figure it comes with. I'll just hope it's Lightning or Yung Fang and leave it at that. It'll be saved for an emergency when I'll need to break things like benches and cars with my head. Hm, much like how I never touch elixirs ever in game either.. waiting for the right emergency, but it never happens.

Alright, week 4 commences... 3 weeks till the Olympics.

[Saturday, January 16, 2010]

Gone But Not Forgotten


There were a large volume of phone calls, particularly those out of town earlier in the week. To add onto the strangeness, my parents also acted unusually suspiciously. Both me and my brother knew something was up. It wasn't until a few days later, they decided to break the news to us... My grandpa had passed away on the weekend. Some time midnight Sunday for us, Monday for them in China.

It was really all too sudden and unexpected. He fell down a few weeks back and had to be admitted to the hospital. They discovered that he was undernourished and wasn't eating well. We were working on getting him set up with those daily energy supplement shakes. It was reassuring to know he was at least in the comfort of his own home during his final moments.

It's frightening to realize I have no more grandparents.

[Thursday, January 7, 2010]

Twenty Ten



Hello 2010! Happy New Year!
Great to start the new year by running a STALE RED light. I *think* there's no camera in that intersection, but you can never be so sure. Sigh, fml.

Anyway, winter break... there really wasn't much of one. Finished Dragon Age for the time being and marathoned a bunch of anime.

Then came New Years Eve which was a bit unexpected. There were a series of power outages on my way home late in the afternoon. My house and area was also affected so when the rest of the family got home, we headed out for food instead. Later that night I finally headed to Mike's place for the usual celebrations. I honestly had no intention of drinking a lot but I somehow got befriended by one of the party girls and she had me "catch up" to her... and that involved a lot of whiskey and jagerbombs. The night also involved eating really good chips I don't remember the name of and learning how to lap dance.

Before the end of the holidays, the family (+ my bro's gf) also headed down to the states for a day as his "Christmas present" to us. We had to fit 5 people into my car so it wasn't all that comfortable of a drive (I wasn't driver/shotgun). The buffet at the Tulalip casino wasn't as good as we all hoped either but I suppose the successful shopping trip balanced that out. Gotta hold off the spending (for serious this time!).

As for new year resolutions... I've been sleeping more than usual and I always felt oversleeping was a time waster (I still feel the same about it now) but I've been giving in to the awesome comfort and laziness of rolling in bed and not having to feel sleepy midway through the day. It's a sign that I must be becoming more of a lazy person (or lazier than before). Probably not a good thing considering my current position and the time of year. Hm, this would make a good new years resolution. The process of unlazying myself?

School has restarted and I'm not looking forward to the final semester. A fastforward 5 months button would be great right about now.
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