Tango Appassionata

[Thursday, July 1, 2004]

Dogs, Dogs, Dogs

*sniff* runny nose....

Had dim sum with some old Elementary school buds [Andy and Yisa to be exact -- Phyllis apparently *couldn't* come because of Eurocup, pfft, excuses] with Jo and Amy at Spicy Court across from Oakridge. We waited forever for our food and ended up with leftovers. We played a game of Jan-Ken-Guu to split the leftovers. Afterwards, Jo and I went to Oakridge and sat around, wondering what to do. We called up Mike and told him to get his ass up to watch Spiderman and so we did. We also called up Simon and Elie and went on our way to Silvercity Riverport. The theatres were surprisingly empty for a 3:30 show. We sipped on our free water; no popcorn this time. The movie was pretty good and lived up to expectations. After we returned to Van to buy the bus pass I promised to get Garth. When we got there, we found that the bookstore closed earlier for the summer. Ugh, I felt bad for not buying earlier for him though... We then went to have dinner at Honolulu on Main and had to order an expensive meal because there was nothing else good *sigh*... We were too stuffed so Jo suggested that we walk the dogs and yes, so we did. We returned to Mike's place to walk his two dogs. We arrived at Jo's place and brought her dog along as well. Next we picked up Elie's dog at her house which required two leashes and two walkers (yeow, scary dog). We ran, walked and got dragged around. We walked back to Mike's place with all the dogs and gave them some water. I, on the other hand, developed foot pain and scrapes from wearing the wrong kind of shoe for the occasion. While the others went back to return the dogs to their rightful homes, I sat around a bit, blowing my runny nose. I waited a bit and drove to Jo's place to wait and pick up all the dog walkers. I apparently arrived too early because I had to wait a good half n hour before they arrived. Everyone was tired by then and my nose continued to run. Finally after some rest, everyone agreed to go home. I stayed at Mike's place to get my computer-related stuff fixed and got home afterwards. Now I'm feeling miserable, stuffed and exhausted. I must be sick.


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