Tango Appassionata

[Monday, June 28, 2004]

Feeling Busy Busy...

Agh I got bitten at my ankle today.. itchy itchy~

I participated in the 30-hour famine and completely forgot when it actually started the day it was scheduled to be. I woke up early (~8) and went to church for some activities to pass the 30-hour famine time. We had a "do something good" activity where we went around the community doing as many good things as we can off the list that was given or using our own ideas. Our group sorta sucked and was scared to do pretty much everything. It was fun and interesting nonetheless. Drank lots of water and juice!

In the same day, I met up with Tony Viv Jon Mike and I to watch The Terminal and it was GOOD! Tom Hanks rocks XD The movie was emotional at times, and funny at others.. Thumbs up! I'm glad I didn't skip this movie because it didn't seem to interest me at first... go Tony for making me, lol~ Well I had the free time anyways... getting hungry.

Woke up the next day feeling groggy and a little more hungry. The famine was over and I could smell bacon throughout the church D: ... they apparently had breakfast which I had to wake @ 7 if I wanted it, so no. We had some funny bread for snacktime so I grabbed myself one. Boy did I feel sick afterwards. I was in a cold sweat and was breathing heavily so I went home and died on the bed. The next thing I know, we had to go to a Father's Day all-you-can-eat dinner that night at Radisson Hotel. Gosh I felt overwhelmed. The food wasn't the greatest but it wasn't the worst either. I liked the fish the best I think. The green cream of broccoli soup tasted like water.

Oh, Amy came back on the weekend so Jo and I went out with her. We had a dinky-looking lunch, window-shopped and walked. Man, after all that window-shopping we all ached for new clothes.

Jo and I went to ANOTHER JOB FAIR! Jo woke up late! This fair was back at that YWCA place on Granville that we couldn't get into a few months ago. We got there earlier this time and waited around before they let people in chunk by chunk. There were quite a number of loud, obnoxious girls behind us. We went in to wait even MORE in the waiting room. Finally we were let into the actual small, small room with only 5 companies/groups. The visit was quick, so we left as soon as we could. Good luck to us... again.

Saturday, I was forced to go to a church picnic all the way at Cultus Lake, Chilliwack and had to wake at 8. The bus ride was boring... I tried to sleep, but I just closed my eyes the whole time. What's-his-face four-eyed honger-wannabe tried to ask about me, but I gave him the cold shoulder in front of everyone. Lol, whatever, his voice is sooo damn loud and annoying, so I told him it was none of his business to know. We arrived, did some rock skipping at the lake and walked the ports/bridges/ramp. There was a Korean tour group of some sort who sat not so far away from us... there were two potentially cute guys with them ;D... They sang, they talked then we ate. The food was so blah. Then I was taught how to play hacky-sack.. woo, it was hard but I'm starting to get the hang of it and getting BETTER (sorta)... I was able to hit it twice, rarely thrice, by the end of the day. Then I became empire for their volleyball game and called bad calls lol. Finally we made our way back a bit before 2... I put in the most effort not to have a sweaty guy sit beside me and I almost succeeded until this fracking fugly and annoying guy had to sit beside me. I was tired and I wanted to sleep but he kept showing his stupid card tricks and kept spraying when he talked... ugh he got too close, felt gross all over. Throughout the trip, I began developing some allergy (from passing by all the hay/grassland/etc?) and plugged up everywhere... ugh it became unbearable. It made it all worse when the guy beside me couldn't stop rambling about things I didn't care about... When I got home I died again, this time on the couch.

FFXI: Started playing again. Not much, but still started again. I think I got ripped off by the spell merchant in Selbina. Tried to play Ballista, but we were in a lack of people! 3v2 was the best it ended up to be! How disappointing...

Today. I was determined to pick my bro up from the airport, so I made some precautions before I decided when to meet up with the other group for Tony C's BBQ. He surprisingly came out earlier than expected (only 45 mins after landing) so I was dropped off at Mike's place. It took them forever to load up the car with the BBQ supplies. We made our way to Lansdowne McDix and met up with the rest of the group [everyone: Iris, Jon, Ben, Mike, Wendy, Tony, Tony C, Sally, Amy, Pearl, Simon]. We bought more kites and made our way to Garry Point. Unloading was also a hassle, especially when our designated camp area was farther than ever. The BBQer had quite a number of troubles throughout the day (falling over, unable to start, bolt cooking, etc) but it all worked out. However, we were unable to finish the food... I wonder what happened to them anyways? Oh, Keith came by and took Iris away D: ... We had more kite flying madness today and lots of skin/back/neck/arm burning from the sun. It was awfully hot and there were a lack of trees as well. We almost got Patriot to fly today.. almost. We gave up on the Patriot and had a 5 kite flying spreee and had kite wars where kites got tangled and it was a fight of the fitter flyer. :D Afterwards, we packed up and got to Mike's place. We hung around a bit and before we knew it, Tony C, the b-day boy, disappeared. We took this chance to ready the surprise cake but it took him too long to come back. The ice cream cake began to melt excessively and slide off the plate. D: They decided to refreeze the thing before we eat it tonight, which as you can see, I am not in attendance. My eyes are tired and my body aches from the day before (..and including today's insanity) so now I sleep... in two seconds.

Yay to souvenirs.


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