Tango Appassionata

[Monday, September 27, 2004]

Fun Stuff~


Days going by at different speeds.... relatively slow today.

Saturday: Pictionary high @ Amy's place. It has become our new favourite game woot! Had good take out and really really REALLY salty salty fish rice. We almost didn't know how to stop playing!

Sunday: Went to buy Chains of Promathia for PC with(/for) my bro. It was sold out at Oakridge so we called the other EB's and found that Brentwood Mall had it so we drove all the way there to get it. Afterwards, we got some Tim Hortons donuts fer my dad and Ice Capp for ourselves.

Today: Work was slow. Nothing special, 'cept the fact that I was on the sales floor for the majority of the day trying to find stuff to do. The rest of the team and people were in the warehouse, getting ready for stock taking later this week. Apparently we got more new employees yesterday and a few showed up today. Gee, I'm beginning to feel like an oldbie, er, senior-ish. At least I was mildly entertained by a poor cashier who kept being sent to our team as temp. stockperson because they didn't need that many cashiers at the time.

My bro almost convinced me to buy an ipod mini. The gigs are attractive but.. n-noooo~

Buying expensive things are annoying... :[

[Saturday, September 25, 2004]



An update on the status of my future mp3 player:

Apparently, it will be available on October 5th for ORDERING. I have to speciality order it with the guy at the store using a credit card fer deposit and THEN wait for it to come. Oy... that might take days... or weeks... even months?! And as if the 5th isn't already far enough already! 1.5 LONG WEEKS!

Anyhow, time to sleep... long day tomorrow.

[Thursday, September 23, 2004]

The Ups and Downs


So a few things today... First I got my pay slip. Then I got a parking ticket. Then I got home to find that I got bitten a few dozen times at work. Then I found out my iRiver isn't available until October 5th. Then I noticed that they raised the price by a few bucks. Then I burnt my tongue from drinking soup.

Now I'd like to sleep.

[Sunday, September 19, 2004]

Finally A.Y.C.E!


The (relatively) last-minute planned night outing was SUCCESSFUL!

But before I get to that... ABERDEEN FLOODED! When I got to work, the first floor sales floor was drenched. As we made our way into the back room/staff room, the water was even deeper! Deep enough to reach and soak up my pants! We had to move all our boxes and merchandise to higher grounds. The water in the warehouse was the most damaging. We had to close off the first floor for the morning. Other first-floor stores that had their stores located on the outer side (w/ windows) were the most prone to the flooding. Heehee, only a year old and Aberdeen can't withstand a simple thunderstorm. Imagine earthquakes.

I got off work, went to the bank to get some $$$, dropped off Jo's stuff at Jo's place and went straight home to shower. After showering, the crew already arrive at my doorstep before I start rummaging around for an umbrella for the gloomy, grey weather making them wait some more in the car. We meet up with more people at the casino. Almost everyone goes in, 'cept me and Jo. Instead we took the car and drove off to the night market, which was pretty deserted for a Saturday night. The place was covered in giant puddles and rain came off and on... luckily me and Jo both had our own umbrellas. We window shopped and were drawn to the delicious aroma of the food stands but we refrained from buying anything. We also got to listen to the William Hung CD when we were there... he doesn't sing as bad as we thought.

We met up with the gamblers afterwards and made our way to Aji Taro for our reserved table for LATE NIGHT ALL YOU CAN EAT! We got there a little early so we were told to wait a bit. Then that 'little bit' became 20+ mins. The meal was pretty satisfying 'cept there were a few disappointing dishes. Either my jaws hurt because of the sour soup in the sunomono or from laughing too much. XD

After the FOOD, we went to play billards at Cue. On our way there, we witnessed a post-car accident which was kinda whoa. We played for (surprisingly) 2 hours before we decided to call it quits. Um, me and Simon won one by default because the opposing team scratched with the 8-ball. Fun. :D And yeah, we only won one game. lol~ All the games were sooo close though... We'd always be fighting over the 8-ball at the end.

We considered a few things to do afterwards but we realized that not many things were open after 2am so we all headed home. We *did* consider playing a batsu game with really shitty beer and big-2, but nah.

On another note, my next paycheque'll be all gone by the time I get it. Korean BBQ tonight for my bro's b-day. I think I'm going to get him Chains of Promathia for his present after all. It's unfortunate I will never reach that expansion pack myself. That reminds me, I need to get around to restarting Wild Arms 3 sometime soon.

[Thursday, September 16, 2004]


I've got a few mins to burn before my download completes...

Yesterday was cosmetic night @ The Bay... nothing new. I didn't have to do much this time. When it was almost over, I made my way to the perfume section and started sampling everything. I fell in love with Vera Wang and Alfred Sung's Pure~ Tommy's True Star isn't as great as I thought it would be and J. Lo's perfumes aren't that great either. Rose and her friend was there... so was Catherine (almost forgot her name o_o) and my long-time-no-see childhood friend who, gasp, changed like... (in the) bad (way).

Man I'm itching for All-You-Can-Eat sushi.

[Monday, September 13, 2004]



So.. like...

Iwase's behind on their monthly shipment again. FIST, I want my Newtype...

Cosmetic Night tomorrow... again... fun.

The 390/395T iRiver isn't available in North America anymore, daymn. More like, they've stopped making it! I had my eye on the 790T but the red's really red, so the 795T is a possibility but the price different is yikes. And I just read all about the annoying software bugs (white noise, skipping)and horrible customer service they got too... Maybe I should stop attempting to buy an iRiver instead. Meh I could always go for those HK ones like WeWa!! and Foxda :/ Doesn't feeel the same thoughhhh~

I'm sleepy, gotta get stuff ready for tomorrow and then sleeeep. My internet's really crappy today.

EDIT: *waves to Valkyrie*

[Sunday, September 12, 2004]



Man I'm sleepy... but I won't sleep. Might mess up my sleeping schedule, even though I'm lacking some+ hours. :/

So I *did* finally get paid Friday, though I checked on Saturday after work instead. Apparently I was taxed a lot... I wonder if they're taxing me right or not though. I'll have to find out when I get my pay slip Monday. ~_~

Jo and I promised to go eat Tropika to celebrate when we get our jobs, but it place was packed when we got there yesterday. So instead, we ended up going to Also where it was also packed as well. The place was really surprising though~ The furnishing was stylish and there was quite a big caucasian customer base too! Not to mention, some of the staff were caucasian as well! Who knew! Especially when its located in the middle of Hongerland. :o We picked out our dishes from the menu while we waited for our seats and gave ourselves a $$$ limit to the amount of stuff we planned on ordering. Soon enough we were brought to our seats and oh my weren't they COMFY! The atmosphere left you feeling as if you weren't in Richmond at all... :D 'Cept Jo kept seeing the B-Line bus passing by from her seat. The food was really unique and interesting, but we had so many other things we wanted to try out (LIKE THE DRINKS! XD)~

After the good meal, we went for some good ol' Gelato. Amy met up with us afterwards so we sat around longer and chatted. Apparently she had an interesting dinner as well... ;D

Took out some more money today, and decided on giving parents some of my pay every month. Apparently my type of bank account is really limited... A few things required me to pay a fee for, which kinda sucks. At least my mom could do it for me for no extra charge. :/

An update on the brief list of to-do's:

1. visit Iwase [tomorrow]

2. teh elite iRiver mp3 player

3. buy my brother a present????! (but what?) [I know what now :D]

4. TROPIKA w/ JO! [replaced with Also]

5. $2 leg warmers w/ sock glue of course @ Daiso when they're in stock!!

#. help pay for new car [only gas now, no new car :/]

#. treat parents to some sorta food

#. treat friends to some sorta food

#. Mugen no Jyunin by Samura Hiroaki Vol. 1~12

#. honger clothes, plzkthx~

#. get myself a new thumb ring (I lost my old one for months now) [found my old one]

[Thursday, September 9, 2004]

Day In Day Out


So I was about to go sell my books back to the school today until I realized I didn't uninstall the StudySpace CD for Psychology. Realizing the CD's too ghetto and program, there weren't any auto uninstall program thingers in there. So now I can't sell my books because of this one CD that goes with my Psychology package, cuz the buyback people might demand the CD too or I won't get all the money I could get back, then that would suck. And what if I need the stupid CD to uninstall the damn program eh?! Then the stupid program'll be stuck with me FOREVER. Ugh, I shoulda realized earlier... Let's hope they still want my books by tomorrow.

Getting paid tomorrow.... wow. I wish tomorrow would come sooner....

So I accidentally stayed up late to finish up a new layout fer the group blog, Stardust. I liked how it turned out. :D I had the theme song of Fatal Frame II playing while doing the layout... that might've given some inspiration. :}

Did I mention SakuraCon isn't allowing me to roll-over my registration from last year? I hope they burn in hell. :[

Must... find.... a new..... job.....

Time to go to work. ;_;

[Monday, September 6, 2004]



No money yet! I'm so sad... I asked a fellow co-worker about the paycheque info and said it all depends on the office when you get it! They might process the money a few days late and they don't tell you when you get it either, so 待つしかないかっ.

水曜日、あたしがジョウちゃんと一緒で新しい家に引き越しててつだったの。大屋さんの兄弟はとても優しかったのでてつだって上げたんだけど、もちろん、お断わりしたんだ。(*゜?゜)~ その後で、ジョウちゃんのルームメート達をすこし会えたの。かなり平和だったが、突然に最後のルームメートが出っていて無礼の目であたし達を睨めてはじめたのよ! そしてすっごくいやなボディーランゲージをつかっていて、「ヽ(`Д´)ノムカー!」な気分を感じてはじめたんだ!もう何だ、その態度は?!明白すぎー まぁ、やはりね有夏人はそう~ After we settled down a bit after 引き越す, we called up Amy and Tony out for lunch at Kam Do! I lub Kam Doooo~ Afterwards, we met up with Mochi at Oakridge and searched around there with her for Fish's present. We ended up finding this sexxy jacket at GAP and even got a nice stranger to help us out with the sizing.

Thusday night we, the Triple H's, went out for bbt at Yuen Yuen. We didn't have much to say to each other except try and plan Fish's birthday party. Mochi had trouble flushing the toilet. We got kicked out sooner than we expected; the place closed at 11. We drove to QE Park and drove around aimlessly while talking about anything. There were a lot of parked cars around though... and yes, with people in them. Ahem.

Saturday comes around. Long weekend. We had insanely MAD customers. ESPECIALLY customers who start digging in the boxes BEFORE we take out the merchandise. Wow that annoyed me like HELL. And for some reason, our store KEPT REPEATING the Ayumi Trance CD and the "Pop Artist Wannabe Singers" (really popular pop tracks sung by nameless people that can't SING) CD. It was driving me even MORE insane.

After work, I noticed Fish's present's tape was misaligned from since I last left it -- I have a suspicious feeling my co-workers were snooping around... Urg, that pissed me off. Finally 6 rolls around and the Fish picks me up, with a car fulla other people. We literally SPEED to the Empire restaurant. By the time we got there, everyone else was already seated in their respective tables. The honger table only had ONE SEAT left and BEN took it so I had to sit with the Taiwanese with Eleanor. It didn't suck though, I think I'm glad I sat with them cuz they're sooo hilarious and silly. Oh, side note, Will <3. As soon as we sat down, the plates started coming. Our table had 3 less people = we got to eat more, but did we really? The set dinner went all out (all the crazy dishes) but we lacked eating time. At the end, we were about to leave when we realized we haven't had our desert! Then the manager guy tried to sweet talk us by saying he'd remember our "handsome" faces the next time we came so he'd treat us the desert we would've missed but of course no way in HELL we'd fall for that crap. And he didn't want the desert money minused from the grand total for the meal so he didn't have a choice really... So instead, we demanded to eat it there and then, before we left. Heafty dinner toooo... $5## *cough*

Next we all went to our cars and met up at the lower level of the parking lot. We had about 7 cars in total, so it looked like we were a gang especially when most people started getting out of their cars (keeping their engine on) and going to and from everyone elses. XD After we decided on the destination and the route, we went on our way. Some retards went before us, going their own path, bringing a few other cars with them. So soon enough, everyone was split up and anger and frustration ensued. Rain started pouring down then, and we began to worry about the conditions over at the corn maze in Surrey. Finally we decided to meet at a midpoint after the end of Highway10, and so we gathered again then. Once again, 7 cars were parked outside this small neighbourhood and we all started to get out of our cars again to decide whether to continue to the maze or not. We then get a call from Joanne that they're at Krispy Kreme for SOME REASON?? So because of that, more than half of the people agree to go to Kirspy Kreme instead and so we did. All the guys walked straight to the washroom when we got there lol, funniest thing.

The other half that were still dying to go to the corn maze urged the rest to want to go too. So we bought ourselves some donuts and went on our way again. This time, Fish's car lead the way, and the other cars followed -- the coolest sight. :D We had to stop and slow down a few times on the way to regather ourselves. We all finally arrived safely to the corn maze and was informed of the group price and only had to pay $5 each (tax was too much of a hassle for them~ especially for 26 people who all had to pay separately XD)... We split ourselves in 5 groups and went right on in! It was dark and creepy and the other groups were annoyingly loud XD. Soon enough we broke away from the noise and Tony C. constantly found secret paths :DD... 結局 we ended up at the entrance THRICE. We ran out of time at the end and just gave up, leaving from the entrance instead. We were SO CLOSE though ...!! Everyone hung out around the campfire afterwards for a bit before we decided to return to Vancouver. On our way back to our cars, a bunch of cops comfront us and claim they saw one of our speeding cars speeding down Richmond at ~11:30pm. Gasp *_*. But it was impossible for us to be speeding down Richmond at that time because we already in the corn maze by then, so we were let off. Poor Will though ;_;~

Speeding Speeding.. we sped back to Vancouver and a bunch of us got split up and followed the wrong car *coughdanielcough* back and angered a bunch of people big time *coughbenjontonycough*. We got back to the Fish's place as Ray started dishing out the liquor. Drank half a Smirnoff Green Apple before I saw someone else with RASPBERRY! So I gave the Green Apple to Tony Kiki and got myself a Raspberry instead... and yeeess it was goooodd XDD Then I noticed there was Fatal Frame II lying around, so I decided to give the game a shot even though I seriously HATE horror games (RE, PE, biohazard, etc.)... but gee, the main characters are awfully cute aren't they? ;D Except her sister, Mayu, is scary. D: As scary as the ghosts I tell youuu~ Anyways I got seriously too freaked out to continue so I gave it to Simon to play and scurried away. More loitering followed after and people started leaving... Soon enough, we decided to leave too. We couldn't stop talking about how frustrated we felt for being unable to finish the stupid maze... :[

The next day (Sunday), I didn't feel like waking up for church and so I didn't. Amy picked me up around 6 with Tony and headed off for dinner at Tropika. The one at Aberdeen was full so we went to Lansdowne. We had good food but no discounts, even when Gigi's bro was there again. XD And the waiter kept spilling water... so much water it soon spilled all over my hand. Afterwards, we visited TONY C'S HOUSE which is located in a VILLAGE called FRANCISCO VILLAGE (ok go STALK HIM!)... it was cozy like Tony Kiki and Amy mentioned! A really nice place~ EVERYTHING was facinating, especially his room lol! We played a few rounds of MJ before Tony Kiki began to get tired so we tried different ways to play (turned off the lights, played with Amy's cellphone's scary sfx) and soon enough gave up on it completely. They watched some honger movie with the word 'model' in it but I had no interest in the movie, so I surfed around the web for pictures to use for Stardust -- no luck at the end (again). I must visit his house again, cuz his place ROCKS! XDD

At work today I finally went to the office to ask about the status of my MONEY! I didn't know how to word it properly... "I was wondering about........ when I get PAID?!??!" That's so direct XD But it was something as badly said as that, but hey, what else could I have said. Getting to the point is good... in this case, maybe.. *shifts eyes* Anyways, she claims I get my cha-ching by Friday. I BETTER, cuz I'm on my 4th week already! Wow, time flies! And I want to do some spending with my OWN money for a change. And it was strange... all of a sudden, in the middle of the day, I felt like I'm soo sick of this job already. Now I'm desperate for an alternate... man I hope this doesn't happen to me for every job I pick up or something. D; But gee, this job isn't all that great though: it's far from home, only basic pay, no benefits, crazy labour work, you get dirty, scary supervisor... *sigh* I'm hopeless...

It's my bro's birthday soon... what should I get him?

(Something from Daiso is okay too.)

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