Tango Appassionata

[Thursday, May 27, 2004]

Oh~ Lots of Movies

So a celebration was held for my nephew for living a whole month. A big, important event indeed, since it was also held at an expensive restaurant; high expectations were expected. Our whole family dressed up for it, going pretty semi-formal ONLY. Meh, we overrated the celebration dinner; we were actually the MOST overdressed. We forgot the majority that were invited were my aunt's co-workers who all worked at T&T with her... man. We dressed better than the hosts. *coughcough*

Moni-moo needed people to practice on for her manicure skillz so I agreed on helping. Had to wake up early and bus to VCC to meet her at school. I gave her the wrong hand to start with and had my right hand done. There was a lack of time so I lived a day with one really pointy hand. I went the next day to get the other hand done. It was hard to get used to the pointy hands at first, but it's all good now. Still quite inconvenient though... Oh well it's cooooo~l!

We had a movie night the other day. Knowing Shrek 2 was coming out, we rewatched Shrek again and also because Fish and Elie hasn't watched it yet. We took the opportunity to finish the Smirnoff Vanilla as well so I could bring the beautiful bottle home which is now beautifully proped on the highest shelf with my precious cds. Anyways, afterwards, we went to Kam Do ("Golden Knife") to have some good dinner. And we met TROUBLE. We dropped Elie off and went to pick up Ocean's Eleven from the video store. We had trouble finding it there though... :O We got back and met up with Simon and Sally as well and watched it. Oooh, such a good movie~ Brad Pitt's always eating... so good :D Jerry came half way and watched as well. Jo and I left early while the rest of the people went on with their MJ. Can't wait for Ocean's Twelve~! Oh and Shrek 2 too~!

My mom borrowed a fake DVD of AZUMI from someguy and I decided to watch it. Gawd, Hiroki Narimiya's so damn cute! WHY'D HE HAVE TO [spoiler]DIE![/spoiler]... I soon figured [spoiler]most people, if not everyone, would die[/spoiler] after Amagi went and killed himself. And I saw Nagara and hoped he would die cuz of his ugliness... Aw then I thought, Hyouga can't die! He's got a GIRL! And he's pretty decent looking! And then woosh, death. Then the cute Ukiha dies (dying ever so heroicly~). And at the end, the UGLY GUY'S ALIVE?! Man, super disappointment. I just hope AZUMI 2 has more hot guys for me to gawk at :p

I just finished watching Moon Child before I started posting... Wow, they can't act but they put the funniest humor in there. But it was sad... But to think hyde's a vampire.... I would have never thought the story would be about a vampire... I expected something more "mood child"-like than a guy that can't live under the sun and sucks peoples' blood to live. Meh, a little less unoriginality there but oh well... their hotness pays off.

Job hunting is such a drag...


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