Tango Appassionata

[Monday, June 7, 2004]

BBQ + Night Market + Road Trip

No job yet.

We (Jo & I) were going to go to the Job Fair in Burnaby last Wednesday but after she realized the distance we'd have to go, we decided not to. Then we got kicked out of Fish's house because he didn't want us around. Then we met up with Sam, Tammy and Rhona at the bubble tea place across from Oakridge and they talked most of the time. We went across to Oakridge afterwards, walked a bit and ate. Man, Sam got a job before we did. D:

The weather hasn't been really consistant lately and we were all worried about the weather for Friday's BBQ, so we bought the groceries last minute. Sally, Tony, Jo, Fish and I went around Richmond (Osaka, Some Grocery Store at Union and Superstore) to buy the stuff we needed. Jo and I didn't do much though... didn't seem like there was a need for us to go... we just tagged along anyways.

Friday came and because Fish was being a total asshole two days before and pissed me off and kept me pissed, I purposely arrived late. BUT, I ended up being the FIRST TO ARRIVE anyway. Uguu... I sat around doing nothing for another half n hour before -- DER AND WINNIE arrive. Gasp, didn't know how to respond. I tried to mind my business but apparently Winnie was bored/wanted to socialized so she came over and talked... meh. More stupid Liquid boys arrived later and screwed around. Then I started playing with Fish's laptop and the rest was a blur... soon a lot more people arrived... Ate some, talked some, idled, loitered... Everyone was everywhere doing their own thing... Then there was an addiction to Xbox tetris and gave up when our visions began to blur. We also took the dogs out for a walk and picked up a little present for Fish and his house on the way *coughforsalesigncough*... Soon enough, at the very end of the day (after 1AM sometime), everyone ended up in the living room, listening to Daniel play crazy pieces on the piano. Someone suggested watching the Exorcist but we had trouble finding it. Sally wanted to MJ some more but no one felt like playing anymore. Everyone was dead tired so we decided to call it a night, finally...

Sunday evening, Jo comes and suggests that we go to the NIGHT MARKET later that night. イエイ? After having dinner at my grandma's place (completely forgetting to ask for pledges for my 30-Hour famine ;_;), we (Fish, Simon, Darren, Jo and I) headed down to Richmond (@9:30, closes @11 -_-;;;) and arrive and park ever so far. After walking a few blocks, we see giant ultra man hanging above us. We went up and down the rows -- wow, the place was bigger than we all expected. We had Okonomiyaki before we left and I picked up a $18 spindle for myself before the place closed. Next time, we'll have to go earlier and take more time looking at each stall; there were quite a number of places with some good stuff (like clothes, accessories). We got thirsty so we headed back to Vancouver and went to Bubbletopia. The girl gave us the wrong drink and I thought it was Simon's so I poked a straw in it. I urged him to try it but he didn't drink it so we all thought that was weird. And of course, it wasn't his so we gave it back.. ~_~;; It was around 12:30 and none of us wanted to go home, so we hung around at Fish's place. We searched for Monopoly some more (cont. from BBQ night) but still no luck. We talked for a few hours in his basement theatre until Jo began to get hungry. We shared a bottle of cider, had left over smokies from BBQ and played Pokemon Stadium (mainly minigames)... Time flew and it was around 4:30am. Fish, for some reason, suggested that we'd go to Krispy Kreme and so we did! We searched up the location and went on our way. The trip was pretty quick, considering the lack of other people awake at this time driving on the highway... we only saw two other cars on the road there so... XD Anyways, we arrived a little after 5am, and the place opens at 5:30! So we first bought the donuts from the drive-thru and went in later and enjoyed our sweets. The fresh one we got was super good XD... We sat around more, talked and ate and finally decided to go home. Suddenly we had to beat the rush with the rest of the Delta residents, trying to make their way across the bridge and everything to get to work in Vancouver and beyond. I got dropped off first and tiptoed in (@7:00am), taking my time across the floors and up the stairs, into my room. I heard something moving in my parents' room but apparently they didn't know, since they didn't say a word the next day.

Omg, my bro's going to Malay tomorrow and I still gotta get my 3 Krispy Kreme donuts from Fish's place. D:


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