Tango Appassionata

[Saturday, December 25, 2004]



Putting that nasty stuff aside for now...

Merry Christmas!

[Friday, December 24, 2004]

The Truth About the Dental Clinic...







[Wednesday, December 22, 2004]

Start of Winter Holidays~


So all the malls are crazy at this time of year. So is traffic. The government decides to choose this particular time to start fixing roads. Always, always such good timing.

I can carve! Carve what? Carve an S in the snow! With what? A snowboard! zOMG!

So we went boarding at Cypress umm, sometime last week (Thurs, i think it was) and I insisted I'd practise the first half of the day by myself, so I wouldn't have any annoying bums rushing me to get down the friggin mountain. Then at food time, we sat around the lodge full of BIRDS! They got up really close, flew everywhere and ate bits and pieces of peoples' food haha! We were afraid they'd poop on us from above though.. D: After that, I finally decided to follow them up the other trails where we had to hike a bit (ugh, hiking in boots makes you feel so disabled and slow). Then we had to go down a black diamond trail to get to another lift that brought us to another location and it was tiring! We left when the rain started pooring down, making everything even more slushy, wet and icy. Man, having to board over brown ice was kinda gross. D:

@ Roots: It's still difficult to have a good conversation with these guys. Not to mention, one co-worker gives me funny stares and another just annoys me as hell. Oh, our store's so depressing: it's not especially busy, even with Christmas approaching. Once again, I met another of those regular customers labeled as annoying. This time, there were two loud, obnoxious Cantonese-speaking chinese old ladies who came in touching practically EVERYTHING and moving them EVERYWHERE. We literally had to clean up after them, as soon as they moved from one spot to another. They were known to make big messes, end up not buying anything after and refunding their purchases frequently. That time, they only bought something cuz they wanted to use a coupon which they did not have. And so they left, not buying it. Meh, some people.

@ Dental: It's becoming more and more difficult. She (the assistant) is expecting too much from me within so little time. I understand the other helper's leaving next month but seriously, she doesn't understand that showing me doesn't help me unless I can actually practice it hands-on. Which is why I've been constantly screwing up... since all she does is SHOW me and TELL me things ONCE and expect me to have it ALL MEMORIZED. She, for some reason, also expects me to do/not do things I was not taught/told to do??? (e.g. wipe a particular piece of equipment after this and that, etcetc) Not to mention, she apparently wants me to become what she is when she has had months/years to practice/learn this, while I had no more than a week in total. They also want to add on hours next month but really, they haven't even paid me yet and I've been working for 3 weeks? Actually, they haven't even asked me for my info to give me my money!! I've already ranted about this to my parents and they haven't really helped much though... So why aren't I quitting???? This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance and there's probably just something wrong with me too. Cuz seriously, I'm getting stressed out from this frustrating job. Oh, it was my first time doing some slobber sucking and I did a crap job. Ughhh I felt so bad for the dentist to have to deal with a newbie retard like me, and I didn't have the chance (or actually, the nerve) to formally apologize (because I really wanna D:) to him about it. I accidentally talked back to him too, ahhh I didn't catch myself saying it until it was too late and ah shit, I felt so bad and stupid and pathetic. And during my slobber sucking experience, it was my first time seeing so much tartar build-up on this mainland china FOB lady who hasn't ever visited a dentist before (that's understandable though) and suddenly whoa, it was gross. I'd be seeing more of it yes. Her cleaning was so bloody, so was her daughter's. I could imagine it was pretty darn painful for them too... Okay so cleaning gross mouthes aren't as bad as pulling out teeth though. A few times I had to watch them pull out teeth (not in direct view, I couldn't BARE a direct view), but I watched from the doorway and.. DDDDDDD: It looks SO PAINFUL, especially with those TOOLS THE DENTIST GUY USES. THEY'RE BIG AND BIG!... BIG! THICK METAL. PLIER-LIKE and SCREWDRIVER-LIKE! Wow, I was scared. And still am scared. And to think, I'll have to watch and assist with this stuff in the.. (possibly) near future. I might get paid monthly. To think, when my Roots job is over, I'd only get one paycheck PER MONTH?? I'd die. I seriously need to build up some courage to talk to them about it (my moneyyyyyyy~)... I actually don't even know my payrate. If I find out it's crap, I'm SO ditching. no 8's, no 9's. This job is no way worth 8's and 9's. I told my parents that and they were like "Pfft, then you'd have no job." then ya, that's so true.... but stressing out over what it's not worth is kinda dumb too. Kinda like Daiso and its $8. Ugh. I honestly waited too long to change jobs when I was Daiso.

Whoa big rant. I feel better though.

So much complaining. But it's a nice way to relieve stress. :]]

Now, I've finally made up my mind and quit ffxi completely! Even though I haven't played for, oh, 4-5 months? :P Now, let the deactivation commence! I'm depressed about the fact that I can't say my goodbyes and sell all my stuff and give it to my bro though.

Oh well, now I gotta balance my work, sleep, computer time and game time somehow. I'm lacking game time big time! I can't find the time to start my Star Ocean 3. I was going to today but ughhh got sidetracked as usual. I also need to make hdd space for UT2k4.

Christmas draws nearrrr... Winter has finally started! Come snow, COME!

[Thursday, December 16, 2004]

I <3 Onii-chan~


aieeeeee Star Ocean 3: Till the End of Time!!1111(now I gotta find the time to play games again....)


Your Dominant Intelligence is Spatial Intelligence
You've got a good sense of space and how the world around you looks.

You can close your eyes and "see" images. You have innate artistic talent.

An eye for color and shapes, you're also a natural designer.

Since you think in pictures, visual aids and demonstartions help you learn best.

You would make a good navigator, sculptor, visual artist, inventor, architect, interior designer, or engineer.

[Monday, December 13, 2004]

re: ccsboard.com (2)


...and it returns.

[Saturday, December 11, 2004]

re: ccsboard.com


to ccsboard users. the domain will be no more. read more here.

Party Party


Saboo's B-Day Party! I got to Metro early, so I bought my ski pass and then watched kids play kickass DDR at Playdium. I finally met up with Sty and her Co-Worker gang and headed to the ever-so-pretty food court. We all chowed down on some food since our reservations weren't until 9:30. We loitered for a few hours before we made our way Downtown to Milestone's. We met up with more people (mainly the SGers) at the front door. Then we had to wait some more for more people and also for our seats to clear. We finally sat down by 10:30 -_-;... Since there wasn't exactly a big table, we all sat in 5 separate tables (to fit the 25 heads :/). Felt a bit strange at first... Anyways after the good meal, a guy named Eric spilled his alcohol drink over his pants and 'wet himself' :p... Then he kept trying to get people to touch his wet pant leg throughout the rest of the night.. hahaha~ Then there was this girl ('nother co-worker) who kept trying to take pictures but did a crap job because she was slow with the shutter/button pressing. And she couldn't stop taking pictures the whole night, either with the camera or her cellphone. Meh. Couldn't stop noticing. Then I got treated to a Bellini :} So peachy and nice~ Oh and Saboo got showered with many pretty and GOOD presents (like a frickin PS2 plus games+++ XD!!!). Anywhooo, mitsuii kindly drove me home afterwards. She drives a stick and looks cool doing it! So I forgive her for driving so damn fast :p

And I come home to find that, gasp, there won't be anymore HQ Genshiken! Uguuu, so depressing...

[Friday, December 10, 2004]

Waited Too Long


So I waited too long and now I don't feel like talking about how my new jobs are like. Ahhh crap. Then briefly it shall be spoken of. And with the other events inbetween.

Rooty Roots. Almost like Root Beer. Or not. It's very straightforward: approach, greet, offer help, done. Fufu, being a salesperson rocks! The first day of training was horrendously slow and boring. Since I was new, I didn't approach anyone pretty much. I felt so left out in the conversations between other co-workers too... meh. Second day, I was on a roll and took on the proper role of a salesperson! I attacked everyone! Ha no, but I was on fire by the end of the day. ;D And the third day, esp. Saturday, there were even MORE people so it was busy busy but good! Very satisfying I tell ya.

Weekend rolled in. Saturday after work, we had all you can eat at Shabusen. It was great, cuz we all went crazy. After food, we went to Amy's to play Monopoly hahahaha... I had the least amount of property, so I got bored. Then we suggested Death Match where costs were doubled and income was cut down. But instead, we went with merging companies and merged with each other. Simon/Amy VS Me/Jo/Jason... all of us went on a mad hotel building spree. I think we won (their money balance was unsteady throughout the game so XD) but... hm, Simon had to go so we pretty much stopped after that. Jo and I played DDR, and I created a few top scores to kick Jason off #1. Then we went and played Life.. mm, board gamesssss...

Second Job: Teh DENTAL CLINIC! So uhh... of course, it was difficult as hell at first to get used to everything (procedures, rules, cautions, names, routines, etc). Changing gloves all the time, spraying, cleaning, rip, remove, replace... I got the hang of it by the end of the day. Oh btw, I'm training to be a dental assistant if that info was unmentioned yet :o... There were times (many times actually) when I'd do absolutely nothing but stand there... yes STAND THERE (yes just like the salesperson job every so often :p). Since I'm new, I was limited to lots of stuff. So I only did the clean up after a patient, clean up the used equip yadda yadda. Soon enough I'll have to peer into those mouths though. But until then...!

Ok, back to Roots! I was called in early to cover our poor sick sick staff that got wasted at their Roots Christmas party (not by the drinks but by the FOOD :O!). Man, it's hard to believe that EVERYONE (except ONE) that went got PUKING SICK from going. It was hard to believe at first but it seemed pretty bad... So I got to work to find out that I sold the most last week (O_O!) and hear about their.. erm after (the) party experience. And I finally met all the staff! Huzzah! Also, I finally met the "Crazy Lady" my co-workers nicknamed because she's known to buy lots of stuff and then return it way past promotion FOR the promotional price. Boy, she was known as the Crazy Glove Lady that day because she brought her gloves back for exchange and then bought 2 more. She wanted it on separate bills. Then wanted discount. But to get discount, she needed it on one bill. Then that was done. Then left but then came back and said she forgot to use this coupon. Then she didn't want that previous discount and wanted the coupon instead. BUT after doing all the transactions, she wanted separate bills. Woot. Pain in the ass indeed. There was probably more to it, but I was busy trying to figure out where the watches were stored. x_x And whoa, it was my first time closing and the vacuum is a pain in the ass. It's old, not very portable, LOUD, SMELLY... boy, I had a ball. At least my co-worker understood what I was going through.. since she had to too back then. Talk about an insane day, the phone at work couldn't stop ringing too.

Speaking of insane, I had a Da Capo marathon and wow, I hate Nemu and wish the anime went with the bad Nemu game ending where she'd DIE!

And to end this post, NEW LINKAGE PAGE LAYOUT! *follows background pattern trend* Uber cute, I love MuvLuv <3

[Friday, December 3, 2004]

Yaay purple-ized kidd


First day of work was interesting. They didn't tell me to do anything, so I looked kinda dumb trying to find stuff to do. Anyways, more detail on that later perhaps.

Finally, I worked on something! It felt like forever since I last made a layout or something... I feel so rusty and crappy. I can't wait till my hours/schedule are/is all sorted out because I'll have more time to DO STUFF! Yeeey, I want to do so much site renovation and updating. *hand shakes uncontrollably*... I need my addictives... like.. NOW!

[Monday, November 29, 2004]



Oh the soreness...

My family participated in a local flea market sale Saturday to sell off our old, but usable stuff. It was relatively successful in a sense that we sold off most of our stuff, but in comparison to the earlier years where we'd earn up to $80+ from selling junk (imagine that eh), we earned much less this time. Well it's not exactly about the money since selling it off at any reasonable price is good. Getting rid of it completely is already good enough so. We sold off a ghetto camera we haven't used before for $4 to a lady who asked us if it had warranty. Hmm? :D Oh silly, stupid... stupid lady. We had lots of typical, annoying customers who kept bargaining and wouldn't budge. Dealing with them all morning was tough. I never recalled it being so frustrating in the past though... I guess people nowadays are becoming cheaper and cheaper? :P

Later in the afternoon, I invited my parents to a Roots shopping spree where I was given discount for that day for some Christmas shopping for anybody. So I got them their early Christmas presents in which they chose themselves, they got a present for my bro and I also got myself some nice work clothes. :o I actually felt good spending all that money... they were good clothes after all.

After shopping and a bit of other things, we decided to try out this restaurant by Marine Dr. The washroom was apparently locked the whole time we were there, preventing everyone from using it (including me D:). Everything we ordered was EXTREMELY spicy and we slowly died form the spicyness... We then noticed that everyone else in the restaurant was drinking POP and water (cheaters! LOL) so they seemed fine. But we became numb after the first dish and became pretty immune to the rest of the dishes though. I still had to stop eating just in case the spicyness prevented me from speaking the next day.

The next day comes.. and I WAKE UP AT OMFG 5:45AM! After getting my board and gear ready, I realize I couldn't find Mike's car KEY! I waste the next 20mins finding the damn key which ends up stuck to the back of my wallet the whole time. Due to the unexpected incident, I pushed back our whole schedule. I make it to Mike's house and we all rush to Subway to pick up our rations. We all order subs for our lunch and more for breakfast. We hastely ate and went on our way. We arrived at Whistler, Tony and Jon went to get their rentals as Mike and I stayed behind to gear up. We got our tickets and met up with the other two at the top of whateverthetrailnamewas of Blackcomb. They apparently got lucky and bought their tickets for cheaper from a bunch of other people that left early. We went for a few runs (and accidentally went down a blue one), I experimented quite a bit, making the rest of them wait for me as I took my time and of course, PKed too. Our day had to end short when we missed the lift up to the trails on Whistler by 5 mins. Instead, we took a break and had some hot drinks. We returned to the car, ate our subs, saw my shoes smoke and then went back to Vancouver. When I got home, I was so tired I died early... with wet hair.

And so I woke up the next day with really bad hair. I couldn't get out of bed properly. I had to... roll my way off due to the soreness. I drove my mom to work per usual... had a nice, relatively relaxing afternoon (excluding the soreness that kicked in everytime I moved or laughed). Later that night, Mike n I went to the AMD tour. The parking was expensive. We missed all the free stuff. We didn't win anything at the prize draw. Far Cry's a crap game. The place reeked of Geeks. :x We visited some boards shops between the prize draws to check up on board bags and etc (man we want our burton bags grr). We wasted a good chunk of our time playing single player first-person shooters. Mike played Far Cry while I played UT2k4 (now I'm eagar to install it on my computer hahahaha). Aww I wanted to win a "Thumb Drive" at the prize draw... I think it's just a USB Key but... still ooh, doesn't it sound better than a YELLOW CAP or a FOOTBALL? (yes, those were the other choices... all with an AMD logo on it -- talk about geekage :P). Anyways, we took a digital photo. I think that was the only thing we got from there. Talk about sad. Ah well, it was... good, sorta. I wanted free junk though. I guess that means we'll have to go EARLY THE NEXT TIME! Oh had The Keg afterwards. Mike food was bleeding so he told them. Our escargot was freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~

And changing jobs suck. People ask so many questions. You all suck. I'll tell you eventually. Or at least ask me LATER not all at once... even before I get my shifts worked out.

Okay, sore. Need sleep.

[Friday, November 26, 2004]

Last Day of Work


T'was the last day of work, and it was very eventful...

Starts off with me trying to get out of bed. I am then flooded with SMS'. I finally get ready and make lunch. I accidentally made the wrong TV dinner and ended up eating an extra spicy sauced pasta thing. How exciting for the morning. I leave the house early, to make sure my last good impression is... good. Making my way to work, I find myself in the middle of a traffic jam on Knight St. I end up late after all (15 mins this time, ouch) and also barely making it to the start of an unexpected team meeting. I am then presented with a calender-present from the "team" as a parting gift with the team's siggies inside (aww...). But cat poster. I wish it was the cute bunny cartoony one instead. :pp I do the usual but time goes 10x slower than it should. By 2, I was already hungry. I had no food so I starved. My supervisor leaves early (wow, not PM shift today! woohoo!) and we bid our farewells. A super cute guy asks me for assistance for making his room smell pretty and yes I amaze him with my 1337 knowledge (score!). I make friends with a label team pair but too bad we didn't meet sooner. :D Food time rolls in and I rush upstairs for food. I bump into one of the label team guys and we chat. He soon gets is food and leaves and I seee the super cute guy that asked for help for his smelly room and we exchange glances (rar!). Actually we exchanged glances again when I was signing out for my dinner break too.. :E Anyways, the food was filling. I used our Daiso coupon for dinner again tonight (my last chance for it anyways) so I ordered something big. When I returned to work, I visited a co-worker at his slack-off hideout at one of our warehouses and slacked off with him a bit before he finished off his shift for the day. Soon I saw Sally shopping happily again at Daiso again in the cosmetics section again. I did some last-minute stocking up (I'll miss stocking up :o) and when the store was closing I see Tony and Sally doing last-minute shopping. I hurry up and shoo them away, but pretty much failed to do so. I had to leave work listening to one of the bad Christmas tracks I really hated (what a way to end the day ;[)... It was also hard to say goodbye to my fellow co-workers knowing I won't see them the next day, like I usually would. Hmm. ;[

Now Fish is rushing me to go shower so I can help him with his assignment. Bah!

Blub Blub...


Jac To came to visit for a week from the states and so she called up a bunch of people for some bbt! Lots of people showed up and we had some fun discussions :D We got kicked out because they apparently closed early. None of us was able to think of what to do at that time of day and thanks to Sham for being such a nerd, leaving first for homework, gradually made everyone wanna go home too. And so we did... :D She says she'll try again the next time she visits in Dec. :p

Now I'm a red head now. Fweee....

Last day tomorrow. Kind of wakuwaku, but not really. I don't have any resting days either; my schedule's so jam packed. At least I'll be P/T in December. More time to enjoy WINTER!! I apparently also got a discount card from Daiso today... I'm not sure why they bothered giving it to me considering I'll be leaving a day later. Perhaps I'll be able to keep it? :}}}

Heehee, my bro's sleeping over upstairs for a few days cuz he wants to give the two lovebirds downstairs some time alone before the gf returns to her hometown (aka. Nippon!). So funny... he made himself a gaming corner, in which he set up his PS2 and his shuttle there in this corner of my parents' study. Oh, he's just -so- amusing.

[Monday, November 22, 2004]

Holy Grapes!


I'm eating the biggest, most sweetest grapes. Yum~

And I got no hair. NO HAIR! The cheap salonist went crazy and chopped up most of my hair off! It's so damn thin (and as if it's not thin enough already!) and CRAP it looks bad. Man... I'm so upset.

Grapes are the only thing keeping me happy right now. Oh and watching some good ol' anime (MMmm Meine Liebe~). Everytime I see any character Hoshi-sama portrays, I get all giddy heehahaheheaha... I lerb him. XD

Okay soso Saturday! Sally's and Jon's B-day Partay~ I got off work, made my way home, and before I left the house, I realized my key chain broke, scattering my keys all over the house. I found everything except the most important key that enables me to lock the house when I leave. I wasted a half n hour searching for that silly key and end up not finding it at all so I got my bro to lock it for me. Hmm, so, we made our way to the hotpot place and the parking lot was plenty packed. Signed the b-day card in the car, went inside, sat around talking with everyone for a good hour while waiting for other people to arrive and settle down. Then we ATE! We ordered like crazy and persuaded the waiters to do all sorts of things (like discount! Bottomless drinks!). Our side of the table's pot was uncontrollable most of the time. It would either be overflowed by food or the intense water would jump out and attack us occassionally. Afterwards, we waited for the other slow table to finish and began the celebration (e.g. singing, candle blowing, cake cutting, etcetc). We finished later than we expected so the bowling alley was already closed. Instead, we decided to go to e-spot for some fun, mindless money spending. Some played pool while others went to sing K and the other others (me n Simon) went to play arcade games! Taiko drummin', old school DDR and our favourite, teh Gundam game! Four(er 5) of us (Me, Simon, Jason/Tony and Jon) teamed up against each other (2v2). Simon and I were victorious for the first few games until some know-it-alls (nerdy guys that play so much they think/know/are pros and like to show it off) came up behind ME and said "That's not how to use that mobile suit." And I was like thinking, "Lemme play as I please, d00d :/" and he continued "Here, let me play for a bit and I'll show you." And I further thought "o_O wtf man, leave me in peace and let me play my retarded way why don't you. If we play that badly, stop watching." and so I kindly told him I was fine the way I was. But he kept watching us. So after playing a few games against each other (and accidentally choosing the wrong mobile suits the whole time), the Simon and Me team decided to give up because the guy behind us was getting rather annoying (and because you could feel his EYES ON YOU). When we got up, the nerd immediately sat down and chose the mobile suits that we were playing with and went up against Jason and Jon and, of course, whooped their asses easily and swiftly. Man, he ruined our fun. :p Especially with his arrogant attitude. Keh.

Moving on...

We went to SOHO afterwards for some food and drinks. We talked the whole time, played some Big2, ate, drank... and somehow decided to leave some time after. BBT w/ aloe vera = v. good stuff.

Ugh now back to my hair. It's so crap. My gold streaks are all cut off too. Meh.

I decided on Roots btw. Thanks for the info/comments about it y'all.

My hair makes me angry.

So angry.

I spent my whole work day in the warehouse today checking for boxes in our section that need labels. The whole fricking day (from 11-1 and then 2-6 = 6 hours) and I'm STILL not done. Time flew by fast but it was awful.

Agh my hair! MY HAIR!

[Friday, November 19, 2004]



Okay, so...

Doesn't look like Mr. Dentist Man likes me, so I think it's out of the question now. Now I have trouble deciding where to go... GAP Kids or Roots? GAP already scheduled me for getting-to-know-your-co-workers-shift and orientation early next week. However, Roots apparently sees me as a potential key-holder (but in January, after seasonal). Their store at Oakridge's kinda small and has very few employees... and has less people whereas GAP is big and employeeeeeeful. A chance at key-holder sounds really tempting... GAP seems nice too though. Agh, this is retarded.

I'll make my decision before Monday. I'll have to anyways.

[Thursday, November 18, 2004]

too good to be true...


Almost everything was going smoothly until BAM I run over something and make road kill and then look back and then go whoa wtf and then zomg run away.

No, that didn't exactly happen... I just felt like starting this entry with something random and weird.

Both Gap Kids and Roots want me. :D

Supposedly, my interview appointment with the dental office people was originally 10:30 tomorrow (then changed to 10 afterwards) and now it's being further postponed till 12:00. Now I gotta call in to work a bit late tomorrow (...like 2 hours late -_-), which will cut down my dinner time break to only a half n hour And on the same day, I plan on handing in my resignation letter. Wow, such bad timing for these things. Gappity Gap Gap Kiddies calls me again, so I'll have to go check and see what's up as well tomorrow. Man, they're pushing me to sign the papers already but agh, I must wait for the dental people first and look over all my choices then. Now, I won't spill my plans yet because I might jinx myself so just wait and seeeee....

To make things worse! I drove with the hand break on today! Holy mother of crap, I don't know how. I blame it indirectly on my dad for not using the handbreak when he parks causing me to not release the handbreak when I drive but I still have the habit of handbreaking when I park (see the problem?) and also directly blame it on the stalker truck that stopped behind me when I was warming up the car. It stopped there for such a long time I started to get worried so I left asap. Ugh, more dad anger. Though he doesn't realize his stupid influence on me. ugh, fist. Now I'll be driving the next few days without a working handbreak. Huuah.

[girls only read below]

I think it's the first time I got my period without any pre-crampage or prior breakouts etc. I just had to mention that cuz I think it's... kinda strange. :D

[/girls only read above]

[Friday, November 12, 2004]

It's that time again...


I got an interview for GAP Kids tomorrow morning. I got a call from Roots today but I wasn't home, so I'll have to contact them later. My mom got some hookups from my aunt about a position as a newbie receptionist at a dental clinic (!!). They might want a cover letter however, so we'll see.

I bet you didn't see (all) THAT coming.

Hmm I'm not ready for any of this though.

More like... not in the mood.

Thumbs up.

We'll see what happens...

[Wednesday, November 10, 2004]

Blah Blah: Anger to Yay


Yesterday my dad asked if I dropped a resume down at another clothing store by the name of AMAZON. Never heard of it right? Neither have I. The day after, today, right before I shower I realize that "AMAZON" place might be ARITZIA. So I rush down and check on the call display and found out that it IS ARITZIA! I could have gotten my jacket today, since I had the day off AND went to Oakridge. FACK! *crosses fingers and hopes it's still there by tomorrow*

Just now, my dad gets mad at me for clogging up my own bathtub! He starts ranting about my long hair and everything. Well, 'cuse me, I can't prevent my hair from falling off! Aghh geez, this is stupid!

*takes a deep breath*

Remembrance Day tomorrow. 1.5 pay. Earlier work schedule. Yey.

[side note: thanks y'all fer the nice comments always: STY you READ ME, KiKi you overexaggerated your silly little finger cut :p, KOZU WHY ARE YOU HERE? :D Jeany, Valkyrie & Sayuri, how've you been? :D ... yeeesh, I'm such a bad social blogger. You see that left side bar there? It needs some _serious_ updating. My whole site does actually.]

[Sunday, November 7, 2004]

Come Soon, Winter!


So teh Fish and I went snowboard browsing and went down 4th to see all the really pretty boards. We didn't have much luck finding one we wanted within our own price ranges. We ended our trip Downtown where we visited Comor and Sportmart. The Comor ones were REALLY nice (they just stocked up on the current year's boards *_*), but of course no. Then we spot spotmart have like the cooolest combo for the newest model K2 Skyla with bindings and whee! I looked at the price and it was $###.99, so whoa! My original cheap budget was 150 before tax but after looking at all the prior boards and their prices, I figured 150 is impossible (especially when I'm uber picky about the design and everything -_-). SO! It took me too long to decide, and by the time I did, the store was already closed. :D

Btw, wireless downtown is soo funny.

Oh, I picked up the board package a few days later at the Metro Sportmart. *stares at her shiny new ride propped up in the same room* Now, if only my style came in red... Hm, I still need to get a stomp pad. And maybe a bag.

I was going to get my Cypress Ski Pass on the same day but I forgot to bring my picture ID (uhhh aka. drivers license aka. I was driving illegally all day o_o!). So funny and dumb.. oh and dangerous, yeah. :p~

Ahh I can't wait! Come sooooon winterrrrr! We're all impatient!

Next, the JACKET. I first spotted it at a store when we went to the states. So now I see it again, but another colour (khaki instead of purple or was it black)! It's the Roxy "Every Flavor" jacket~ But...! Over budget again. I even tried it on when we visited Pacific Boarder. Ahhh~ It's so nice... BUT, while job hunting and semi-window shopping with Jo the other day, we both spotted a really SWEET jacket at Aritzia! But my size and colour was unavailable so I left my name and number, in hopes that they'll call me SOON! SOON! SOOOOOOOOOON!

So much money spendage.

Now I've got creepy co-workers chanting my name. LOL.

Oh! There was this giant HUGE TITANIC new wave of new employees this week. But guess what their position is? LABEL PRINTERS. OMFG! WTF IS THAT! They still get paid the same as we do for goodness sake and all they do is SIT THERE AND PRINT LABELS. NO THEY DON'T ACTUALLY LABEL THEM, THEY JUST PRINT THEM! FIST! Well, it IS sort of boring but it's a LOT easier than all this other crap we stockers do >:T... And for some reason all their faces look so familiar to me. This one girl, for sure, is a graduate of SWC a year (or two o_o) before us.

Christmas tree decorating is fun. And no, it's not our own house's Christmas tree, it's the STORE'S! Apparently we hired some professional decorator from a neighbouring store in the same building to help us. She's really cool! She really hates the Daiso decorations apparently. Everything she's done in the past was so high-end and then this place.... :D And the decorations we provided her.... hahaha... poor her.

Now I got a bunch of other work urks: there's this one supervisor that has bad BO. And my supervisor always has bad breath. The end.

Man, I have to stop search engines from crawling my page. Can't let this stuff leak. :x I'll stick in the code in a bit.

I was going to watch The Grudge yesterday. But we (me+co-worker) got ditched (by other co-workers) and we didn't have the guts to watch it ourselves. So we decided to postpone the movie till next Saturday and so we'll all have a Daiso party, ahahahha. The night was sooo funny messed! I didn't have her cellphone number, her phone expires, we meet at different places, we remembered the wrong showtimes, she couldn't remember where she parked... LOL! Anyways, we ended up watching Team America... I thought it was okay, but I think I overestimated it before I went in because it wasn't THAT funny. Some of the parts were sooo gruesome but some were really funny though. Other times, it felt a boring or unnecessarily extreme. I felt sorry for some of the famous people who got picked on though... Meh, my 2 cents.

I pray the Lord will bestow me a new job. Within this month. PLEASE!!

(Must..... get.... away)

[Sunday, October 31, 2004]

happy halloween~


I found my snowboard and jacket.

More info later.

Sorry for ditching all the halloween plans.

[Sunday, October 24, 2004]



So first off, HELLO TO MASIE!! (=゜ω゜)ノ


魚たん, アンディー君,そしてあたしが一日アメリカに行ったの。

ロードトリップだねぇ~☆ (*・ω・)

魚たんのチョレアRAMのため, アンディー君の彼女から拾って行ったの。


なかなか忙しい一日だったわ~ まず、MUKILTEOという町へ行って、彼女の学校のほうに.



その後、彼女の学校が現れ、ランガラのような大きいさがあってあたし達がじっと見ていて恐れ入た. (゜△゜)じ?…

駐車所を探してみたんだけど、訪問者のパーキングエリアがなかったっ (>Д<;)


それより探さなかったから、隣人の所で止めたんだ. 学校を入って、ちょっと待っていて、可笑しい音が聞こえて、学校の終わりの合図らしいだったの (ベルないのかいよ?! ?( ̄□ ̄;))



その間にJack in the Boxを見つけてとめたんだ。

うお~ そのファストフードが大好きになったよぉ~ ♪♪ とてもうまかった!! (≧∇≦)b

Jack in the Boxがあたし達の近くになりますように~♪って…

でっ その後、色々な店に行ってみて、アンディー君からのSMSをもらって, 向かいに戻った。






全部のボードのお値段は高くてこことは同じ… 等々、最後の店を見たら、アンディー君が魚たんと変わって運転したんだ。久しぶりに運転したから、何かゆらゆらで下手にやった。 (;゜ロ゜)


その後、あたしがやっと運転してあげたの。 ъ(`ー゜)

随分楽しかったけど、がっかりとか疲れているもある気持ち。 そして、いっぱいな起これたアメリカ人も会えたんだ;


(that was tiring.)

I really enjoyed my bubble tea yesterday. It was simply honey milk tea w/ pearls too! A tad too sweet but still nice nice nice~ Then we got an unexpected visit by Winnie! Then almost got an unexpected visit by Justin.

Ummm... I look forward to Halloween :}

EDIT: Yesss, the bbt flavour's thanks to Monimooooooooooooo <3

[Monday, October 18, 2004]



Soooo... I got hit by a heavy cart at work today and now I'm disabled. Well, not as bad as it sounds, but I got a giant bruise with some blood, yup. Still stings though.

I logged into POL today! Since Thurs August 26th 01:49! Only just to send a msg to my bro. :D I wonder if I should play ffxi again though, hn. New POL looks funny....

I got my mp3 player! WooooOoo the packaging was the most annoying thing I've ever encountered. But I lerve it anyways~~ Trying to get used to the earplugs... they slip out. Ear too small = Earphones too big. AND I already filled it up (too much high-quality music.. hm!). I can't stop bringing it everywhere I go too... That phase'll fade soon, I think. :D

I went window shopping in Richmond for the jacket I've been looking for and I found something pretty good except.. IT'S $199! WTF! So nevermind. I'll keep looking.

Need to get my snowboard soon.

Need to pay for ski trip soon.

Yay I love Shinshi Doumei Cross! *adds to must-buy manga list*

Pinky:st's are cool. :D Must get one (or two, or three, or.. more)

More yey, latest Naruto opening r0x0rz. But teh music sux0rz.

The lunar calendar predicted that I'd recklessly spend my money this year. It's so horrendously true.

[Wednesday, October 13, 2004]

Turkey & the ETC


Turkey Day comes and goes. Had an official turkey dinner at my aunt's the day before. The children have officially become si lai too. They were FLIRTING with my brother and cousin (both 20 years older), gawd lol. XD Can't wait to see them all grown up. Went out for another turkey meal where I chose not to eat any turkey (@ Milestones). The whole table ordered turkey and got ripped off because they all got dry, hard-to-chew turkey -- not JUICY like they KEPT SAYING. Haaa... Revolving Door = Coolness. Having a conversation with someone from across the table using a cellphone = Amusing. Suzumura Kenichi as Shin Asuka = Saikou. No Kira = Depressing. New layout for guestbook = it's okay.. semi-satisfied. Wow it's already 3, I should sleep.

[Friday, October 8, 2004]

Ears Popping


My day at work was pretty... different.

Half-way through the day, I was asked if I could draw. Draw a cat, at first. I was like... yeah sorta. Then she asked if I could draw a pumpkin. I was also like... yeah sure, sorta. Then I was told: OK meet me at the office then.

And so, my different (half-)day begins.

I end up drawing on balloons for a little Halloween decoration! Everything was all fun and games until one pops. Then another, right in my hands. Then one more, a minute after, once again in my hands. Okay, everyone started to get really uneasy with the balloons. But no matter how hard we tried to avoid popping them, they would suicide. So we end up being unable to write HAPPY onto 5 separate balloons and a lot of others suicide along the way. By the end of the day, I experienced 6 big balloon pops in close-range. Our nice balloon banner almost made it alive to the display until the O of Halloween self-destructs. Now we're at HAPPY HALL WEEN. :] And no, we didn't have any spare balloons.. why is that? I have absolutely no idea. Not within budget perhaps?

I also recommend buying Coffee Jelly at Daiso. Very good stuff.

Anyways, on the side note, boycott PerformancePC Magazine plzkthx.

[Monday, September 27, 2004]

Fun Stuff~


Days going by at different speeds.... relatively slow today.

Saturday: Pictionary high @ Amy's place. It has become our new favourite game woot! Had good take out and really really REALLY salty salty fish rice. We almost didn't know how to stop playing!

Sunday: Went to buy Chains of Promathia for PC with(/for) my bro. It was sold out at Oakridge so we called the other EB's and found that Brentwood Mall had it so we drove all the way there to get it. Afterwards, we got some Tim Hortons donuts fer my dad and Ice Capp for ourselves.

Today: Work was slow. Nothing special, 'cept the fact that I was on the sales floor for the majority of the day trying to find stuff to do. The rest of the team and people were in the warehouse, getting ready for stock taking later this week. Apparently we got more new employees yesterday and a few showed up today. Gee, I'm beginning to feel like an oldbie, er, senior-ish. At least I was mildly entertained by a poor cashier who kept being sent to our team as temp. stockperson because they didn't need that many cashiers at the time.

My bro almost convinced me to buy an ipod mini. The gigs are attractive but.. n-noooo~

Buying expensive things are annoying... :[

[Saturday, September 25, 2004]



An update on the status of my future mp3 player:

Apparently, it will be available on October 5th for ORDERING. I have to speciality order it with the guy at the store using a credit card fer deposit and THEN wait for it to come. Oy... that might take days... or weeks... even months?! And as if the 5th isn't already far enough already! 1.5 LONG WEEKS!

Anyhow, time to sleep... long day tomorrow.

[Thursday, September 23, 2004]

The Ups and Downs


So a few things today... First I got my pay slip. Then I got a parking ticket. Then I got home to find that I got bitten a few dozen times at work. Then I found out my iRiver isn't available until October 5th. Then I noticed that they raised the price by a few bucks. Then I burnt my tongue from drinking soup.

Now I'd like to sleep.

[Sunday, September 19, 2004]

Finally A.Y.C.E!


The (relatively) last-minute planned night outing was SUCCESSFUL!

But before I get to that... ABERDEEN FLOODED! When I got to work, the first floor sales floor was drenched. As we made our way into the back room/staff room, the water was even deeper! Deep enough to reach and soak up my pants! We had to move all our boxes and merchandise to higher grounds. The water in the warehouse was the most damaging. We had to close off the first floor for the morning. Other first-floor stores that had their stores located on the outer side (w/ windows) were the most prone to the flooding. Heehee, only a year old and Aberdeen can't withstand a simple thunderstorm. Imagine earthquakes.

I got off work, went to the bank to get some $$$, dropped off Jo's stuff at Jo's place and went straight home to shower. After showering, the crew already arrive at my doorstep before I start rummaging around for an umbrella for the gloomy, grey weather making them wait some more in the car. We meet up with more people at the casino. Almost everyone goes in, 'cept me and Jo. Instead we took the car and drove off to the night market, which was pretty deserted for a Saturday night. The place was covered in giant puddles and rain came off and on... luckily me and Jo both had our own umbrellas. We window shopped and were drawn to the delicious aroma of the food stands but we refrained from buying anything. We also got to listen to the William Hung CD when we were there... he doesn't sing as bad as we thought.

We met up with the gamblers afterwards and made our way to Aji Taro for our reserved table for LATE NIGHT ALL YOU CAN EAT! We got there a little early so we were told to wait a bit. Then that 'little bit' became 20+ mins. The meal was pretty satisfying 'cept there were a few disappointing dishes. Either my jaws hurt because of the sour soup in the sunomono or from laughing too much. XD

After the FOOD, we went to play billards at Cue. On our way there, we witnessed a post-car accident which was kinda whoa. We played for (surprisingly) 2 hours before we decided to call it quits. Um, me and Simon won one by default because the opposing team scratched with the 8-ball. Fun. :D And yeah, we only won one game. lol~ All the games were sooo close though... We'd always be fighting over the 8-ball at the end.

We considered a few things to do afterwards but we realized that not many things were open after 2am so we all headed home. We *did* consider playing a batsu game with really shitty beer and big-2, but nah.

On another note, my next paycheque'll be all gone by the time I get it. Korean BBQ tonight for my bro's b-day. I think I'm going to get him Chains of Promathia for his present after all. It's unfortunate I will never reach that expansion pack myself. That reminds me, I need to get around to restarting Wild Arms 3 sometime soon.

[Thursday, September 16, 2004]


I've got a few mins to burn before my download completes...

Yesterday was cosmetic night @ The Bay... nothing new. I didn't have to do much this time. When it was almost over, I made my way to the perfume section and started sampling everything. I fell in love with Vera Wang and Alfred Sung's Pure~ Tommy's True Star isn't as great as I thought it would be and J. Lo's perfumes aren't that great either. Rose and her friend was there... so was Catherine (almost forgot her name o_o) and my long-time-no-see childhood friend who, gasp, changed like... (in the) bad (way).

Man I'm itching for All-You-Can-Eat sushi.

[Monday, September 13, 2004]



So.. like...

Iwase's behind on their monthly shipment again. FIST, I want my Newtype...

Cosmetic Night tomorrow... again... fun.

The 390/395T iRiver isn't available in North America anymore, daymn. More like, they've stopped making it! I had my eye on the 790T but the red's really red, so the 795T is a possibility but the price different is yikes. And I just read all about the annoying software bugs (white noise, skipping)and horrible customer service they got too... Maybe I should stop attempting to buy an iRiver instead. Meh I could always go for those HK ones like WeWa!! and Foxda :/ Doesn't feeel the same thoughhhh~

I'm sleepy, gotta get stuff ready for tomorrow and then sleeeep. My internet's really crappy today.

EDIT: *waves to Valkyrie*

[Sunday, September 12, 2004]



Man I'm sleepy... but I won't sleep. Might mess up my sleeping schedule, even though I'm lacking some+ hours. :/

So I *did* finally get paid Friday, though I checked on Saturday after work instead. Apparently I was taxed a lot... I wonder if they're taxing me right or not though. I'll have to find out when I get my pay slip Monday. ~_~

Jo and I promised to go eat Tropika to celebrate when we get our jobs, but it place was packed when we got there yesterday. So instead, we ended up going to Also where it was also packed as well. The place was really surprising though~ The furnishing was stylish and there was quite a big caucasian customer base too! Not to mention, some of the staff were caucasian as well! Who knew! Especially when its located in the middle of Hongerland. :o We picked out our dishes from the menu while we waited for our seats and gave ourselves a $$$ limit to the amount of stuff we planned on ordering. Soon enough we were brought to our seats and oh my weren't they COMFY! The atmosphere left you feeling as if you weren't in Richmond at all... :D 'Cept Jo kept seeing the B-Line bus passing by from her seat. The food was really unique and interesting, but we had so many other things we wanted to try out (LIKE THE DRINKS! XD)~

After the good meal, we went for some good ol' Gelato. Amy met up with us afterwards so we sat around longer and chatted. Apparently she had an interesting dinner as well... ;D

Took out some more money today, and decided on giving parents some of my pay every month. Apparently my type of bank account is really limited... A few things required me to pay a fee for, which kinda sucks. At least my mom could do it for me for no extra charge. :/

An update on the brief list of to-do's:

1. visit Iwase [tomorrow]

2. teh elite iRiver mp3 player

3. buy my brother a present????! (but what?) [I know what now :D]

4. TROPIKA w/ JO! [replaced with Also]

5. $2 leg warmers w/ sock glue of course @ Daiso when they're in stock!!

#. help pay for new car [only gas now, no new car :/]

#. treat parents to some sorta food

#. treat friends to some sorta food

#. Mugen no Jyunin by Samura Hiroaki Vol. 1~12

#. honger clothes, plzkthx~

#. get myself a new thumb ring (I lost my old one for months now) [found my old one]

[Thursday, September 9, 2004]

Day In Day Out


So I was about to go sell my books back to the school today until I realized I didn't uninstall the StudySpace CD for Psychology. Realizing the CD's too ghetto and program, there weren't any auto uninstall program thingers in there. So now I can't sell my books because of this one CD that goes with my Psychology package, cuz the buyback people might demand the CD too or I won't get all the money I could get back, then that would suck. And what if I need the stupid CD to uninstall the damn program eh?! Then the stupid program'll be stuck with me FOREVER. Ugh, I shoulda realized earlier... Let's hope they still want my books by tomorrow.

Getting paid tomorrow.... wow. I wish tomorrow would come sooner....

So I accidentally stayed up late to finish up a new layout fer the group blog, Stardust. I liked how it turned out. :D I had the theme song of Fatal Frame II playing while doing the layout... that might've given some inspiration. :}

Did I mention SakuraCon isn't allowing me to roll-over my registration from last year? I hope they burn in hell. :[

Must... find.... a new..... job.....

Time to go to work. ;_;

[Monday, September 6, 2004]



No money yet! I'm so sad... I asked a fellow co-worker about the paycheque info and said it all depends on the office when you get it! They might process the money a few days late and they don't tell you when you get it either, so 待つしかないかっ.

水曜日、あたしがジョウちゃんと一緒で新しい家に引き越しててつだったの。大屋さんの兄弟はとても優しかったのでてつだって上げたんだけど、もちろん、お断わりしたんだ。(*゜?゜)~ その後で、ジョウちゃんのルームメート達をすこし会えたの。かなり平和だったが、突然に最後のルームメートが出っていて無礼の目であたし達を睨めてはじめたのよ! そしてすっごくいやなボディーランゲージをつかっていて、「ヽ(`Д´)ノムカー!」な気分を感じてはじめたんだ!もう何だ、その態度は?!明白すぎー まぁ、やはりね有夏人はそう~ After we settled down a bit after 引き越す, we called up Amy and Tony out for lunch at Kam Do! I lub Kam Doooo~ Afterwards, we met up with Mochi at Oakridge and searched around there with her for Fish's present. We ended up finding this sexxy jacket at GAP and even got a nice stranger to help us out with the sizing.

Thusday night we, the Triple H's, went out for bbt at Yuen Yuen. We didn't have much to say to each other except try and plan Fish's birthday party. Mochi had trouble flushing the toilet. We got kicked out sooner than we expected; the place closed at 11. We drove to QE Park and drove around aimlessly while talking about anything. There were a lot of parked cars around though... and yes, with people in them. Ahem.

Saturday comes around. Long weekend. We had insanely MAD customers. ESPECIALLY customers who start digging in the boxes BEFORE we take out the merchandise. Wow that annoyed me like HELL. And for some reason, our store KEPT REPEATING the Ayumi Trance CD and the "Pop Artist Wannabe Singers" (really popular pop tracks sung by nameless people that can't SING) CD. It was driving me even MORE insane.

After work, I noticed Fish's present's tape was misaligned from since I last left it -- I have a suspicious feeling my co-workers were snooping around... Urg, that pissed me off. Finally 6 rolls around and the Fish picks me up, with a car fulla other people. We literally SPEED to the Empire restaurant. By the time we got there, everyone else was already seated in their respective tables. The honger table only had ONE SEAT left and BEN took it so I had to sit with the Taiwanese with Eleanor. It didn't suck though, I think I'm glad I sat with them cuz they're sooo hilarious and silly. Oh, side note, Will <3. As soon as we sat down, the plates started coming. Our table had 3 less people = we got to eat more, but did we really? The set dinner went all out (all the crazy dishes) but we lacked eating time. At the end, we were about to leave when we realized we haven't had our desert! Then the manager guy tried to sweet talk us by saying he'd remember our "handsome" faces the next time we came so he'd treat us the desert we would've missed but of course no way in HELL we'd fall for that crap. And he didn't want the desert money minused from the grand total for the meal so he didn't have a choice really... So instead, we demanded to eat it there and then, before we left. Heafty dinner toooo... $5## *cough*

Next we all went to our cars and met up at the lower level of the parking lot. We had about 7 cars in total, so it looked like we were a gang especially when most people started getting out of their cars (keeping their engine on) and going to and from everyone elses. XD After we decided on the destination and the route, we went on our way. Some retards went before us, going their own path, bringing a few other cars with them. So soon enough, everyone was split up and anger and frustration ensued. Rain started pouring down then, and we began to worry about the conditions over at the corn maze in Surrey. Finally we decided to meet at a midpoint after the end of Highway10, and so we gathered again then. Once again, 7 cars were parked outside this small neighbourhood and we all started to get out of our cars again to decide whether to continue to the maze or not. We then get a call from Joanne that they're at Krispy Kreme for SOME REASON?? So because of that, more than half of the people agree to go to Kirspy Kreme instead and so we did. All the guys walked straight to the washroom when we got there lol, funniest thing.

The other half that were still dying to go to the corn maze urged the rest to want to go too. So we bought ourselves some donuts and went on our way again. This time, Fish's car lead the way, and the other cars followed -- the coolest sight. :D We had to stop and slow down a few times on the way to regather ourselves. We all finally arrived safely to the corn maze and was informed of the group price and only had to pay $5 each (tax was too much of a hassle for them~ especially for 26 people who all had to pay separately XD)... We split ourselves in 5 groups and went right on in! It was dark and creepy and the other groups were annoyingly loud XD. Soon enough we broke away from the noise and Tony C. constantly found secret paths :DD... 結局 we ended up at the entrance THRICE. We ran out of time at the end and just gave up, leaving from the entrance instead. We were SO CLOSE though ...!! Everyone hung out around the campfire afterwards for a bit before we decided to return to Vancouver. On our way back to our cars, a bunch of cops comfront us and claim they saw one of our speeding cars speeding down Richmond at ~11:30pm. Gasp *_*. But it was impossible for us to be speeding down Richmond at that time because we already in the corn maze by then, so we were let off. Poor Will though ;_;~

Speeding Speeding.. we sped back to Vancouver and a bunch of us got split up and followed the wrong car *coughdanielcough* back and angered a bunch of people big time *coughbenjontonycough*. We got back to the Fish's place as Ray started dishing out the liquor. Drank half a Smirnoff Green Apple before I saw someone else with RASPBERRY! So I gave the Green Apple to Tony Kiki and got myself a Raspberry instead... and yeeess it was goooodd XDD Then I noticed there was Fatal Frame II lying around, so I decided to give the game a shot even though I seriously HATE horror games (RE, PE, biohazard, etc.)... but gee, the main characters are awfully cute aren't they? ;D Except her sister, Mayu, is scary. D: As scary as the ghosts I tell youuu~ Anyways I got seriously too freaked out to continue so I gave it to Simon to play and scurried away. More loitering followed after and people started leaving... Soon enough, we decided to leave too. We couldn't stop talking about how frustrated we felt for being unable to finish the stupid maze... :[

The next day (Sunday), I didn't feel like waking up for church and so I didn't. Amy picked me up around 6 with Tony and headed off for dinner at Tropika. The one at Aberdeen was full so we went to Lansdowne. We had good food but no discounts, even when Gigi's bro was there again. XD And the waiter kept spilling water... so much water it soon spilled all over my hand. Afterwards, we visited TONY C'S HOUSE which is located in a VILLAGE called FRANCISCO VILLAGE (ok go STALK HIM!)... it was cozy like Tony Kiki and Amy mentioned! A really nice place~ EVERYTHING was facinating, especially his room lol! We played a few rounds of MJ before Tony Kiki began to get tired so we tried different ways to play (turned off the lights, played with Amy's cellphone's scary sfx) and soon enough gave up on it completely. They watched some honger movie with the word 'model' in it but I had no interest in the movie, so I surfed around the web for pictures to use for Stardust -- no luck at the end (again). I must visit his house again, cuz his place ROCKS! XDD

At work today I finally went to the office to ask about the status of my MONEY! I didn't know how to word it properly... "I was wondering about........ when I get PAID?!??!" That's so direct XD But it was something as badly said as that, but hey, what else could I have said. Getting to the point is good... in this case, maybe.. *shifts eyes* Anyways, she claims I get my cha-ching by Friday. I BETTER, cuz I'm on my 4th week already! Wow, time flies! And I want to do some spending with my OWN money for a change. And it was strange... all of a sudden, in the middle of the day, I felt like I'm soo sick of this job already. Now I'm desperate for an alternate... man I hope this doesn't happen to me for every job I pick up or something. D; But gee, this job isn't all that great though: it's far from home, only basic pay, no benefits, crazy labour work, you get dirty, scary supervisor... *sigh* I'm hopeless...

It's my bro's birthday soon... what should I get him?

(Something from Daiso is okay too.)

[Tuesday, August 31, 2004]



So.... lots to say. Let's see if I remember everything...

I've been working like mad and it's not getting any _funNer_ either. I'm warming up to my supervisor and I think the "Head Guy from Japan" aka. Tomo-san has a liking in me, eheheh! There were a few times I didn't understand what he tried to say (in jpn) for example, I stopped using my pouch to hold my important posessions at work and just stuffed the most important crap in my pocket so he kept asking "Ofukuro wa?" and I was like "Eh? Ofukuro?!" Then I first thought, mother? Nono not mother... did he mean "fuku" as in clothing and its some sort of clothing I don't know about?! Then he left using his infamous phrase "Moumantai! Moumantai!"... so I felt dumbfounded for a while until it clicked and I was like "OMFG MY BAG"! So yeah, too late... And that happened MORE THAN ONCE too. My realtime conversation sucks. D:

So suddenly I get a day off on Friday on the 20th so I last-minute attack Sty about going to AE and so we DO! I wake up a little earlier and iron like I've never ironed before, trying to iron out my Lacus costume but due to lack of time, it ends up all nasty anyways. I met Sty at A&W on Commercial Drive. She shows me her SUPER COOL K2 (Kiss Me, Kill Me) Manhwa Saboo got and when I started to get into it, OMFG JUNG-WOO <3! It's such an adorable manhwa~ Anyways, we arrive at SFU and made our way to the registration area and got ourselves registered and Sty became my guardian for my parental consent form XD. Anyways, the registration ate all my money and so I had $10 left. We looked at the shit map and didn't understand a thing. We visited the game room that wasn't even really a game room. We passed by a room fill of scary guys who played Magic. We didn't know what else to do so we started lining up to get into the Dealer Room. The line was long and boring so I waddled off to change into my costume. I had hell but whatever, oh and screwed over the wig so I was wigless. I came back out and got attacked by a girl who had trouble breathing because she was like "omfgomgfomgomfgitsbeautifulomfgowajgeiwoajf*breathebreathe*" I returned to Sty and soon enough we spotted MJ and Space in the distance and brought them closer to us XD... Soon Roger came to join us and we lined up together for quite a while. We got into the entrance when it started to get really hot D:... Then we all stared at the ceiling as we watched some random AMVs. Finally it was our turn so we stormed in and I tried to find doujin I might like but NO LUCK. And with $10, you can't buy JACK. We saw K2 vol.2 though, but Sty decided not to get it. The steamy rooms sucked. Meh, the heat really kills. Especially when I was wearing lots. Thank you for no wig. That was over, didn't get ANYTHING after all. We then went to watch Millenium Actress. I didn't get all emotional as I did the first time I watched it. A girl behind was like "Stupid" when the protagonist did something.. well, stupid. Of course she's stupid, the animators and the story guy purposely made her do what she did, so no YOU'RE stupid. After the movie, which btw was in a room that had a gross nasty smell O_O. We peeked next door where they had really eewie karaoke and even different grossness nasty smell so NO. We went to watch other random stuff and oh, I went to watch Super Gals! with Sty and lol I love it! I went home and immediately did some research 'n downloaded it right after. ;D Okay, I think that was all of my rather unimpressive AE04 experience.

Then I had more work so no more AE Saturday nor Sunday.

I don't remember what did on the following days off.

I went with Jo and her mom for some necessity shopping at Costco. Had bbt with Jo after because I had the URGE for some. And so we did. We talked a bit about anything and everything. I saw my co-worker (Georgey~) havin' bbt there too, ahhaa. We left early because I had to work the day after. Yey work. I will definitely get green tea ice cream bubble tea when I get paid. I swear! But right now $4.50 is too much for me.

Sunday! Day off! Fixed Schedule! Had church in the morning and saw Steve that I haven't seen in FOREVER. He still has his cute charm, 'cept not as much. We returned home after church and picked up my bro. We had dim sum and then made our way to the wedding ceremony in Richmond. The chapel parking lot made us pay. D: Anyways, the chapel was small~ It was about as big as my living room~ I didn't recognize Stephanie when I first saw her! Her husband wasn't impressive *cough*... but anyways, the sight of hongers everywhere disturbed my brother lol. And so it started: my brother took crappy pictures because he was a bad photographer, a big group of people came in the middle of the ceremony LOUDLY and took their seats, there were a bunch of people that weren't even related to her in any sort of way (church people?) that were there... after that one-hour long ceremony, we leave and began standing around outside taking pictures. The chapel surprisingly had a beautiful garden that we didn't seen to notice when we first went in, which was really cool. There was a stray rabbit that the hongers squealed and attacked, not realizing its stray meaning it may have rabies and etc etc. There was also the flower toss. Hmm... the youngest girl (around 10 years old) caught it. o_O

By the time we got home, we had to get ready to leave again for the dinner. My stack of "Mugen no Jyunin" manga I borrowed from the library caught my brother's eye so I let him read it and he got hooked! The series' soo coool~ I can't wait it all when I get paid! Probably my second paycheck? Or maybe a little at a time... ANYWAYS, it was time to go so we made our way to Marriot Hotel, also in Richmond. My brother got high on alcohol (mainly from champagne fruit punch and red wine) and my uncle (dad of the bride) kept drinking his energy booster drinks. My bro got plenty complimented about the fact that he looks like a character from a korean comic which is kinda funny, especially when some people say I look like a character from an anime. o_o And so it continued, the bride and the groom did some crazy games, the food was great and my bro went to the washroom a lot. o_O At the end, I wanted to talk to the bride, but since I'm not that important to her (compared to the other people) I didn't have the chance... meh.

TODAY! I got on the 98 B-Line to get to work in Richmond and the bus driver, who looked like Brian Jervis, told me to pay a dollar to cross zones. I was like WTF! I never had to pay! Sure, I pay when my earlier ticket was Zone 1 and I'm in Zone 2, changing BUSES but NOT when I'm in Zone 1 going on ONE BUS down, through into Zone 2! The fack! Aghhhh it left me feeling angry all morning. I couldn't find my change bag so a kind chinese guy paid for me. I recognize the guy though~ He always had the yellow radio headphones with him, so I'll be sure to return the kindness the next time I bump into him on the same bus! But still fack! Maybe he IS Brian Jervis who got facking fired from his job he did a shiet job at doing annuals and now he's driving stupid busses.. D: Ughhh... Now I don't know WHAT to think. I gotta find out if he's right or not though~

ALSO TODAY! I was the only one working in my section today! It was quiet and peaceful... I liked it but... TIME WENT TOO DAMN SLOW. Because the Container (aka. Receiving) was delayed to the next day (which just so happens, I'm not working! HA!) there was nothing to stock up on! So this slow day was... slow. And Tomo-san I was very "Anime-Poi" (Very Anime-Like) lol, wat the fack~ I only replied with a "Eheheh..." And then asked if I was the type that would give up their life for their love (he was thinking of J-Dorama) and I was like "Of course NOT! Atashi wa sou janai yo!" And then my supervisor laughed with him... :D Hmm, all the employees doesn't seem to like him though... Only the higher-up staff that know Japanese are good with him (my supervisor, the manager, and the Lillian supervisor that doesn't like me for some reason (!!!))... the chinese staff, lol, I won't go there. Anyways, they're all pretty scary to me.

Daiso music is slowly changing but still the variety still sucks. Some new additions: Janne Da Arc (YAY!), Gackt ("...must feel the faiya!" omfg FACKING KILL that BLOODY SONG), some Super GoGo Robot Transform SuperHero Crazy Tight Pants-type tracks, Love Machine sung by this old man that sucks (where's the moden version w/ MorningMusume?! ;_;), Kuraki Mai (I don't like her too much) and some more bad random music. Heeeelppppppppp~


Let's see! I neeed to update my wishlist but my top money-disappearing acts are:

1. visit Iwase and everything will eventually follow XD

- Newtype

- manga, manga, manga, manga

2. teh elite iRiver mp3 player

3. buy my brother a present????! (but what?)


5. $2 leg warmers w/ sock glue of course @ Daiso when they're in stock!!

#. help pay for new car

#. treat parents to some sorta food

#. treat friends to some sorta food

#. Mugen no Jyunin by Samura Hiroaki Vol. 1~12

#. honger clothes, plzkthx~

#. get myself a new thumb ring (I lost my old one for months now)

And apparently Zellers is being a dick. Guess no P/T job there. Unless I keep nagging to him like my mom wants me to. Ugh, I rather look elsewhere. Cuz apparently they claim they only want "Applications that are available ANYIME for On-Call position" so that's pretty ghey. Don't wanna be sitting around waiting for a phone call.... Omg, hey, I can put Daiso on my resume now, it's SEPTEMBER! XD

[Wednesday, August 18, 2004]

More Work Related Stuff....


Richard Bond works at Ajijimon.

Michelle Yuen works at Mondo Gelato.

Sally Pao works at a clothing store.

Eric Chin works at the food court.

May Mui works with Eric Chin.

Iris Yeung works at Daiso.

I work at Daiso too.

Big happy [Aberdeen] family.

OMG, someone go to Daiso and complain about the fricking music they play every single facking day. They rotate through the same CDs: Ayumi remixes, Utada Hikaru, BoA, Totoro, Gackt, Luna Sea, X Japan (1 song), some non-lyric music that sounds jazzy, the FFX main theme piano song, the singer that sings one of the DBZ openings... that's pretty much it! EVERYDAY WE HEAR THE SAME THING! The staff has already complained about it in the past (so I've heard) and the higher-ups have REFUSED to change the music! This is poposterous (SP?!)!!

And doing Receiving sucks. I'm so damn tired. They owe me a cutter; I can't cut anything. I met a new co-worker, who has a cool cultural background. I did Receiving with her. Day off tomorrow, so glad. I need a break. Might miss AnimeEvolution this weekend... :[ More like, most likely will. Oh, thunderstorm this morning. Really cool. I also found a giant bug the size of my thumb (straight from Japan) in one of the stocking boxes today. Scared the living shh- out of me!

I'm out for now.

[Monday, August 16, 2004]



I waited a bit before I felt like talking about it... I FINALLY GOT A JOB! *throws confetti*

I started to get impatient with Daiso because they said they'd call back by Tuesday, and knowing that kind of company, I thought they would at least keep their word, but of course they didn't. I waited the rest of the week for a call but didn't receive one until I decided to call them instead (on Fri). They said they were still trying to get through all the references (still!) and said they'd call back the next day. So I stayed at home and waited... also in hoping I'd get a call from any of the other companies I chucked my resume at earlier that week. I get a call and it was from Daiso and the person on the other line was speaking engrish so it was rather hard to understand. I didn't know what she was talking about until she told me to come the next morning for my first work day (training + everything). Then whoa, cool. :D

Agrh, the next morning (Sunday), I woke up at 7:30 and got outta the house at 8:20. The streets were completely empty (which was creepy for a place like Richmond in broad daylight) but too early for a Sunday nonetheless. I arrived in 10 mins(!). I drove into the parking lot and stared at the parking policy that read "3 hours maximum parking". Then decided to ask about how/where to park afterwards. The mall was completely dark and looked like it was locked, so I followed this other guy who walked down to P1 and found "TEH ONLY SECRET UNLOCKED ENTRANCE"! I made my way there, inside and went through a few dozen things. When we first sign in, I noticed a familiar name and thought it must've been some coincidence with the same name. Then! When we (the newbies) were brought to the back room, who do I see!? IRIS(newbie tooo~)! It's nice to work with someone you know! XD Soon the store had to open, and we participated in the most COOLEST store opening where the staff would stand on the side and repeat-shout what the "leader" randomly shouts (Welcome to Daiso~ いっらしゃいませ?! Good Morning! Everything's $2! We have two floorsss~) After that exciting morning greeting, us four newbies had to _stand_ for a few hours, listening to our manager talk about store policies, manners, etc etc. as we took notes. He liked to advertise the store items while he talked.. really funny and nice guy. Very FOB though XD (Same guy who interviewed me, he's actually Mandarin not JP but he knows JP so well!~~).

Soon enough, we had our lunch break (よかった;)@ 12:30. I went with Iris for our lunch break, and decided to try out the bbq rice meal our manager recommended. It was cheap and pretty good! We enjoyed our lunch at the 3rd floor and couldn't finish our bentou. Iris remembered Eric Chin's family opened up some store in the food court so we looked around and saw Eric and May working together (so cute XD!)! Their store was rather busy so we visited briefly and left.

We returned and got sent to different teams. Apparently my supervisor wasn't around that day and my supervisor's underling went out for lunch, so I helped out Returning [items] for this particular section on the first floor that had a whole pile of stuff that needed returning. Soon enough, the guy in charge of the section sent me off back to my supervisor's underling and I helped out the Interior Decor section for pretty much the rest of the day. We were introduced to the storage room, and I got to meet more of the staff. (Dere's some decent guys working dere, eheheh!)... Customers came to me frequently for questions and I directed most of them to other more experienced staff members. But finding them were a hassle to start with.

Anyways, the first day was busy busy busy (esp. SUNDAY!) but the day goes by rather quickly. The JP guy, ともさん[Tomo-san], representing JP Daiso's a funny guy too.. he likes to say "Moumantai" and I think he tried to joke with me about bloomers (we had some on sale). LOL, I only got the joke after he left because I didn't notice where he was pointing. Oh, almost at the end of the day, I THEN realize I forgot to ask about PARKING. I suddenly freaked out and panicked and suddenly asked some older staff about it and they all said I'd get ticketed and everything. More panic, I quickly grabbed my keys and RAN to the parking lot. And went I got there.... AHHHH! IT WAS OKAY! Feeling a little worried, I moved the car to another location on the parking floor. But phew.. scary stuff. Then I was told I must park at Park&Ride, the only place safe for us employees. Man, it sucks to work in Richmond. How could a mall not let their own employees park in the same parking lot, that's INSANE! CRUEL! INCONSIDERATE! Park&Ride's too far, so I'll probably be bussing from now on. D:

My parents are "cool" with it. Not too overly satisfied (I could tell), but they probably think 'a job's a job' and probably realize I've given up on job hunting. It'll probably be a little hellish for them from now on as well... I'll be getting rides from them every so often, eheheh~

So TODAY! Even MONDAY'S BUSY LIKE FACK! My supervisor has returned today. Me, apparently being the only one without a proper schedule yet... now if I didn't call Daiso (they said they'd call me!) I probably wouldn't of worked today. So I got there, met the supervisor... did the morning usual. She didn't know what she wanted me to do for a while and then just sent me to her underling to be dealt with instead. So I helped out a bit before she came back and told me to start rearranging the WHOLE DISPLAY (that would be around 5-6 long shelves?). A fellow employee then told me that she's known to be "THE REARRANGER" that loved to REARRANGE STUFF! OMFG! Talk about LUCK! I GOT THE GRUESOME DESIGN-A-RAMA! So I had fun with a whole display the whooole afternoon + evening. I got a taste of the closing procedures as well.

Afterwards, the family went to try out 7th Heaven on the second floor -- some fancy pantsy cafe that had white and red checkered table cloth and aprons that may remind you of cowboys and the wild wild west. The food was good but meh, expensive imho. Yeah I'm a cheapass when it comes to food prices which is why Kam Do (Golden Knife) is my love <3... I saw Joanne there with her family and my mom saw her co-worker with their own family as well.

Anywho, I'm tired. Gotta wake for 9:00 shift tomorrow. I wanted to pay some FF tonight too... meh. This entry's too detailed.

[Monday, August 9, 2004]



Teh Weekend


My very FIRST interview of the summer (where the company actually called me; job fairs don't count). So all in all, I overreacted to the whole situation (as always) and was more nervous that I needed to be. I tried out a new dim sum place at Aberdeen called Fishman's something... The place was nice but the path to the washroom was strange. You had to leave the restaurant's back door, go down this long mall corridor, open a door, turn, walk down another corridor and then reach the washroom. But anyways, my anxiety prevented me from eating much too. After lunch, I headed to Daiso and talked to a cashier lady who didn't know English really well.. D: So whatever, I arrived, filled out a written application and then other interview people started comin' in as well. Surprisingly we had a GROUP interview (to my relief, yey!)... They were all full time students and had no work experience whatsoever. So surprisingly AGAIN, I seemed to shine the brightest out of all of them... and I knew Japanese and they LIKE THAT, eheheh *thumbs up* All that wasn't well somehow ended well... for now.

We rushed home and I did last minute packing for the weekend outing (aka. Summer Conference) at Abbosford. We (the family, minus the brother) got there after a 1 1/2 or so drive, got our keys and we headed to our seperate rooms. I ended up sharing a room with Jackie whom I didn't know well (every year I share with someone I dunno anyways.. D:) and had a room on the "older kids" side (opposite from my same-age-group side). Meh. The room was nicely furnished, lots of room with really interesting washrooms, more on those later. First thing on the schedule was dinner! Everyone gradually made their way to the cafeteria which was disappointingly small. We had mashed potatos the first night. It was pretty good 'cept there was no GRAVY. After food, the chinese and engrish congregation had our "joint" opening at the chapel. The benches were... bouncy. After that we had our first 'Main Talk' in the English side's cool room and we found out more about our v. cool speaker, John Waind, who shared his really sad but inspiring life stories. We continued his topic at our Bedside Fellowship and then finally moved onto GAME TIME! We played that game where one person's in the middle and called out a fact about themselves and if it applies to a person sitting on a chair has to get up and move to another chair (what is the name of that game anyways?).. After that we played Knight-Rider-Princess. I think Jacky and Bernard won. We soon realized the time and quickly rushed back to our sleeping quarters before they lock us out but we learned how to go around that though. The eagar beavers went to the gym after midnight while Rose, Tiff and etc hung around the lounge for a while. We talked about randomness and soon I left to shower. I accidentally got the bathroom floors all wet (forgot to put the shower curtains INSIDE the bathtub and.. yeah.. :p). When I returned to the lounge, they were all GONE so meh, I return to my room and sat on the bed to let my hair dry while listening to music. Jackie rolled around in bed and tried to sleep. I gave up on waiting for my hair to dry so I went straight to bed.

I woke up with some crazy bed head. Jackie left in the middle of the night because she noticed her allergies were getting worse. Gloomy morning. We had breakfast, it made me really sick. I got some medicine from my mom and lied in my room for the next 2 hours and missed the second Talk. I woke up just in-time for the workshop though. I felt better... still not as good, but better nonetheless. The workshop speaker, Brenton Dickieson, was also REALLY cool. After the first workshop, it was lunch. Man, the sun came out and we all began dying... After lunch we had a break were we screwed around in the TV and recreation rooms. We had the second workshop and then more free time in the afternoon. I hung in Rose's room for a bit before Rose, Tiff and me went to the English congregation room where we played and used the band equipment. We lost of track of time and ran to have dinner. The cafeteria was so packed, we ate outside in the garden instead while the little kids ran around killing the poor, innocent ants. Main Talk #3 was afterwards, followed by bedside fellowship again. Then once again came Game Time. This time, we were told to make a skit using a theme given and the props provided. We were split into 4 teams and made some pretty damn good, hilarious skits. Everyone disappeared afterwards, the majority at the gym again while the other half... ? So, not knowing where everyone was I decided to sleep instead. And it just so happens the younger kids were playing MAFIA in the lounge! Uguu so I missed it.

The next morning, the potato cubes for breakfast were good. We had our last Workshop and Main Talk then we all went to pack up. Lunch came soon after which surprisingly featured lasagna. Then it was sharing time where we'd go around the circle and share what we liked/disliked, reflections, etc about the conference. When it came to my turn, I couldn't talk and just cried. I felt so pathetic afterwards. But anyways, I wanted to say how much the theme of the conference this year, Crossroads, really reflected off this stage of my life. It was strange.... as if I prayed for the past 3 months and instead He makes me wait those months to get my answer at this conference instead. And no, not all my questions and concerns were answered or solved, but instead it gave me courage to keep going, especially after the survival stories told by the speakers. My problems are so insignificant compared to theirs though...

Anyways, a few other things: I noticed someone used my toothpaste (probably my neighbour -- we share the bathroom), my towel disappeared on the second night and I found it in my neighbour's room but I didn't say anything and just mentioned it disappeared and so they returned it, the toilet within the washroom had its own stall, the public washrooms outside had hygenic necessities (cool XD), I brought my digicam and didn't use it, ahem, パトリックという人が私の事が好きみたいので、いつも私をつけていて変な質問を聞いてて…彼の顔はほうかの人よりチョだせーしっ! そうさぁ、あたしが元から「ダメっ!来ないでバケモノメェ!」っての信号もよく示したのに…なぁんでぇ?! げっ 気持ち悪い… (´Д`;) and so ended my weekend trip.

I wonder what's next....

[Friday, August 6, 2004]

Butterflies Have Invaded


My mom's on holiday this week. Sick of seeing me jobless, she followed me job hunting. It was the strangest thing...

I dropped a few resumes in Richmond. All of a sudden while visiting Costco, my mom suddenly talked to the guy at the door and asked where to drop resumes and made me drop one there. Knowing there's no chance to work in such place, I didn't really care too much... That is, until they FRIGGIN CALLED ME >_>;; Costco's SO not my place.. -_-;;

I never finished filling out the ones for The Bay... maybe I won't need to... I hope I won't. No chance there too, I would think. Yeah, I'm pessimistic about big companies. Which is why Costco's such a SHOCKER.

So, changing winds... Fireworks last Saturday! It was Sweden! I went down with Jo and her relative late afternoon. Sty treated me to subway and slurpee for dinner XD... well more like she "owed" me money, or so she claims, though I have no memory of the incident anymore. The fireworks were good.. yes, just 'good' (that's because.... details later). Got a ride from Eddie afterwards, yey, thx Ed.

Fireworks again Wednesday! This time, Spain! We (Jo, Sty and Ed) met at Langara. Sty arrived late. We got Downtown and decided to park at Stanley Park. We arrived at 1... the skies were still rather cloudy then so the beach was EMPTY and our LOG was EMPTY! That is until old wrinkly lifeguard man with old wrinkly "nice ladies" wanted a bit of our log and runs off after leaving their tarp. Keh. And so it begins to rain and we huddle together under our umbrellas on the beach. We try and play Crazy 8's and I win surprisingly, even though I hate the game. Eventually the rain stops and Moni gets here. Then we build Cradish Island. Gar gets here and we play MORE cards. Then Rudy comes. And even MORE cards. The sky keeps its gloomy look throughout the rest of the day/night as we wonder if it'll rain or not but it can't make up its mind. Luckily it didn't after all. Boom and giant group of other people come. Saboo and Nina come a lot later. Lack of SGers. All the beach space we save up gets wasted. Then THE COOLEST FIREWORKS DISPLAY EVAR! (imho) 'Cept the blinding pop-pop fireworks that hurt everyone's eyes.... and my hand kept shaking so I couldn't take any good pictures. Yey so Spain, I hope they win, even though I won't be able to make it for the Finale. Oh, Eddie drives us home again. Go Eddie!

So I got an interview tomorrow.... which explains the title. I'm such a wuss. (what a henachoko I am...)

Then I'll be gone for the weekend. Off to Abbosford for a retreat. Gotta live through tomorrow morning first.

Can't... sit... still... >_>

Can I even sleep......?

[Friday, July 30, 2004]



So, stuff has happened. Not much.

16-19: Parents (mainly my mom) start stressing out when my Uncle (-Pond) decides to make my grandma's funeral a big deal (aka. telling the whole world)... Not saying that's a bad thing, but making it a big deal = more work = more money. I'm sure grandma wouldn't want us wasting all this money on her funeral.. I agree with my bro on this. The ceremony came up to be $1k (1,000) I think it was and that's not including the insanely expensive lunch. We only wanted 3 tables full of people (10 ppl per table?), 4 the most.. and suddenlyy 70 people showed up (70 compared to 30!?) meaning 7 tables and around $220 per table. Dude, 80% of the people don't even know her. Sure come and shake our hand and hold a sympathetic face for us and then leech us of our money. Bah, I know I shouldn't be angry or upset about this especially when people come because they care but still... -_-

Staples Job fair. It was a failure.

I switched to JP Playonline. Getting used to playing in Japanese now. I still suck at recognizing kanji though. Why switch? Because I could do this: ヽ(`д´)ノw

My uncle and aunt visit from HK (mom's big bro & wife) to come see my grandma last Sat (24). The digi pictures I took for them turned out pretty good, except I noticed they fooled around with the lighting with one of them... grr photo people. Digi pictures are now pretty cheap to develop which is a good thing... better find more pictures to develop. So anyway, we had breakfast before we went to pick them up at the airport. They haven't ate yet so we eat at California Cafe (was that the name?) then I got driven back by my Uncle (-Pond, that is) that once again reconfirm the fact that he's the worst driver in the world: driving without hands, driving in two lanes, stopping like its DDR and not signaling all done while TALKING to ME. I was too scared to tell him to watch the road... -_-;;; I am glad I arrived home safely. D:

I picked the car and headed to the airport again to pick up the Fish. Hmm.. there wasn't anyone who wanted to come... so whatever, he said he didn't want lots of people to come in-case he dies from jetlag and isn't able to stay awake. I get there at 215 or so and waited about 45 mins before he shows up. Throughout the wait, I saw lots of other guys that looked just like him lol (big guy carrying a backpack with the chinaman look lolol)... So anyways, after picking him up he claims he isn't tired so frack we start calling up people who can't make it out at that time so instead they plan dinner instead, which I did not attend.

Instead, I had Shanghainese food for dinner with my family and relatives... The day after, we met them in the morning at church. After service, I walked with the two around Fraser Street waiting for Auntie April to finish her meeting. We had lunch at a Chinese restaurant across from Amy's Cake Shop and fish fished by Uncle Raymond. He also brought red wine, which was nice and interesting for an afternoon meal. The food was okay, not superbly great but Uncle Raymond & co love the place apparently. Edmond (or is he Alan? lol) goes out near the end of dinner and brings back some old fashioned coke bottles; I kept one for myself. Later that night, we eat at the Chinese restaurant across from Yaohan. The next day, we had noodles for dinner at Mak's (is it Mak's?) and my congee came last. :[ The day after that, we have dim sum with Angel(Uncle's daughter) and her companion (sort-of boyfriend, ya; caccasian) at Spicy Court. He's a PILOT OMFG. いいな?

I take the car and make my way to Metrotown. I get there a little early... Soon I see a guy in tan-coloured clothing sitting there by myself on the bench in front of Playdium. Hmm, I wonder if he was the guy I was supposed to be meeting with. I wasn't sure so I stood around and waited a bit longer. Soon enough I went and approched him first (yes me, out of all people) and yes it was him! Him = Tekmo. Yey, the first person I met from #digimon. ;) we make out way to what was once the food court with did not exist anymore, so we followed the funny signs on the floor that lead us to the new food court and whoa, the new Metro food courts *really* pretty. And so we eat food and then start wandering. Bah, I didn't have any good ideas for what to do so we just walked around mindlessly. Then we made our way to Crystal Mall to have some good ol' bubble tea which was disappointingly BAD! More mindless walking and talking and then we soon disbanded. He claims he had fun.. but really, I don't know.. >_> Oh and I got my ass kicked in DDR. Him = 2 feet.. Me = 4/5 feet. I had platform sandals on but still... ASS GOT WHOOPED!!!11

That night family and relatives had dinner at Tropika. More good food.

My uncle and aunt left for HK the next morning. I didn't go. I didn't feel like anything that day. Didn't go to the Breadgarden job fair nor the fireworks. I did manage to do my RSE quest for FF instead though.

So it's the end of the month. I'm supposed to have decided what to do now and in September. I feel it's too late to register for most things... maybe I'll end up working for a semester... or two.. or... a year. Maybe... That's only being optimistic though.

[Tuesday, July 13, 2004]

So, Hi


Cosmetic Night/The Bay Galla yesterday and my mom volunteered me to go help out (but my mom's taking a break from work so she wasn't there :[)... When I got to her counter, the Shisheido head manager person lady from Toronto was bitching at the Shisheido people about all sorts of stuff. I excused myself and got introduced to the "boss lady" (I forgot her name again) and yeah, she's scary. She sent me to go help out another lady, Joyce, at the front door. I think I did a crap job helping out though... anyways, after some ticket ripping and paper passing, I got sent to the centre stage where they were passing out gift baskets for customers who bought over $100. The nice girl Michelle and the semi-nice girl Jennifer (who once worked at the same counter with my mom) were there and only Michelle explained to me what was going on. I sorta became security person who watched for any reaching hands that tried to steal 'em baskets. Then we realized that I wasn't really needed there either so they sent me to work with a 9 year old kid at the beverages table. I was sooo surprised to see her there, firstly because she was only a kid and second she was pretty smart. But she did silly child things like pretend her grandma was calling on her cellphone (which was her aunt's) and talked in Italian. And then she'd tell me what she was talking about on her phone. The rest of my night I worked with the girl, Miranda (who wanted me to call her Mir and insisted that she call me Candy)... it was surprisingly hectic at the drinks table. The people came in giant WAVES and they would all just stand there and demand for drinks. Some would even walk up behind us and steal it from us, without asking. Then Mir would go and yell at them.. >_> But there was a good hour or so in between it all when Mir was sent somewhere else and I had to work alone. It was crazyy.. the people were crazy.. they were GREEDY FOR DRINKS. Goodness, take ONE bottle not TWO OR THREE for yourself. We made great big messes of water everwhere, ripped mad paper to dry the drinks, our hands were pruney by the end of the day and oh... I didn't get to say goodbye to her. My mom's fellow worker hurried me to leave as soon as they were done because she told me not to hang around after to clean up lol. Anyways, it was nice but I only got to take a bite out of one cream puff throughout the whole night. I wanted something from the fruit lady at least... but she and her plate disappeared as soon as I saw her.. ughh...

Anyways, the summer heat's back... it's hot.

[Sunday, July 11, 2004]



So I finally felt like blogging... so much has happened and time's still going by quickly.

There was Spiderman 2. Good movie.

Fish suddenly had to leave to HK we last minute-ly decided to go to Playland. And how wonderful it was to go on a scortching hot summer day. This time, I got to ride on everything (except a selected unimportant few). We got there early so there weren't any line ups yet. Went on the Roller Coaster a few, Hellevator a few, the Enterprise only once before it flipped my stomach over for the rest of the day, Corkscrew only once before it ripped open my ear, Music Express a few, Crazy Beach Party only once (sickening ride), Log Ride and some others.... enjoyed our free tokens at the arcade... had Subway for our late lunch and left. Then made up stupid stories that revolved around, ahem, diarrea.

Then Fish left. I went halfway through the wrong floor and had to call him. Then I realized I didn't get a receipt for the ticket, so I had to call him again. Scared myself a dozen times, especially when he said that its easy for people to get mugged in the parking lot too. >_>

Then I moved my computer room to my bro's old room. Took me a while to clean it out and I'm still not done yet. He has a lot of junk apparently... and most of it is dust-covered. Bad for my allergies.

No job still.

Went to a wedding ceremony at a church Downtown Saturday. It was funny watching the groom after their exchange of rings.. he was psyched. :D

Got home and stayed home. Then I got a call in the middle of the afternoon from my dad that my mom's grandma passed away. It was strange... I didn't know how to respond and ended up with, "Huh?" Then he told me to contact my bro about it and go to them whenever. I found him on ffxi and we got going asap. I was still fine until Uncle Pond showed up at the top of the stairs and took my hand as we headed to my grandma's room... She was indeed gone by the time we got there but my dad and my mom were by her side before she left. It was a good thing that she left though... she doesn't have to live through anymore painful days in the hospital. Besides my mom being the most affected, it hit my bro quite hard too...

So I stayed home that night instead of attending Ray's party and had a nice dinner as a whole family.

Oh, I also told my mom what my plans are for September and she doesn't approve of it. I don't know what to do...

I also heard some student from our grad year passed away because of drinking and driving. Even though I didn't know him, RIP.

[Thursday, July 1, 2004]

Dogs, Dogs, Dogs


*sniff* runny nose....

Had dim sum with some old Elementary school buds [Andy and Yisa to be exact -- Phyllis apparently *couldn't* come because of Eurocup, pfft, excuses] with Jo and Amy at Spicy Court across from Oakridge. We waited forever for our food and ended up with leftovers. We played a game of Jan-Ken-Guu to split the leftovers. Afterwards, Jo and I went to Oakridge and sat around, wondering what to do. We called up Mike and told him to get his ass up to watch Spiderman and so we did. We also called up Simon and Elie and went on our way to Silvercity Riverport. The theatres were surprisingly empty for a 3:30 show. We sipped on our free water; no popcorn this time. The movie was pretty good and lived up to expectations. After we returned to Van to buy the bus pass I promised to get Garth. When we got there, we found that the bookstore closed earlier for the summer. Ugh, I felt bad for not buying earlier for him though... We then went to have dinner at Honolulu on Main and had to order an expensive meal because there was nothing else good *sigh*... We were too stuffed so Jo suggested that we walk the dogs and yes, so we did. We returned to Mike's place to walk his two dogs. We arrived at Jo's place and brought her dog along as well. Next we picked up Elie's dog at her house which required two leashes and two walkers (yeow, scary dog). We ran, walked and got dragged around. We walked back to Mike's place with all the dogs and gave them some water. I, on the other hand, developed foot pain and scrapes from wearing the wrong kind of shoe for the occasion. While the others went back to return the dogs to their rightful homes, I sat around a bit, blowing my runny nose. I waited a bit and drove to Jo's place to wait and pick up all the dog walkers. I apparently arrived too early because I had to wait a good half n hour before they arrived. Everyone was tired by then and my nose continued to run. Finally after some rest, everyone agreed to go home. I stayed at Mike's place to get my computer-related stuff fixed and got home afterwards. Now I'm feeling miserable, stuffed and exhausted. I must be sick.
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