Tango Appassionata

[Thursday, July 13, 2006]


Listening to "水田直志 - The Sanctuary of Zi'tah" because I haven't and I'm not going to play FFXI today. XP

I finally have Kingdom Hearts II in my hands. Just the other day my bro was bringing up his giant stash of games upstairs to add to his "Closet of Own" and presented me with my birthday present (finally lol). Ok, so I still can't play it until he moves back up... another month yes.

Monday.. My Air Gear #14 限定版 came in der mail! Finally got to read what happened to Simca. *cheers Sleeping Forest on* Ringo only shows up once though D:. And Ohm's technique's called "Bubblegum Crisis"? LOL, good stuff.

Tuesday.. Look what shows up! Fruits Basket #20! Twenty! But it's ending soon oooh... like gasp this happened and gasp that happened. Not gunna spoil it but... it's actually ending!! Unbelievable! Book #21 releases in SEPTEMBER! YEY! Judging from the preview page, Akito does the unthinkable to Tohru! Gasp some more!

Today [Thursday].. I had a talk with my manager finally and we've come to a mutual agreement with my job. So I get a bit of a raise for giving me more responsiblities and at the same time match it with my previous spa job's pay. They apparently wanna keep me for when I return to school too so they'll add some incentive. I actually got pissed off the other day because one of the other managers kept giving me stuff to do that wasn't part of the job I originally was told to do. I wouldn't of minded if I was originally informed that that was eventually gunna be my job and everything. Just that chinese companies... try and take advantage of you SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY! Gradually, without any notice you've already begun taking on multiple jobs and they still just pay you the minimum cuz you're still clueless on what's going on.

I also voiced my concern about the swearing at work during the meeting. Apparently he's been told about that problem by other people as well. Now that he's aware [once again] about it, he says he'll try and do something about it. A little reassurance, which is good. I then mentioned about how he's always so mean to me and this other co-worker. He apologized and said he'll try and stop himself from going too far. If not then I'd probably have to smack him so he catches his own mistake. Next I'll mention about the smoking... then about my crap workstation that diminishes my work efficiency. Man... the work ethics of this company though. Seriously needs some fixing. The co-worker that helped me get my position also feels the same as well. We'd be ranting about the problems within our company all the time to each other. Apparently we're also gunna start fresh with a new after we move cuz the currently company's name's credit soo bad they don't wanna keep it. However, switching it to a new name won't solve anything if they don't change their ways. It'll turn out the same again. Do they even realize.. -_-


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