Tango Appassionata

[Monday, January 22, 2007]

Mid-January 07 Life Update


Surprise surprise... I end up getting work hours after the busy Christmas season. Only once a week but still! Good stuff! I alternate from Oakridge and Richmond every other week and surprisingly I was able to sell something on both days. Hard as hell but I managed! Also it just so happens that the sidewalk sale was happening at both malls too! Good and bad: good that there's a sale; bad that I END UP SPENDING! So uh yeah I ended up buying stuff... eheh.

My brother also just finished suffering through a really horrible cold/flu. It was so bad, he had to skip work for 3 days and stay at home the whole time. Poor guy...

HEY I FINALLY got past the first few hours of FFX after umm.. was it two tries in total since it first came out? LOL. So far, I'm loving Tidus and disliking Yuna. Wakka's voice is so amusing to hear X3

Been playing Fantasy Earth Zero lots lately. It's like the FFXI PvP you always wished for! The auto mana refresh is love <3

FFXI - Attempted to start COR and realize - hoshitz - I need RNG sub.. so I'm TRYING to level RNG but it's kinda tedious lol.. man I was soo psyched when I got to use my first roll at lvl5! Sigh. In other news tho, I temp joined up with this assault ls that has a really shitty leader. At least the other members are more knowledgable than him.

Manga and the related:
DID I MENTION MY WILD ARMS 10TH ANNIVERSARY FANBOOK BOOK CAME IN TEH MAIL? OMGG! The book is full of awsomeness! It makes me wanna play Alter Code: F to see all the new chars they added and the changes they made.

I wish the last Furuba book would hurrys up its ass and makes its way here already XP

I get to hear Sou-niisama laugh in track 3 and say a line in track 4! Hahaha!

Ahh sillyness is awsome. Now I flee to bed.

Status of Clearing up old HDDs: 85%
I'm almost there...! As soon as that's done, I need to welcome back AnimePsychoGirl and Sayoko the sofaking of kidd.nu and blackwings.net...

So much to do! So little time!

[Saturday, January 13, 2007]

2007年 あけましておめでとー



Jan 1-7
Tried to clean and get through that bloody to-do list I created for myself a few months back. And sigh, I wasn't able to get through the whole list (go figure). However, I was able to do some serious computer organizing and room organizing (still not finished in neither departments). I love finishing things don't I... wow really.

Hung out with Tek.. had good ol' ramen and bubbletea. Luckily we fled before the giant wind storm arrived later that night.

Haven't had so much fun shopping in a while... Woke up early for breakfast slash lunch, visited the bank quickly for some bank-related errands then headed off to a few close outlet stops. Mainly visited the Coach outlet (mom, go figure) and Tommy (yay!). Then we did some sweet Costco shopping and picked up some rare goodies X3 Then working backwards, we visited Bellis Fair: Target, Hollister, A&F, and some random stores. I got some sweet loot for some pretty damn good prices X3

Boarding @ Seymour. Avalaches and high winds closed up the better lift. Instead, we built our own mini jumps off of the mini hills. The staff pretended not to see it and told us to clean it up responsibly after we're done :b...

The start of school. Oh yey.
I figured it was the first day of school.. no need to rush. Right? Wrong! I end up being the last to show up (ONLY 5 mins into the class >_>) and it was FULL! Why was it FULL? Cuz all of a sudden, the school decides to put in two extra students (exchange students, mind you) when we've only lost one student from last semester and the max class size is TWENTY. THEREFORE WE WENT OVER BY ONE! I BECAME THE ONE! After that I've been going to class early for the rest of the week JUST TO BE SURE I GET A SEAT!

Ok, I arrived EARLY to get a SEAT. At the end someone else got left out instead. Phew...? BUT THEN! We get a NEW TEACHER! She has a heavy mexican accent that prevented me from listening even if I wanted to! I completely zoned out all class so yeah huh something about spot colours?

I got a haircut. Not exactly what I wanted... now I look like a rebel slash jrocker wannabe. BUT the good thing is that I have the ability to make instant ahoge and/or antennas with no need for water/gel -- NOTHING! SO that's kinda fun... but hey wait, that's not what I wanted! >_<

I GET TO CLASS EARLY JUST IN-CASE! Thank goodness, they weren't in this class... We finally get to work with a real client this time for our first project this semester, yay! And it's De Dutch too!

Welcome back to history of graphic design, yeah. We were assigned our partners for our term project.. then we were presented with a wonderful summary assignment due the week after. The article's bloody 10 pages, double sided LONG!



そして、なんかムカーな感じがするね あの子



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