Tango Appassionata

[Friday, June 23, 2006]


I've had nightmares two nights in a row.

Nightmare 1: KOTOKO had work at the same location as me. The location was my house but in the dream it wasn't my house. As soon as our work-related stuff was done, I wanted to approach her asap but when I got to her, I WAS TOO LATE. Someone else was already talking with her. Then as soon as the person left (which felt like a long time, cuz I paced around anxiously waiting) I approached her but she received a call from her manager (Kazuya Takase? LOL idk) that there was more work to be done. Right after I get a phone call from MY real work manager (the other branch's work manager actually) saying I had to get to work now cuz I was needed. I shook him off and said yes (we were speaking in Cantonese, so KOTOKO wouldn't of known what we were talking about). Then she starts humming the beginning of that Maiyahi song and I hummed the rest of the song with her (wtf??). After that weird moment (which wasn't weird at the time???) I began conversing with her. BUT FOR SOME REASON... I COULDN'T SPEAK JAPANESE PROPERLY! So then I bore her to death with my f-uped, choppy Wapanese. And she responds in an extremely uninterested tone (in JP: "Ah yes.." "Oh is that so..") while stretching, rolling her eyes, and the full works. Noooo~ I woke up so discouraged. Influence? The night before I made and played in a Japanese PT on FFXI, typing of course Japanese.

Nightmare 2: I don't remember it but... my moonroof got stuck, opened. Influence? I've been opening my moonroof cuz it's been sunny lately. My mom's car's sunroof got stuck (unopenable, if opened it will jam) when they forgot to close it up this one time and water got in. Paranoid dream.

Enough of the depressing nightmares.

A few random thoughts..
- Kwantlen's been sending me spam.
- I'm going for a desktop instead of a laptop for now. I keep aiming for highend and the laptops available here suck in terms of desktop-replacing highends. I can hold off until they bring over the better technology. Now I wait until end of July for the price drop.

[ffxi talk]
Full Bard AF1 set in a week and a half! We did all of it as Me (WHM75) and my bro (MNK75). Castle Oztroja coffer took the most time. Both key and chest searching. I may look good on the outside but I have gimped earrings and back. I was caught yesterday with them wahahaha XP~ Not to mention all my songs were constantly resisted. LOL that's so horrible. But I can't help it.. they're too expensive XP!

Player>> Party? Do you want it?
Me>> Yes, please.
Player>> Gather together. Aht Urghan Whitegate
Me>> NOooooooooooo!

Player>> Hello! Party?
Me>> Yes, please.
Player>> Gather together. Al Zahbi please
Me>> NOOOoOOooo!

(I didn't really NOoooo! like that but the inside was screaming.)
That was TWICE IN A ROW. NO PARTY THAT NIGHT AT ALL! I want the expansion so bad now XP! I hear the lag's bloody bad there (400-700+ people in the area at a time) so I might wait off on it until I get my new computer. I might just lag out and then that would defeat the purpose of me having the expansion to start with.
[/ffxi talk]

Oh, I will cut off here. Gunna go out n grab some grub.


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