Tango Appassionata

[Tuesday, June 27, 2006]

Astral Candacence


Maybe I should save the title for when I actually get the Aht Urhgan expansion? :b Ok so there's this thing called the "Astral Candescence" that the enemies want and come and steal during Besieged. The battle depends on whether the AC is in your own hands or the enemies. And that's all I really know... Some guy did a .dat hack and revealed the Astral Candescence is a door-like object with lighted orbs in the middle. Oh ya, I've been having trouble getting into parties lately. Is it that level already where parties are hard to come by? :(

Our alley neighbour across the street is finally moving out. After all these years of dealing with their adolecent kids: vandalizing our garage, setting our garbage can on fire, littering, ripping off our door numbers, hanging around on the back smoking up, parking their cars in front of our garage so we can't get in... the problems were one too many.

Someone else moved in in their stead. We've got someone's pet cat hanging around our house now. She likes to come by and visit, especially for my brother. My dad's presence itself scares her off though. How come I'm not surprised :b

Next Tuesday, it looks like our company's moving to the new location. The boss, or in fact ANYBODY of high status, hasn't announced it so I'm not sure what's going on. However, as gossip spreads in wildfire in a chinese company, it has reached my ears. It also seems like my days of being a Corrector is slowly coming to an end... as I've contacted the majority of the people on the 'waiting for payment' list and the new dispatcher girl quit rather suddenly the other day... looks like I'll be taking her spot. Whether that's a good thing.. I don't know, though this new manager I'm under is a nice, straightforward guy... I'm discussing this over with him via. e-mail right now and following up on the detail (e.g. PAY!, duties, etc..). Did I mention the keyboard at work is one of those really cheapy plastic ones (you can see/feel it) and ya, the shift key's problematic.

1% GST down this Saturday July 1st.
Computer to be ordered/bought end of July.
Brother's moving back upstairs at the end of July.

There's no room for my bro to come back!! No room! No rooooooom! My precious computer room.. my precious materialistic junk, where's there room for all of it???

[Friday, June 23, 2006]



I've had nightmares two nights in a row.

Nightmare 1: KOTOKO had work at the same location as me. The location was my house but in the dream it wasn't my house. As soon as our work-related stuff was done, I wanted to approach her asap but when I got to her, I WAS TOO LATE. Someone else was already talking with her. Then as soon as the person left (which felt like a long time, cuz I paced around anxiously waiting) I approached her but she received a call from her manager (Kazuya Takase? LOL idk) that there was more work to be done. Right after I get a phone call from MY real work manager (the other branch's work manager actually) saying I had to get to work now cuz I was needed. I shook him off and said yes (we were speaking in Cantonese, so KOTOKO wouldn't of known what we were talking about). Then she starts humming the beginning of that Maiyahi song and I hummed the rest of the song with her (wtf??). After that weird moment (which wasn't weird at the time???) I began conversing with her. BUT FOR SOME REASON... I COULDN'T SPEAK JAPANESE PROPERLY! So then I bore her to death with my f-uped, choppy Wapanese. And she responds in an extremely uninterested tone (in JP: "Ah yes.." "Oh is that so..") while stretching, rolling her eyes, and the full works. Noooo~ I woke up so discouraged. Influence? The night before I made and played in a Japanese PT on FFXI, typing of course Japanese.

Nightmare 2: I don't remember it but... my moonroof got stuck, opened. Influence? I've been opening my moonroof cuz it's been sunny lately. My mom's car's sunroof got stuck (unopenable, if opened it will jam) when they forgot to close it up this one time and water got in. Paranoid dream.

Enough of the depressing nightmares.

A few random thoughts..
- Kwantlen's been sending me spam.
- I'm going for a desktop instead of a laptop for now. I keep aiming for highend and the laptops available here suck in terms of desktop-replacing highends. I can hold off until they bring over the better technology. Now I wait until end of July for the price drop.

[ffxi talk]
Full Bard AF1 set in a week and a half! We did all of it as Me (WHM75) and my bro (MNK75). Castle Oztroja coffer took the most time. Both key and chest searching. I may look good on the outside but I have gimped earrings and back. I was caught yesterday with them wahahaha XP~ Not to mention all my songs were constantly resisted. LOL that's so horrible. But I can't help it.. they're too expensive XP!

Player>> Party? Do you want it?
Me>> Yes, please.
Player>> Gather together. Aht Urghan Whitegate
Me>> NOooooooooooo!

Player>> Hello! Party?
Me>> Yes, please.
Player>> Gather together. Al Zahbi please
Me>> NOOOoOOooo!

(I didn't really NOoooo! like that but the inside was screaming.)
That was TWICE IN A ROW. NO PARTY THAT NIGHT AT ALL! I want the expansion so bad now XP! I hear the lag's bloody bad there (400-700+ people in the area at a time) so I might wait off on it until I get my new computer. I might just lag out and then that would defeat the purpose of me having the expansion to start with.
[/ffxi talk]

Oh, I will cut off here. Gunna go out n grab some grub.

[Saturday, June 17, 2006]

It Hurts So


The second scrape to my car occured on a sunny but chilly early evening of June 15, 2006. The rim of my back wheel was hit harshly against the curb, stabbing me brutally in the chest as I witnessed the event. So yes, once again, I was not the driver. Fucking dad.

Anyways, the week flew by like it was nothing. Payday next week, I'm happy. The co-worker I mentioned that helped me out to save me from the hell at the warehouse... I'm grateful and everything and I sincerely appreciate his help but damn, he's so bloody annoying. He's an obvious flirt but he sucks at it. He's arrogant and stubborn.. prove him wrong and he says you're mean. The creepy thing is that his desk is right behind me so I'd hear him whisper my name every so often (?!). He'd see what I'd be doing on my computer and he'd be all nosey.. but it's not like I'd tell him though. Then he'd be bragging about something I wouldn't really even care about. I'm trying to be mean to him but he isn't getting the picture to gtfo of my face. :[

You know what else I hate about this job: Swearing. Everyone swears too damn much. And I'm afraid it'll get to me. You know how you talk to someone or hear someone talk too much, you start developing their habits? Yeah... I don't want to start swearing between, literally, every other word. Another thing: Smoking. I'm going to DIE from second hand smoking. They smoke in a connecting room, and it's not like the windows in that room are open or anything so the smoke travels all the way back into the main office area where the rest of us are.

About Telus. Our internet died on us the night before during Escort with my bro. At least I got the important part of my AF Quest done before that. But still. So much trouble calling them... and you know how they always think the user's internet problem is always the norm (e.g. reset router, reboot computer, etc.) yeah, hate it when I get one of those fags on the line for tech support. Yes retard, the problem was actually YOUR END NOT OURS, now go to hell plzkthx.

Okay, this post has been really negative. I'm going to flee now. /flee

[Friday, June 9, 2006]

Fucking Birds.


After work today I was greeted with six beautiful explosions of what looked like white paint on my car. By the time I went to clean it up, it had already gotten through to my paint >_<;; What a pleasant reminder of another reason why I hated this job. FUCKING BIRDS!!

My TGIF is ruined. Bah.

[Thursday, June 8, 2006]

PT Frustrations and then some...


Wow I just had a really shitty FFXI party. Highest level member in the party complains about where to party and the fact that our party formation was incompetent. Then our rdm HID his information after I invited him to hide that he actually has a GIMPED SUBJOB (UNDERLEVELED AND SUBBED SMN)! Then he stands around and gets in the way of my songs. On the first monster, we link and then we have hell with them and die. Then the WHM gets pissy and wants to leave then suddenly the rdm "remembers" he has to wake up early tomorrow for a date (wtf?). So he tells us he's gimped and then warps back to Jeuno and disbands. Ughhh I should've known when I saw his rank 2. I even pondered over that too.. I was like, hmm this guy's probably inexperienced but then we shouldn't judge players by their rank since the rank itself doesn't always necessarily mean that the player is more experienced/skilled. We had no choice but to disband right after. Boo. Anyways, enough ranting for today.

SO! I have my hands on a MASTERCARD NOW!! YEY! Apparently the foreign exchange rate on this is a lot better than my Visa, so this'll be my online baby now. >:3

Also my Nao PVC 1/8 Figure that was on sale got bought. Bah! I hate it when I wait too long for stuff like this.

[Thursday, June 1, 2006]

Start of the Month - Start of New Job


Okay so my first day was kind of strange. I took my time going through the fat pad of outstanding charges, often getting up to visit the Accountant for supporting documents and etc. But yeah, the companies I called... very angry people. A bit scary to talk to. In many cases, they all had really peculiar reasons for not paying up that, of course, I know nothing of.. which made things that much more difficult. I don't know the situation or circumstances and yet I come out of nowhere and demand for money, hm. No wonder they made 'someone else' do this = me.

My new work enviroment, however, is a nice change -- lively, BUSY, LOUD (everyone on the BLOODY SPEAKER PHONE XP).. My workspace, however, is very empty. I always have trouble with stationary, which I do not have! The computer's up, but I have no login information? :D? The mouse and keyboard's kinda old and ugry though. Ah well, I'll live.

The traffic's been sucking big time lately though.
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