Tango Appassionata

[Sunday, June 24, 2007]

Code Geass, Daily Stuff, Two Days 'Till Take-Off...


So after that first Code Geass post on.. mmm the 14th, I finished watching it on the 16th o_o You could say, intense marathoning? And yay it's not finished grr ep 24 and 25 but... AGH, LIVE, LELOUCH! You're too hot to die! But for Euphemia though... I almost cried.. I haven't cried for an anime since the Butterfree days!

Ohh, I watched two movies in a row last Sunday. Surf's Up then Ocean's 13 with Tek. When we came out from Surf's Up we looked up and noticed a sign saying Ocean's 13 4:00 and since it was 3:30, we just walked right into the next theatre instead of walking out. :D We both used vouchers, so two free movies in one day, fun! But that took up most of our day and wasn't able to do other things...

The rest of the week flew by rather quickly... must be because I have AX in my head. Well more like because our first commercial release is soon approaching and there's still lots of things to be done. I'm no QA but I've been bug catching like mad... to the point that the useless dev leader started complaining to me. Hey man, it's gotta be worth being commercialized right, deadline or no deadline... people'll be taking money out of their pockets to buy this so it better be good. It's was mainly because of his complaint and his incompetence of getting things done as a dev leader lead me bashing devs all week (sorry tek, I know you're a dev too). Not saying we don't have good devs, we have a few competent devs too! It's just unfortunate we don't have more of those guys to balance off the crappy ones.

So, in FFXI news... SE finally released server migration. I was informed that Fortune was going to move servers (Bismarck to be exact)... Shocked, depressed, saddened from the sudden news there isn't really much that can be done. They moved Saturday morning... I was greeted by a broken pearl when I woke up. Wow... 2 years.. gone, poof. Most of the players in the LS were from way back when too... 4..5 years. Man wtf why's this game so old? Well, there's some that didn't go... though I heard they'll eventually go as well. There'll never be a replacement as good. I think I'll put the end-game stuff aside for now and work on some Aht Urhgan stuff... Tried Lamia.13 the other day, it's so fun XD... I need an assault ls. einjarhar ls too. salvage too.

So the depressing stuff aside...
To imagine... I'm leaving in two days? Shrug... haven't started packing... haven't done much planning yet (some vague things here and there)... my money's ready though! The next two days at work will be tough though. Gotta make enough work for the devs to do for the whole week I'm gone orz... wootz ore, excitement.

[Thursday, June 14, 2007]

Code Geass


One whole post dedicated to Code Geass, yers.

I held back long enough and finally I have the time to watch this from start to finish all at once! Banzai!

Well first off... original CLAMP designs PLUS Takahiro Kimura character designs PLUS Taniguchi Goro love! Holysh- who wouldn't wanna watch this! Then taking a look at the initial articles in Newtype, daymn the main character is hot! But wait, there's a cool looking girl with the name ...!!! C.C.! HEY THAT'S ME!

Now that I've actually watched it: The intro is sweet :0.. gives me the whole Eureka Seven excitement. Lelouche's seiyuu.. rofl.. after watching Inukami a few weeks ago and Princess Princess a few months before that, I can't get Fukuyama Jun's other characters out of my head. Then when I first heard C.C. I was relieved to recognize Yukana's voice and it didn't end up being some other seiyuu I'm not particularly fond of (her character design reminds me very much of Kula Diamond). Then HEY I recognized Sakurai Takahiro! And Kikuko Inoue, Junko Minagawa, and omg you can't miss Noriaki Sugiyama as the little weird blue-haired boy! All that hyperness is so un-Sasuke-like XD Oh then what I noticed next... hey that style of music.. HEY there's hitomi singing.. wait.. *checks it up* HAY the guys who did Gun X Sword and Last Exile music! Daymn those OSTs were awsome :0 What more do you want from this series! It's so packed full of good shiet! XD

After the first episode though... Lelouche is a bit too Kira-like (Yagami Light). I fear for his life :( Don't *BEEP* at the end of the series, ok, Lulu!?

SO after all the pros, there -is- one con: the ENDING. OMG ALI PROJECT, your song sounds like crap. It starts off good and then the end is just garbage. Ok maybe cuz it's TV size so I'll review again after I hear the full.

HOY this series makes me as hyper as Rizel.
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