Tango Appassionata

[Tuesday, October 24, 2006]

Team Project Part.X


Okay, I can't stop ranting about this guy. He's obviously getting the easy way out of all this... he doesn't like this 'teamwork' thing very much. We've been splitting up the work on almost everything now... we've only spoken to agree on minor things... ideas and the rest are done separately. It leaves me a bit worried though... what if I'm not up to par with his work? Damn.. too much responsibility this way... I prefer the shared effort so we feel that the both of us have contributed equally, giving balanced ideas.. not this... strange, separate work stuff. He already thought of 6 ideas for his part that HE chose after he did the 6. Now I gotta die here with my part that he threw at me. Ugh. Gotta go work now.



Continuing off from the last post... my partner really, seriously, truly [for some strange reason] doesn't like me! He was being all friendly and saying he'd follow up with me Friday (said this Wednesday) on some ideas for our next task in the project. He doesn't come! He doesn't say anything! We actually went down the bloody elevator to the parking lot together and he says NOTHING! What, am I supposed to be the one to initiate the conversation for some bloody reason? Ok then, today, Monday, I went and did that. He answered me half-heartedly and said he had some ready and that was it. End of subject. Ookay... not going to tell me about it eh? From the way he spoke, he was obviously lying though. Not trying to be skeptical about him or anything but seriously this is messed up. And the bad thing is that he sits right across from me in Monday and Wednesday classes (facing each other). Also today, we had to form temporary groups of 3 to discuss the homework we've done together... him, being a possible 3rd decides to go to the other group beside him becoming a 4th instead. HEY! I actually don't care but c'mon, aren't we supposed to be more friendlier after working together? Ugh this is so upsetting. At least the poster task for last week turned out all right. During the presentation though, however, he started taking credit for things he didn't do and gave himself more credit on stuff that -I- didn't do instead. Sniff.. that kinda hurts. I only want to be friends ;___;...... or at least until this damn project is over. Fuck!

Change subject...

FFXI: I've been trying to catch every Besieged raid lately! Just yesterday, we had to deal with a back-to-back level 5 besieged that killed off 4 of our generals lol. Thank goodness when I checked today, someone went and saved them. I suspect the next one's a Lv6er! I can't wait~ The immense lag and lack of movement is so amusingly awsome, and yet you're still somehow able to fight and heal. Very strange, but very fun. I only wish it would occur more frequently.. XP!

Wow.. it's the end of October almost... dude, where'd October go?

I have such a giant backlog of shit to do, it's not even funny: website stuff... computer stuff... anime stuff... burning stuff... organizing stuff... cleaning stuff...

I'll probably end up holding all of it off until Christmas time.

[-head to desk-]

[Tuesday, October 17, 2006]

Team Project


Sayoko 《 ワイルドアームズPinky: st!! XD 》 says (10:06 PM):
forget the class, my partner for this project's being a retard
Sayoko 《 ワイルドアームズPinky: st!! XD 》 says (10:09 PM):
... he first said he'd talk to me more on msn about it.. he never adds me, I end up asking someone for his contact... then he never goes on... then the next time I see him, I told him we should discuss it over msn.. never happens... then we're supposed to meet up after class with our materials.. and he just leaves early [empty handed].. then I see him on msn, I msg him he says hello and goes offline so what the fuck

Sorry for not being caucasian or outgoing enough for you!

And it's due tomorrow morning.

[Tuesday, October 10, 2006]

6th week


Eeee we're into the SIXTH WEEK of the school semester! I can't stress it enough -- time's going by too fast!

Anyways, this week's filled with plenty of school work too: summaries, reading material, PAINTING, poster presentation...

Well! My new rig's up and in good working order.. 'cept a few kinks and some more tweaking before I officially transfer all my stuff over. I love all the free space I have! It reminds me of when I got my previous computer... I fear I'll fill it up too soon. I will learn proper file management this time! XD

Agh, I'm seriously disliking Wild Arms 4. The voices, the character designs, the battle system, the field perspective, the world map system, the HARD enemies (?!),.... They frickin' HURT! At least your HP is filled back to full after battles. Wtf name is ArNAUD? Not to mention, the whole main cast look like wussies. I've had so much trouble with the lighting (half cuz of the perspective as well) too... I can't tell if there's suddenly a bloody hole in front of me! From how it's being played out so far... it looks like the direction of the game will be very fixed... gasp, there might not be any of those juicy MILLENIUM PUZZLES? I SO cannot accept this as a Wild Arms game! >_<;;

Onto other gaming news... I FINALLY installed the ToAU expansion... Apparently I need mission 2 first to be able to participate in Beseiged, get sanction, get EXPERIENCE(!), get imperial standing points... ugh... where have all MY FFXI friends go :( I guess that's the bad thing about using this account.. :[[

About the job hunting.... I think I've changed my mind about it. I might be able to hold off until November, and just apply for student loan. I can't imagine myself taking on a job at a time like this... school's more busier than expected, which kinda sucks. Telus called... I'm too lazy to call back. Hmm, that's bad. Kinda don't wanna go through the whole interview routine... so 面倒くさい

I desperately need my manga fix though. My orders are not on their way yet still... aaaghagh, let me read something else besides just SCHOOL STUFF!

[Wednesday, October 4, 2006]



Where the hell did September go?!

So I just wasted/spent (whichever now, I don't know anymore) 5 hours on homework, like every week actually (on only one class too...). Now, I'm slacking cuz I'm glad that's over (for now).

Gasp, my fecking order from NCIX is actually working out for a DAMN CHANGE! My super awsome fan of silentness is actually ON ITS WAY! Ohhh, just days before the REAL completion of my computer! Yes, the previous attempt with the crappyass Asus motherboard does not count. But thing still annoys me -- their phone service sucks BAD! I was kept on hold for an hour plus, trying every day trying to get ahold of the store to get an ETA on my stuff but I never get through.. and after listening to the same few songs again and again, I end up getting DISCONNECTED. What a nerve...

Oh, I finished WA3 the other day. The ending was dumb lol... man, what happened to the awsomeness of the first installment of Wild Arms? The crazyness at the end that made you scream, "Rudyyyyyyyyy!!! Noooooo~" The first game still holds the top spot, yup. And I hear the 4th is pretty bad too... I'll be attempting that starting tomorrow. Oh and about the last boss... strange, tentacle mutated monster thing that I killed with TWO MERE SUMMONS. *sigh* What disappointment... There were some good things though: The characters were all good.. I even came to like Virginia at the end (I didn't like her in the beginning)... Clive became a wimp at one point so meh, not so much him... Jet was the smex cuz his was my ultimate damage dealer! Gallows and his facial expressions were quite amusing. Oh and Beatrice is dumb. But her final form is really coool looking <3 [/WA3]

Ahhh, PacificBoarder sale tempts me again! I NEED NEW BINDINGS IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS! But where's the money? There IS NONE!!
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