Tango Appassionata

[Sunday, April 30, 2006]

「・・・君は」 2/3



So gasp, I got Lagoon Engine Einsatz SPECIAL EDITION(!!!) in the mail last week. And ohh my, it's BEAUTIFULLY BIG. It's printed under the Newtype 100% label meaning it's quality/size/everything from the original print is 100% THERE AND THEN SOME! According to the interview in the back of the book, Sugisaki-sensei even chose special paper for this special edition! But the bad thing is... I accidentally creased it sometime between now and last week. I do not know how or what happened but it hurts me so!! ;_; I'm also loving the special CD it's included with (because I love instrumentals XD!)... it looks like the special edition comics will continue onto the next books as well, considering the track names on the CD (Main Theme & Prologue). Yay but... where and when are the next chapters being published? Mmm, looks like Sugisaki-sensei's also taking a break from drawing DNAngel and ish working on Lagoon Engine again. I think it'll be a while... Good for my wallet, for now.

2/3 = I've successfully passed stage 2 out of three for getting into school. The first being... applying :D second getting shortlisted after the portfolio reviews... the third will be interviews. I've got a week before the interview. I can't think of anything to really prepare for it... so I'll just leave it at that.

SO, being a perfectionist and just being paranoid, my DVD burner is no good with my current computer. It's been burning uneven-coloured discs no matter what setting or program I use, so f-it. Since this isn't the ONLY bloody problem I encounter regularly, I'm going to start saving planning for a new computer now... probably sometime this year.. sometime soon would be nice too. We'll see what happens...

Tetris DS makes me wanna play Tetrinet again. Multiplayer play is so lacking. Finding four players is so difficult: either they leave after one game, before the game, or most commonly, you can't even FIND four players to play with.

<3 to Sty for the 1/1 NAUGHTY ADULT BEAR! Beware of violent pink bears, also most commonly known as GLOOMY, in your neighbourhood!

[Sunday, April 23, 2006]

ふんばりの詩 1/3


After holding it off for a year, I finally decided to finish reading Shaman King. Gasp, another mangaka leaves their manga incomplete and goes on a 'break' INDEFINITELY! *shakes fist at Takei Hiroyuki and Chrono Nanae*...

Well a few thoughts..
- the 'we can't die cuz we got God-class powerz!!1' went a little overboard
- everyone's furyoku was surprisingly reasonable.. as hard as they wanna try, they just can't reach Hao's level
- stopping and sleeping at Karim's plant was stupid... aren't you all supposed to be desparate?!
- not being able to see Matamune at the end sucked
- the two kids die.. hahaha, why? just to send SOF to Yoh? That's sad...
- Tamao temporarily replacing Anna is depressing too.. Poor Tamao, she likes Yoh too...
- not telling us what happens between sleeping at Karim's and 6 (?) years later sucks... Hana's 6 years old... that must mean they had kids when they were 16!

Flashback arc - 1995 10 yrs old
Shaman fight - 2001 16 yrs old
Funbari no Uta - 2007 22 yrs old

No doubt about it...! Hahahaha.. that's so wrong.

Oh let's not go there... If the mangaka ever decides to finish the story, I hope Hao merges with Yoh. That would be awsome. Happy ending for the both of them.

Anyways, these past two (well three now) weeks has been quite busy. I managed to finish my portfolio on time... 'cept my personal statement, I can't seem to ever be perfectly pleased with it. I get my results back later this week... I can only hope for the best now...!

My parents came back earlier this week... they brought back a lot of goodies, yay! I now have a Nintendo DS Lite! Hurhurhur~ There's rumor's that they'll be bringing the Lite over here in the next two months or so. At least they won't have my colour >;3 I've been game sharing Bust-A-Move with my bro. Lol the game's so cheap. Now if I can only get my grubby hands on that Tetris DS...!

SHUFFLE! is/was awsome. I'm so glad they're making a game for Kaede~ Three cheers for the KKK fanclub! <3

Now... time to move on to the next task...

[Sunday, April 9, 2006]

Rushing Rushing Rush Rush


Wow, I never realized PNG in IE was this annoying. Maybe because I never used the transparency feature before.

So I've got about a week (plus/minus a few days) to finish my school preparations. I've pretty much got nothing done too. Yes, I do not work now but strangely I've been busy every bloody day with one thing or another. And yet now I'm here blogging. Hm, problem, yes?

I watched Ice Age 2 and V for Vendetta the other day. Ice Age 2 was ok... I didn't watch the first one. I liked Diego tho :D! Yay 虎同士! V was rather interesting though. A little predictable but quite cool. I thought the mask would freak me out but then I got used to it and sympathized with him at the end. Good stuff (y)!

Oh, I've started exploring new grounds -- I'm trying out Hobby Link Japan. I'll report when my goodies come.

I think my return to Vana'diel won't be for another month probably... at least after my school stuff's done with.

My productivity ends here tonight.

[Tuesday, April 4, 2006]

And It's April...!


As soon as I returned from my short [but relatively sweet] Seattle trip, I had to get ready for my Birthday Dinners. :B Just days before its deadline, Mike comes and requests for help for his 95k contract. Hm. o_o Juggling this and deciding where to go for one of the dinner nights, I somehow end up being really busy. Stupid places that don't accept reservations for between the most common dinner times.. Grr to them. I Keg'd, Shanghai'd and Cactus Clubbed. Didn't get to White Spot or Boathouse due to some circumstances...

A big thank you for everyone for being there [if you guys ever decide to come across this...]! I got another crazy Iwase Gift Card this year. A shame I don't shop there as much as I used to for my stuff. If only I got a YesAsia gift certificate.. hurhurhur... I also got Tales of Phantasia from Mo^2! I totally didn't expect a game... have I ever received a game? [My bro doesn't count] Dude, I'm a girl so the option never comes across peoples' minds. *glances at all the stuffed animals...* Finally, something useful. :b Now I'm just missing the KH2 from my bro, not that I have the time to play it now anyways.

My parents also went back to HK yesterday for a little vacation. Apparently it's raining over there. Home's been quiet. It's strange how I'm not hungry during dinner time though. Like right now.

Lagoon Engine Einsatz first tankoubon! It's a bloody expensive 3900 yen mofo! Why!? They attached a CD to it! [Funny I can't get it at Iwase either... cuz if I did, there'd go my whole gift card in one go... then I'd have to pay the left overs too. XP Stupid Iwase prices.] The question is.. should I get it? :b

I've also been reading Chrno Crusade during my breaks from portfolio working. I'm missing book 8 so I stopped reading at 7, just in-case of any cliffhangers. The cat Togabito is the weirdest thing... Why suddenly a demon with cat properties? I don't understand you, Moriyama-sensei!

AND! The Return to Vana'diel Campaign is back today! Gaaaaaa, I'm so TEMPTED! But then there'd be so much to catch up on... so much to relearn... I had to help my bro with Dynamis again today... it IS fun though.. especially when you're WHM and you get all the refresh/mage ballad lovin'... I -do- get the first month free again though... I will think about it some more. LOL.
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