Tango Appassionata

[Tuesday, July 25, 2006]

The Heat...


Ok, it's been really hot. My dying PC hit 50 degrees the other day. About my new computer though, I've decided to wait until DFI releases their nf5 mobo to go with the [now] cheap AM2 Athlons. AM2 and DDR2 sounds fun to setup. It'll be interesting to build. Credits go to Mike for some tips and suggestions (e.g. Lian Li <3). More info tba.

But! Before then, I have to finish cleaning up/rearranging both my room, my computer room and the front room. Merging two rooms into one is no easy task.. 'specially when I got so much stuff. So far my biggest accomplishment is removing the desk from my bedroom! I gotta do something about all these posters I have on the wall too... They've been there for literally years. And to think I have to stare at them when my computer gets moved in... as if I don't get enough of them when I'm sleeping.

I also got a hair cut the other day. Didn't turn out the way I wanted... mainly because my actual barber went out of town and won't be back until mid-August. SO, I allowed my barber's HUSBAND do it for me and boy.. D: First my hair's too short.. next he dyed it too yellow. It looks like I'm wearing a wig everyday. *big sigh* The only positive thing is that it's summer and short hair is good.. I guess... I GUESS. The only HAPPY THING I CAN THINK OF RIGHT NOW...!

Well no, not entirely true. The PS2 has returned upstairs. I *CAN* play KH2 if I wanted to... but the July24th FFXI update got implemented yesterday and they've added soo many goodies. Raptor Mazurka Lv37! Mini version of Chocobo Mazuka available for us pre Lv75 Bards! New merits and job abilities! Eee, makes me wanna hurry up my Bard to Lv75 already just to test them out. My bro's meriting right now for Pro/Shell5, a new requirement for every WHM yep. Tier 2 black magic for BLM's as well! I'll have to finish leveling up that BLM after I'm done with BRD. Ahh~ I'll keep holding everything off until I finish my room cleaning and my new computer buildage. ETA: mid-Aug pre-Sept

*shakes DFI violently*

[Wednesday, July 19, 2006]

Some Random Thoughts


I ate chips from the bag with chopsticks.

PC building is fun.

My computer is overheating.

I can wear my Opo-Opo Crown <3

Room cleaning is difficult. :(
Especially 2 1/2 rooms...

Bird drop spray bombs are the worst.

[Thursday, July 13, 2006]



Listening to "水田直志 - The Sanctuary of Zi'tah" because I haven't and I'm not going to play FFXI today. XP

I finally have Kingdom Hearts II in my hands. Just the other day my bro was bringing up his giant stash of games upstairs to add to his "Closet of Own" and presented me with my birthday present (finally lol). Ok, so I still can't play it until he moves back up... another month yes.

Monday.. My Air Gear #14 限定版 came in der mail! Finally got to read what happened to Simca. *cheers Sleeping Forest on* Ringo only shows up once though D:. And Ohm's technique's called "Bubblegum Crisis"? LOL, good stuff.

Tuesday.. Look what shows up! Fruits Basket #20! Twenty! But it's ending soon oooh... like gasp this happened and gasp that happened. Not gunna spoil it but... it's actually ending!! Unbelievable! Book #21 releases in SEPTEMBER! YEY! Judging from the preview page, Akito does the unthinkable to Tohru! Gasp some more!

Today [Thursday].. I had a talk with my manager finally and we've come to a mutual agreement with my job. So I get a bit of a raise for giving me more responsiblities and at the same time match it with my previous spa job's pay. They apparently wanna keep me for when I return to school too so they'll add some incentive. I actually got pissed off the other day because one of the other managers kept giving me stuff to do that wasn't part of the job I originally was told to do. I wouldn't of minded if I was originally informed that that was eventually gunna be my job and everything. Just that chinese companies... try and take advantage of you SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY! Gradually, without any notice you've already begun taking on multiple jobs and they still just pay you the minimum cuz you're still clueless on what's going on.

I also voiced my concern about the swearing at work during the meeting. Apparently he's been told about that problem by other people as well. Now that he's aware [once again] about it, he says he'll try and do something about it. A little reassurance, which is good. I then mentioned about how he's always so mean to me and this other co-worker. He apologized and said he'll try and stop himself from going too far. If not then I'd probably have to smack him so he catches his own mistake. Next I'll mention about the smoking... then about my crap workstation that diminishes my work efficiency. Man... the work ethics of this company though. Seriously needs some fixing. The co-worker that helped me get my position also feels the same as well. We'd be ranting about the problems within our company all the time to each other. Apparently we're also gunna start fresh with a new after we move cuz the currently company's name's credit soo bad they don't wanna keep it. However, switching it to a new name won't solve anything if they don't change their ways. It'll turn out the same again. Do they even realize.. -_-

[Sunday, July 9, 2006]

"I'm like a bird, I only fly away!"


Aghgahg I'm so tired from the Zion retreat on the weekend~

So Friday I asked told work I had to leave earlier. Well I actually only told my manager (via. e-mail) so no one knew I was leaving early. Hm, maybe that was a bad choice... the fact that no one knew I was leaving early, everyone gave me funny looks but I didn't wanna hang around and tell him so I just left. Another bad thing was the big boss was around then so I think he might've saw me. Whether the manager actually told him I had to leave early is another story.

So, did I actually HAVE to leave early? Well, no, not really. I got home to do some last minute packing and then I vacuumed the house! Kinda strange but yes. But anyway, I was dying to vacuum the house the past week and everytime I came home, there'd be someone or something in my way... so finally yesss~! After moping around for far too long, Pat FINALLY calls me to ask if I was ready to go. So he comes, we're on the way.. going at like 160km/hr on the 99. We kinda play a bit of tag with a motorcyclist who decided to speed as well. We got there and arrived during the middle of the first talk so we decided not to join in until after. It looked like the schdule was behind. We poked around the camp site and checked out the beach. Soon enough they finally disband and move luggage into the rooms. I arrived at my cabin to see that my name was spelt wrong -- with an "I". I continued on in to find that my roommates were... an interesting mix: a leader and some highschoolers. After we did some icebreakers and then was introduced to a game that lasted throughout the duration of the retreat: each person had their own name tag with their name on it. Behind that name tag was the name of another person that you'd have to catch off-guard when no one else is around and tell them "Gotcha" to get posession of their tag. After receiving their tag, you look behind to see who your next target is. And of course, whoever that collects the most tags win. To my dismay, my name was spelt incorrectly beautiful on my popcicle stick name tag too. We had bedside fellowship and ended the day by 'mugged up' aka. midnight munchies. Lots of strangeness happened there...

The next morning... breakfast, devotions, workshop, lunch, then games/activites. We had to play a series of relays with eggs and water. The worst was probably filling the 2L pop bottle with water from a tub across the field with the use of only small sponges and/or yourselves. So we'd have guys doing the extreme -- dunking themselves into the pool and then churing all their clothes for water. For some reason it was not an easy task and we failed miserably. Other groups ended up using their (ew!) mouth to hold the water and other equally disgusting ways. As soon as that was over, it became a water fight where everyone was getting drenched, sprayed, wet.. yes, that was our cue to run. So! We went to the beach, Cresent Beach that is! I ended up hanging with some hongers and a CBC. The beach was really awsome at that time of day: the tide was REALLY low and it wasn't too hot either. We witnessed lots of dead mini crabs (perfect for Japanese soft shell crabbages? Mmm~) and very uneven land levels. The water would reach our thighs at some point and if we kept going farther, it would eventually drop to our calves. Though it was pretty gross seeing the tide wash up the beach, carrying a rootbeer-like brown foam with it. Haaha, sick.

After some free time, we had another talk session and wow was I really exhausted for some reason; I had trouble staying awake. We had dinner afterwards, followed by an interesting forum panel where we could annoymously submit Christian-related questions into for them to discuss and provide an answer for. As I mentioned in my previous posts, I'm having trouble feeling comfortable in an environment where everyone constantly swears on every other word out loud. I brought that question up for them to answer but it ended up getting mixed in with questions like "Is it ok for me to drink?" "Is it ok for me to go clubbing" cuz I guess they're meh, kinda related. My question didn't really end up being answered really well so I brought it up again during bedside fellowship... still not much good feedback.. but then again, come to think of it, there's no real problem solver for it. The bonfire started soon afterwards and everyone started gathering. Wow was the bonfire HOT. Everyone had to look away from the fire when they were cooking their sausages, fishballs and beefballs cuz it hurt -that- much. I had to pull my hand away from the fire every so often because I couldn't stand it myself. After everyone had their fill of half-cooked and/or cancerified snacks, a big group of us started to sing 90's retro songs [e.g. BSB, Spice Girls, etc]. So random, so good... fun times, fun times. Around 2am, we got kicked off the campfire area so everyone transferred to the kitchen instead. They started playing mafia, so I decided to hit the hay instead.

Morning rolls around... almost more than half the people show up late for breakfast because of sleeping very few hours. Devotions that morning was about how life is like snowboarding... the bumps may get you off guard then you land harshly. Then what? Yes, you keep on going. We finish the last of the talks in the morning and then moved onto packing up. Lunch comes and goes and we get treated freezies for dessert, even though it started was gloomy and started raining that morning. Then more than half the people disappear before the group discussion aka. feedback aka. reflection time to go watch the SOCCER GAME! We headed back home around 230, and I accidentally fell asleep in the car in the most awkward position, waking up with an extremely sore neck. Strange, I automatically woke up right at the turn to my house.

Overall, the food wasn't great. Someone said I complained too much about the food and then asked if there was anything positive about the food. Hm! No. Besides the fact that there is food at all. :b Yes, I admit I'm a picky eater. I blame it on the family for feeding me so well. XDD

Did I ever mention how much I love hongers? And how much they love pictures? especially WEIRD posed pictures? Hahah, those are fun times. The best photo pose was probably "the unison jump". Now, I gotta go ask for some of those photos. X33

Also, our new posed Ultimate game. We play as if we're too cool and too good to play Ultimate lol. To be the next best game ever.

[Tuesday, July 4, 2006]



Friday: Brooding about the fact that I can't be at AX this year. LOL, no just kidding really. I actually can't remember what in the world I was doing that day.

Saturday: Canada Day!って it didn't feel like it. The only Canada Day-ish thing I experienced was spot a girl with the Maple Leaf on her cheek at dinner at a Shanghainese restaurant.

Sunday: Strange, I only had 4 hours of sleep BUT I was so awake! Church was a breeze cuz I was wide awake the whole time! Then I had to suffer a bit at lunch with a group of church adults, but it was dimsum so it's all good. After food, me and Mo2 went out and did some window shopping in Richmond. It was already 7 when I got back to Vancouver when I realized I should go attend [or at least visit] the boss' BBQ. So I arrive, the door was wide open... I welcomed myself inside and I was greeted [eh? not really] by two screaming kids... ok. I peered inside, I didn't recognize anyone BUT I was soo sure it was the right house. As I went in deeper I was finally greeted by someone I know! Then I realized I was the last one to arrive and everyone else arrived at 4[!!!]. So uhh, in hoping to just drop by and then run away after... it was not as easy as I thought, as no one was willing to leave yet. So then I had to hang around there for a few hours, being pestered by other co-workers. I tried to flee twice, just to get stuck hanging around again. BUT apparently the boss has wireless UNSECURED internet, so I went and stole some bandwidth on my PSP while I was at it. New free access point to add to the list of reference.

Monday: [ffxi] A group consisted of WARs and BSTs attempted to create an Axe Burn Party but failed. The BRD (me) and the WHM were in attendance but the location sucked. The leader decided on the Valley of Sorrows over the most ideal place -- sky. Ok, I'm talking a bit big here since I have never been up to sky before yet but my bro's got it finished so hell why not advertise it in my search comments just in-case. I've yet to go up still though :( [/ffxi]

Later that day, me, Mo2 and Shi2 went to the night market nice and early this time -- 6:30 (well more like 6:45). And we already had trouble parking! We parked kinda far (but it was still free) and the night market didn't start until 7! A number of stalls didn't show up (well it was a stat and not everyone knows it opens on stat holidays) but it was still pretty full. We had night market food and did a little 'light' shopping (pretty light I think).

Today: I picked up FFXI: ToAU but I'm not going to install it. Haha, I'm retarded. I actually don't have any harddrive space and to be honest, I'm trying to hold back until I get that new computer. Ok, just another goood month. I can doo it!

And about work.. apparently we paid rent to the current building we're in right now so we're not moving until next month now. And also apparently the new building is just a giant gym-like place with nothing in it at all. I hear we have to build our own walls n stuff... wow that's a lot of shit to do.

Oh about my potential new job position. Well.. hm hm, Friday my manager tried to discuss it with me but I was busy the whole day [half on purpose] and I sounded kind of hesitant about it as well. He mentioned it to me originally via. e-mail and I would ask a bit about it like, question half-jokingly what my pay would be. The next thing you know, he'd be talking to me verbally out-loud, "What do you need all that money for!" (I just heard the other day that another co-worker wanted a raise to accompany his additional duties but he's not getting it...!!!) I realize he likes to joke around but he does it so often it's kinda frustrating and upsetting. In his e-mails he'd be calling me 'you evil @#$%' (<--literally written like that). I don't know about you, but I don't feel really comfortable about that, and yeah, I responded to one of his e-mails about how I wouldn't want a manager that's constantly mean to me but eh... I don't know if he really got the point. Well he's been busy with the new building papers and such with the big boss lately so I'm free from that for a bit. But I'll have to face it sooner or later... Well until then,
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